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Four explosions in Quetta

Iran is the country that claims to back Shias all over the world.

Bullcrap. You Pakistanis are famous for blaming everybody else, besides yourselves. What has Iran done in Pakistan? If Iran was really meddling in your affairs, the Shias would be able to defend themselves. Your own intelligence department brought this whole religious madness to the region. If you want real change, close down the madrassas for a start.

True, True.... Iran is the last innocent country left on earth. Anyway - There is no need for Iran to interfere in internal matter of Pakistan. If she really care about Shias than she must help in stopping their funding & support coming from neighboring countries. Why you show you biasnes if you are really well wisher of Pak. Why not also stop Shia's from getting education in Qom?

Aren't those Shia's pakistani's ? They are expecting Pak establishment to protect them !

He is thinking on same lines as Syria where Arabs are supporting FSA. But the matter of the fact is Pakistan must stop both KSA & Iran from interfering it's internal affairs.
Extremism is one of problems we have and there is no denial about that - but in your hate against Arabs you forgot the fact that in Baluchistan - Baluch terrorists are involved and they have nothing to do with wahabisim or arabs - and their targets are all who are pro-Pakistan irrespective of their sect or religion i.e. Pro-Pak Baluchs, Pashtoons, Hazaras & Punjabis. And their support & funds comes from neighboring countries and in past as well they were supported by our neighbors.

BLA leadership is in UAE
True, True.... Iran is the last innocent country left on earth. Anyway - There is no need for Iran to interfere in internal matter of Pakistan. If she really care about Shias than she must help in stopping their funding & support coming from neighboring countries. Why you show you biasnes if you are really well wisher of Pak. Why not also stop Shia's from getting education in Qom?

What are you talking about? If your government isn't able to protect a minority group, the Shias, Iran must step in. Simple as that. What has Iran done in Pakistan? You still haven't answered that. While Shias are getting bombed, Iran is sitting and watching. The Shias are not the problem in Pakistan; extremist Sunnis are.
BLA leadership is in UAE

I know that . . . . But the get logistic support from Afghanistan .... Northern Alliance. That's why i am saying Pakistan must revisit it's policies regarding Arabs & Iran and stop them to interfere in our internal matter. Whole middle east is there for them to fight for influence - they must spare us.
question is who will be next target after shias and mark my word its the ones sitting quietly.

Ah the moderates... Extremists always need someone to kill. I am not an expert in Pakistani religious affairs, but mark my words...unless Sunni-shia reconcile, Pak is always vulnerable to external forces.

As one member said, If correct education is imparted ( I am suggesting to regulate ), then atleast the next generation will lift up Pakistan.
What are you talking about? If your government isn't able to protect a minority group, the Shias, Iran must step in. Simple as that. What has Iran done in Pakistan? You still haven't answered that. While Shias are getting bombed, Iran is sitting and watching. The Shias are not the problem in Pakistan; extremist Sunnis are.

Hmm... Do you know the figures number of sunnies among more than 40K who lost their lives? Their lives are worthless for Iran? So, Arabs should step in to protect them? I already told you keep your sectarian hate in Middle East threads.

By your logic, Arabs support for FSA is justified. isn't it? And please this topic is not related to Iran so - don't derail it.
Hmm... Do you know the figures number of sunnies among more than 40K who lost their lives? Their lives are worthless for Iran? So, Arabs should step in to protect them? I already told you keep your sectarian hate in Middle East threads.

Arabs has already stepped in. They are funding all kind of hate schools in Pakistan. Schools that teach anti-Shiism. You Pakistanis are the one who invented sectarian hatred; not Iran.
Arabs has already stepped in. They are funding all kind of hate schools in Pakistan. Schools that teach anti-Shiism. You Pakistanis are the one who invented sectarian hatred; not Iran.

We invented sects....... gimme break.
Ah the moderates... Extremists always need someone to kill. I am not an expert in Pakistani religious affairs, but mark my words...unless Sunni-shia reconcile, Pak is always vulnerable to external forces.

As one member said, If correct education is imparted ( I am suggesting to regulate ), then atleast the next generation will lift up Pakistan.

There are some nut jobs Mullahs in all sects but overall majority of people don't care about it. I myself have relatives of 3 major sects. There were terrorist attacks in sunni mosques as well - yesterday in swat as well. I am against every kind of extremist mullah irrespective of he sect. But, in Pakistan sect & ethnicity is being used to create chaos and surely enemies will fail.

Yes. There is no other country in the world with that much sectarian hatred. You guys destroyed Afghanistan with all that extremism, and know you guys are victims of your own old-policies.

You guys are best at diverting any kind of thread to sectarian and ethnic battle grounds. I again remind you Topic has nothing to do with Iran and is internal matter of Pakistan.
There are some nut jobs Mullahs in all sects but overall majority of people don't care about it. I myself have relatives of 3 major sects. There were terrorist attacks in sunni mosques as well - yesterday in swat as well. I am against every kind of extremist mullah irrespective of he sect. But, in Pakistan sect & ethnicity is being used to create chaos and surely enemies will fail.

I blame Pakistan & Pakistan alone for allowing such foreign interference. I can't for a second think that our security apparatus isn't more than capable of shutting down all these foreign funded religious seminaries & cultural centers !
You guys are best at diverting any kind of thread to sectarian and ethnic battle grounds. I again remind you Topic has nothing to do with Iran and is internal matter of Pakistan.

Provide me with any proof. What has Iran done in Pakistan. Please enlighten me.
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