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Found! Oldest Known Alien Planet That Might Support Life

Go on....I am listening.

Dinosaurs existed for hundreds of millions of year ago before humans, even the time gap between Stegosaurus (156 million years ago) and T-Rex (66 million years ago) is more than T-Rex and Humans. Yet, there hasn't been any considerable development of intelligence among them.

Now, if you consider a planet started harboring life millions of years ago, it becomes a matter of chance that the organism evolved as much as to gain an intelligence to harbor a civilization. Another factor comes into play is, how many times these life forms faced mass extinction, as for earth, life forms have faced mass extinctions about 4 times, the 5th one is going on now. And even if they have a civilization, it must have a tripping point, when the civilization is on the brink of it's self extinction. The height of cold wars was one such moment for us. As every organism evolves in a way to have access to a large share of natural resources. For example, a small mutation caused trees to get higher for more natural sunlight, killing off all the shrubs failed to get into the competition. The same struggle for natural resources becomes violence in much evolved organism.

Now, from the view point of evolution, evolution is a process in which any species gets an advantage to survive and get access to more natural resources in a changing environment. The intelligence as we speak of is an attribute of evolution. Now consider a planet which has stagnant environment, the pace of evolution will dwindle too, considering the fact that the organisms are already well adapted to sustain life in that environment. For example, if you look into the living fossils living in deep seas, they haven't evolved at all over a course of 50-60 million years, as the environment they lived in was stagnant over the course of time.

Thank You for reading through this long boring view points. :P
Dinosaurs existed for hundreds of millions of year ago before humans, even the time gap between Stegosaurus (156 million years ago) and T-Rex (66 million years ago) is more than T-Rex and Humans. Yet, there hasn't been any considerable development of intelligence among them.

Now, if you consider a planet started harboring life millions of years ago, it becomes a matter of chance that the organism evolved as much as to gain an intelligence to harbor a civilization. Another factor comes into play is, how many times these life forms faced mass extinction, as for earth, life forms have faced mass extinctions about 4 times, the 5th one is going on now. And even if they have a civilization, it must have a tripping point, when the civilization is on the brink of it's self extinction. The height of cold wars was one such moment for us. As every organism evolves in a way to have access to a large share of natural resources. For example, a small mutation caused trees to get higher for more natural sunlight, killing off all the shrubs failed to get into the competition. The same struggle for natural resources becomes violence in much evolved organism.

Now, from the view point of evolution, evolution is a process in which any species gets an advantage to survive and get access to more natural resources in a changing environment. The intelligence as we speak of is an attribute of evolution. Now consider a planet which has stagnant environment, the pace of evolution will dwindle too, considering the fact that the organisms are already well adapted to sustain life in that environment. For example, if you look into the living fossils living in deep seas, they haven't evolved at all over a course of 50-60 million years, as the environment they lived in was stagnant over the course of time.

Thank You for reading through this long boring view points. :P
I liked your explanation.
But then our human ego stops us from believing that there could actually be a species more evolved than ours.
Yesss it is astonishing that out of the millions of species only homosapiens evolved at a rate much fatser than the rest of the organisms on earth.Why just humans?? Why not the other superior animals who had a higher chances of survival and at the top of food pyramid???
Now that is like fuelling the idea that we humans were indeed Guinea pigs for a higher and more evolved species.
And with that we are back to square one. :P
I liked your explanation.
But then our human ego stops us from believing that there could actually be a species more evolved than ours.
Yesss it is astonishing that out of the millions of species only homosapiens evolved at a rate much fatser than the rest of the organisms on earth.Why just humans?? Why not the other superior animals who had a higher chances of survival and at the top of food pyramid???
Now that is like fuelling the idea that we humans were indeed Guinea pigs for a higher and more evolved species.
And with that we are back to square one. :P

More on it, tomorrow. I can publish a book on the topic. :lol:
I liked your explanation.
But then our human ego stops us from believing that there could actually be a species more evolved than ours.
Yesss it is astonishing that out of the millions of species only homosapiens evolved at a rate much fatser than the rest of the organisms on earth.Why just humans?? Why not the other superior animals who had a higher chances of survival and at the top of food pyramid???
Now that is like fuelling the idea that we humans were indeed Guinea pigs for a higher and more evolved species.
And with that we are back to square one. :P

Great Persons think alike.
Looking at the pace of development/ evolution it wont be wrong to say that we may be guinea pig for an evolved specie or species.

Alien theories, stories about angels, God and other mystical forms appearing from thin air or descend down from sky .... all points in one direction that we are not alone.

I'm strong believer of aliens (superior life form) living among us or monitoring us or guiding / mis-guiding us.
Pfft we will reach there in a day. All we need is this plane


Make the kessel run in under 12 parsacs :P :P :P


And these boys to pilot it. :P
More on it, tomorrow. I can publish a book on the topic.
Take your beauty sleep:lol:
I will wait for your "book" on this topic :-)

Great Persons think alike.
Looking at the pace of development/ evolution it wont be wrong to say that we may be guinea pig for an evolved specie or species.

Alien theories, stories about angels, God and other mystical forms appearing from thin air or descend down from sky .... all points in one direction that we are not alone.

I'm strong believer of aliens (superior life form) living among us or monitoring us or guiding / mis-guiding us.
Glad to know that "great" ppl like you ( :P ) are on the same page as me on this topic.
According to the theory of relativity, it will take infinite energy to accelerate a particle to the speed of light, 99.99% is possibility, not 100%. :D

No, it is possible to travel FTL. Just ask Rajni or Chuck to give a kick .......(Where I will not tell...:D). Then any one can travel travel faster than speed of light!!......
13 Years if we go at speed of Light. But with current tech forget it.
I dont see this happening for next 1000 year

Long enough for me and you to reach our graves without ever knowing the bigger secrets of the cosmos.:drag:
How long does it take to get there from earth?

wrong at 5 April 2063 Phoenix will go on its maiden flight and the age space for humanity start in reality thanks to the invention of warp drive
With Present Technology , it will take 296,000 years , how old is our great civilization 2,000 years yep before that we did not even knew how to write our history in records good luck reaching 296,000 years

Unless you we can learn to clone bodies back to 10 years old and reset the mind into it , and have perpetual 100,000 years lives , we can't get to any close by star , the stuff is just too far away

Humans can't survive 1-2 year journey in space our bodies are not designed to handle the space challenges sadly that is our limit we are bound to earth
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We dunno if the planet exists now.. what we see is its image 13 years back...
We dunno if the planet exists now.. what we see is its image 13 years back...
We don't know if you're still alive or not, your post was 33 minutes back.

I am a computer program, I don't have death, you puny mortal

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