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Found! Oldest Known Alien Planet That Might Support Life

the Amount of distance between us and the other stars or galaxies is depressing because even if achieve the speed of light, the closest stars to us are about 4-8 lights years away and the closest galaxy is about 25,000 light years away. There are about 300 billion stars in our galaxy and about 500 billion galaxies in the universe and Imagine if the multi-verse theory is true :fie:

How Many Stars Are in the Universe?

For the Universe, the galaxies are our small representative volumes, and there are something like 10 to the power11 to 10 to the power12 stars in our Galaxy, and there are perhaps something like 10 to the power 11 or 10 to the power 12 galaxies.

With this simple calculation you get something like 10 to the power 22 to 10 to the power 24 stars in the Universe (or say one Octillion!!). This is only a rough number, as obviously not all galaxies are the same, just like on a beach the depth of sand will not be the same in different places.

How many stars are there in the Universe? / Herschel / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

@SeanShah1003 @KAL-EL @Skull and Bones @levina @AUSTERLITZ @qamar1990 @hasnain0099
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I strongly believe that even if a planet which can support life was formed 1/2 a million years before earth then inhabitants of that planet would have the technological know how of travelling across solar systems and galaxies.

not really. what if that planet has life like dinosaurs?
I strongly believe that even if a planet which can support life was formed 1/2 a million years before earth then inhabitants of that planet would have the technological know how of travelling across solar systems and galaxies.

I doubt it,travelling faster than light messes with the time-space continum itself with completely unforeseen results.
And if u travel at light speed it would still take years.

No, we are not insignificant. Please don't get depressed, be optimistic!!...:tup: At this age I still think we can have a contact with Aliens within my life!!

Stephen hawking warns that if we established contact with aliens right now and they got here it would be like columbus and the idians,with us being the indians.So he argues establishing contact is not in our best interests.
How Many Stars Are in the Universe?

For the Universe, the galaxies are our small representative volumes, and there are something like 1011 to 1012 stars in our Galaxy, and there are perhaps something like 1011 or 1012 galaxies.

With this simple calculation you get something like 1022 to 1024 stars in the Universe (or say one Octillion!!). This is only a rough number, as obviously not all galaxies are the same, just like on a beach the depth of sand will not be the same in different places.

How many stars are there in the Universe? / Herschel / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

@SeanShah1003 @KAL-EL @Skull and Bones @levina @AUSTERLITZ @qamar1990 @hasnain0099
Great article..Thanks :tup::tup::tup:
How Many Stars Are in the Universe?

For the Universe, the galaxies are our small representative volumes, and there are something like 10 to the power11 to 10 to the power12 stars in our Galaxy, and there are perhaps something like 10 to the power 11 or 10 to the power 12 galaxies.

With this simple calculation you get something like 10 to the power 22 to 10 to the power 24 stars in the Universe (or say one Octillion!!). This is only a rough number, as obviously not all galaxies are the same, just like on a beach the depth of sand will not be the same in different places.

How many stars are there in the Universe? / Herschel / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

@SeanShah1003 @KAL-EL @Skull and Bones @levina @AUSTERLITZ @qamar1990 @hasnain0099

Q. How by stars in the universe???
A. One octillion.
Thats an unimaginable number,I would still prefer "a lot". :-(

not really. what if that planet has life like dinosaurs?
I am assuming that the life on other planet must 've evolved at the same rate a earth..
I doubt it,travelling faster than light messes with the time-space continum itself with completely unforeseen results.
And if u travel at light speed it would still take years.
Austerlyy its not as if we know everything about science. It would be dilettante to assume speed of light is a touchstone.
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I doubt it,travelling faster than light messes with the time-space continum itself with completely unforeseen results.
And if u travel at light speed it would still take years.

According to the theory of relativity, it will take infinite energy to accelerate a particle to the speed of light, 99.99% is possibility, not 100%. :D
I strongly believe that even if a planet which can support life was formed 1/2 a million years before earth then inhabitants of that planet would have the technological know how of travelling across solar systems and galaxies.

Not necessarily. There is a lengthy explanation i can give, and it will bore you. LOL
I saw a documentary once about Aliens and how life started on earth,etc. So a scientist says that he believes that there is a Massive Alien out there who created life on earth because everything fits in place perfectly for it be Natural selection or evolution in simple words. I started smiling and thought to myself, why can't you just call that Massive Alien 'God' and get it over with. :sarcastic:

But say for example sake what if the Aliens did create life on earth but then what created the aliens? :o: makes my mind boggle thinking about it.
maybe the aliens already know how self destructive we are and that we will implode and destroy this planet so they will think why bother making contact? with such beings. They most probs consider us to be idiots who have nothing to offer them so they seeking other worlds with more intelligent higher evolved beings and we not welcome to the party! :(
I saw a documentary once about Aliens and how life started on earth,etc. So a scientist says that he believes that there is a Massive Alien out there who created life on earth because everything fits in place perfectly for it be Natural selection or evolution in simple words. I started smiling and thought to myself, why can't you just call that Massive Alien 'God' and get it over with. :sarcastic:

No, when scientist say the life on earth can be of alien origin, it means that certain extremophiles have been found to survive in severe harsh environments, exposure to gamma rays as found in space, and can survive the journey of space in a space rock. And it has been found that that planets like Venus, Earth and Mars have constantly shared their space rocks because of asteroid collisions. And at the same time, the conditions of Mars and Venus was much favorable for life billions of years ago. So, if you want to consider those microscopic extremophiles as 'God', then it's fine. But they are massive in no means, apart from their contributions.

And this is a hypothesis, not experimentally verified fact. Nor had enough research been done on space rocks to support the evidence of transport of life through space.

maybe the aliens already know how self destructive we are and that we will implode and destroy this planet so they will think why bother making contact? with such beings. They most probs consider us to be idiots who have nothing to offer them so they seeking other worlds with more intelligent higher evolved beings and we not welcome to the party! :(

Every civilization has a tripping point, and the struggle for resource is an attribute for every organism. Which gets manifested as violence in much evolved species. This factor is considered in Drake's equation.

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