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Former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis is worried about Pakistan

One of my finger just rose automatically

You meant the middle one?

As the Afghanistan situation winds down and America gets what it wants, it will revert to the old line against Pakistan nukes insinuating that extremists could lay their hands on them. The people celebrating recent thaw in relationship are naive.
James Mattis is very worried about Pakistan

Sep 3, 2019

In a wide-ranging interview at The Council on Foreign Relations, former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis reaffirmed his stance that Pakistan is the "most dangerous" country in terms of United States foreign policy.

Mattis said what he describes as the "radicalization" of Pakistani society is the impetus for his reasoning — a viewpoint, he said, that is shared by members of Pakistan's military. "They realize what they've got going on there," Mattis said.

The general described U.S.-Pakistan relations as "twisted," adding that Pakistan's fast-growing nuclear arsenal means Washington needs to focus on "arms control and non-proliferation efforts" when working with Islamabad. "This is a much worse problem, I think, than anyone's writing about today," he said during the CFR event.

Play the video at: 31:22 - 32:14

....for what will the warmonger do when the war ends..
His ideas are old and wrong. Pakistan have realized its never good to be fully in one camp. Pakistan will always be a chinese ally but will also value its relation with the US and Europe. Pakistan have deep relations with saudi and GCC, also US allies. I feel the US sees this too and hence want to keep some relations, will see that after their afghan exit.
and then ppl say we make up conspiracy theories.
what an asshole this loser is.
An extremist party that has ruled before and is now ruling the so called second largest democracy of the world and this guy thinks Pakistan is the most dangerous country in the world. Knock knock on Mattis head, anybody in there ?

Former US defense secretary James Mattis has described Pakistan as the world’s “most dangerous country,” expressing deep and dark concerns about both the radicalization of its society and its ever-growing nuclear weapons arsenal.

Having spent decades in the military before serving as Trump’s defense secretary from January 2017 to January 2019, Jim ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis made the worrying statements about Pakistan in his new book ‘Call Sign Chaos.’

Throughout the book Mattis, a former top US Marine Corps commander in Afghanistan and later head of US Central Command, claims that Pakistan’s government “views all geopolitics through the prism of its hostility toward India,” to the point where it helped install a friendly government in Kabul merely to resist Indian regional influence.

“Of all the countries I’ve dealt with, I consider Pakistan to be the most dangerous, because of the radicalization of its society and the availability of nuclear weapons,” Mattis writes. “We can’t have the fastest-growing nuclear arsenal in the world falling into the hands of the terrorists breeding in their midst. The result would be disastrous.” Mattis may have been referring to groups such as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, an IS (Islamic State, formerly ISIS) wannabe that is hoping to overthrow the Pakistani government and establish its own caliphate.

Furthermore, Mattis believes that ordinary Pakistani citizens “don’t have leaders who care about their future,” which ultimately poses a threat to the US and its allies in the region
The former Trump adviser describes the relationship between the US and Pakistan as “very twisted” in that, while the Trump administration and its predecessors have long relied on Pakistan to mediate talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan, it also withdrew hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for the Pakistani military.

“We could manage our problems with Pakistan, but our divisions were too deep, and trust too shallow, to resolve them,” Mattis said, arguing that this was precisely why former president Barack Obama did not warn Pakistani authorities of the Seal Team Six incursion into Abbottabad to kill Osama Bin Laden in 2011.

It seems the cat is out of the bag now.
Target Pakistan, now that the grip on Afghanistan is loosening, another excuse, the old boogie the "Nuclear Threat".
Oh boy. Same old same old.
Wake up Pakistan and Pakistanis.
eff you! the narrative you built against Pakistan is being dismantled by western people who visit Pakistan and see the country for themselves. Keep ranting and stop being india's labradoodle.

Furthermore, Mattis believes that ordinary Pakistani citizens “don’t have leaders who care about their future,” which ultimately poses a threat to the US and its allies in the region

This is something I actually agree with him and am surprised he's said it. Corrupt leadership is dangerous not just for the nuclear armed countries but also the world.

This is something I actually agree with him and am surprised he's said it. Corrupt leadership is dangerous not just for the nuclear armed countries but also the world.
who brought those corrupt leaders back? well one of parties was the yanks so this ranting needs to stop and it's not like the yanks to take responsibility for their f#ck ups but scapegoat others.
Of course Gen Mattis is going to say this. His arse was handed over to him A-stan cause he was such a douche bag! :lol: :lol: The guy couldn't even do basics right in A-Stan when he was leading the US Marines there. Just look at A-stan now, the Taliban have over-run Kunduz, and the next target is Kabul!
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