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Former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis is worried about Pakistan

He is literally called Pagal Kutta aka Mad Dog. Shouldn't be taken seriously.
I know.

But he could still have influence in Washington D.C.

Just because Trump does not listen to him, does not mean that no one is listening to him.
for sure he have influence, but this guy just left a day or 2 ago so the wound is fresh hence i thought to highlight it
Mad dog got humiliated and sidelined during the Afghan peace process by Donald Trump. Mad dog is an Indian poodle. He was always staunchly opposed to a peace process with the Taliban where Pakistan was facilitating the talks. He was an obstructionist and Trump finally removed the obstacle.

There were some arguing that Mattis was the most pro-Pakistan ally in Trump administration. As it turns out this bastard was the worst. Trump did excellent by removing this scumbag.
For a reason the US companies become the most wealthy ones!!! It's due to their CEOs' ability to fire and hire without the blink of an eye to get the job done...
Precisely. The truth is, they are scared of Pakistan because it is precisely NOT an extremist hub and NOT controlled by rampant islamists. USA would actually LOVE such a Pakistan which is ISIS-like because it would be easy to manipulate. USA fears a modern, pluralistic Islamic republic the most, and this was exactly Quaid's vision.
They don't want to share the "best practices" they have!!! They conveniently forget these "best practices" are the results of the collective human experience, and are gained by HIS PERMISSION...
For a reason the US companies become the most wealthy ones!!! It's due to their CEOs' ability to fire and hire without the blink of an eye to get the job done...
That was the key lesson I learned from my experience in US. I countered some difficulties in Sweden since the labour union laws are quite restrictive but I found the way around it.
One can have degrees but no education. So on paper we agree with you. In reality he is dumb
Or, the Indian money in action...

By the by, President Trump has dealt with millions in his teens!!! He's satisfied with only trillion now....
the love and worry indians and americans have for us makes me love them at times!

such amazingly cute people!

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