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Former Soviet Countries See More Harm Than Good From Breakup

I never cheered up for anyone, I wanted to know if some former Soviet Republics are all Slavs following identical culture, why are they still different.

No,only Ukraine and Belarus are slavs,the rest were latvians,lituanians,estonians,romanians,turks,armenians,georgians.All of them suffered surpressing of their cultures and brainwashing that they are soviet related and the soviet "new man".

That's why you see in the above poll that only older generations want the Soviet Union back,the younger one opened an actual history book not the stalinist 1948 version from the Kremlin editure. ;)

P.S. Current day Moldova is ruled by a 3 Parties coalition which is pro EU and Romania,anti Russia.

2 of those parties agree that moldovans are romanians but want an independent country as the Germany-Austria model while the third wants an Union with Romania.

All 3 together=50%+ of the votes,surpassing communist party which is pro russian so.........no soviet majority in Moldova,and the numbers grow every year to the anti russian camp.
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P.S. Current day Moldova is ruled by a 3 Parties coalition which is pro EU and Romania,anti Russia.

2 of those parties agree that moldovans are romanians but want an independent country as the Germany-Austria model while the third wants an Union with Romania.

What kind of visa regime or citizenship relations you have among two countries.
What kind of visa regime or citizenship relations you have among two countries.

The same as all other 26 EU members.We can't bend those rules.We can however grant romanian citizenships to moldovans,until now 400.000 received it (out of 3.6 million population of Moldova) and the process is ongoing despite EU protests.
I like it how the Turkic countrys see more benefit, except of Kyrgyzstan.
They had to give their oil to soviet for free so its understandable why they see more benefit.

russia has more oil reserves than them, in siberia and artic there are massive reserves. Where was it robbed if russia doesnt need it to begin with?
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russia has more oil reserves than them, in siberia and artic there massive reserves. Where was it robbed if russia doesnt it to begin with?
There was no technology to get arctic reserves back in 1940s while getting the reserves in Kaspian region was no problem.
Soviets took the oil from caspian states for free, you cant deny that.
There was no technology to get arctic reserves back in 1940s while getting the reserves in Kaspian region was no problem.
Soviets took the oil from caspian states for free, you cant deny that.
Azerbaijan - one of the states, founder of the USSR. It turns out that the Soviet Union robbed himself?
I like it how the Turkic countrys see more benefit, except of Kyrgyzstan.
They had to give their oil to soviet for free so its understandable why they see more benefit.
There was no technology to get arctic reserves back in 1940s while getting the reserves in Kaspian region was no problem.
Soviets took the oil from caspian states for free, you cant deny that.

Exactly right. Baku was producing half of oil of the world around 80 years ago, and even after that Azerbaijan was producing most of soviets oil which was their main revenue. They steal our resources, and left bankrupt economies and bunch of dictators for us.
Exactly right. Baku was producing half of oil of the world around 80 years ago, and even after that Azerbaijan was producing most of soviets oil which was their main revenue. They steal our resources, and left bankrupt economies and bunch of dictators for us.
Who is "us"? Nor Turkey neither Iran were not part of USSR.
Who is "us"? Nor Turkey neither Iran were not part of USSR.

For more clarification, us in that sentence means Azerbaijanis and Azerbaijan, and also it can be meant as all of Turkic people whom their lands were occupied by nutjob leftist racist communist Russian occupiers. Do you got it or need more clarification?!!!
For more clarification, us in that sentence means Azerbaijanis and Azerbaijan, and also it can be meant as all of Turkic people whom their lands were occupied by nutjob leftist racist communist Russian occupiers. Do you got it or need more clarification?!!!
Russian Communists racist! Impossible to think more bullshit! USSR first thing began to fight with the Russian nation. In Central Comitee and CHK of first wave were no Russian! There were Caucasians, Jews, Latvians - but no Russian!
The only people who benefited from the collapse of the Soviet Union - is Russian. The rest were all sitting on the neck of Russia, with legs dangling.
Azerbaijan was the founder of the Soviet Union the same as Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Learn history.
Russian Communists racist! Impossible to think more bullshit! USSR first thing began to fight with the Russian nation. In Central Comitee and CHK of first wave were no Russian! There were Caucasians, Jews, Latvians - but no Russian!
The only people who benefited from the collapse of the Soviet Union - is Russian. The rest were all sitting on the neck of Russia, with legs dangling.
Azerbaijan was the founder of the Soviet Union the same as Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Learn history.

First of all, Azerbaijan was not one of the first founders, the puppet banana made up state of Transcaucasian SFSR was one of them. Azerbaijanis declared their independence in 1918. it clearly shows how much your knowledge is low regard us. If we wanted to be a part of your retard racist country, we would not declare independency two times in 1918, and 1991.
Anyway, did you even bother yourself to read the OP's post? turks, including azeris, kazakhs and turkmens have declared that they have gain benefit from this break up while Russians are sad about it.
The only people who benefited from the collapse of the Soviet Union - is Russian. The rest were all sitting on the neck of Russia, with legs dangling.
Hmm, but somehow the the Turkic countrys who are rich with Oil and Gas are growing after the collapse of soviets, i wonder why. :coffee:
First of all, Azerbaijan was not one of the first founders, the puppet banana made up state of Transcaucasian SFSR was one of them. Azerbaijanis declared their independence in 1918. it clearly shows how much your knowledge is low regard us. If we wanted to be a part of your retard racist country, we would not declare independency two times in 1918, and 1991.
Anyway, did you even bother yourself to read the OP's post? turks, including azeris, kazakhs and turkmens have declared that they have gain benefit from this break up while Russians are sad about it.
Banana republics were just those states - and there were hundreds during the Revolution - who proclaimed independence . They were everywhere. On Ukraine alone there were at least 10 such "states" and maybe more .
Azerbaijan as a country is the successor of the Azerbaijan SSR , which is the successor ZSFSR . All under the law .
And these rankings - I can do in 5 minutes any rating . Though about the fact that the majority of Turks want to go back home - to the planet Jupiter . Or something else .
Soviet Union was the fraternal peoples . Voluntary union, as in the USSR constitution was approved the right to exit. Now, if some U.S. state tried to secede from the United States - it would be drowned in blood.
Ever seen money of the USSR? There was an inscription on the languages of all 15 republics .
In all republics SSR authorities were local nationality and not Russian . Azerbaijan - Azerbaijanis in Turkmenistan - Turkmen , Moldova - Moldovans .

Hmm, but somehow the the Turkic countrys who are rich with Oil and Gas are growing after the collapse of soviets, i wonder why. :coffee:
Growing? They are transforming into banana republics. No more astronauts, nor scientists, nor good writers.
Banana republics were just those states - and there were hundreds during the Revolution - who proclaimed independence . They were everywhere. On Ukraine alone there were at least 10 such "states" and maybe more .
Azerbaijan as a country is the successor of the Azerbaijan SSR , which is the successor ZSFSR . All under the law .
And these rankings - I can do in 5 minutes to compose any rating . Though about the fact that the majority of Turks want to go back home - to the planet Jupiter . Or something else .
Soviet Union was the fraternal peoples . Voluntary union, as in the USSR constitution was approved the right exit. Now, if some U.S. state tried to secede from the United States - it would be drowned in blood.
Ever seen money of the USSR? There was an inscription on the languages of all 15 republics .
In all republics SSR authorities were local nationality and not Russian . Azerbaijan - Azerbaijanis in Turkmenistan - Turkmen , Moldova - Moldovans .
Growing? They are transforming into banana republics. No more astronauts, nor scientists, nor good writers.

Are you joking with me or are you serious? :undecided:
non of these republics were willing to be a part of your country before, in the same way as Chechen, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, and Ossetians do not want to be a part of Russia right now.
I can bet with you that it would take less than a week for these people, and in Chechens and Dagestan case, less than 24 hours, for them to declare their independency if they get the required freedom to do so.
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