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Former Soviet Countries See More Harm Than Good From Breakup

Are you joking with me or are you serious? :undecided:
non of these republics were willing to be a part of your country before, in the same way as Chechen, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, and Ossetians do not want to be a part of Russia right now.
I can bet with you that it would take less than a week for these people, and in Chechens and Dagestan case, less than 24 hours, for them to declare their independency if they get the required freedom to do so.
We're talking about the Soviet Union. Such a right had republics of the USSR, because the USSR was formed voluntarily. In subjects of Russia there is no such law. And I assure you that most of them would not come voluntarily from the Russian Federation. Why? Because they turn in a month into Afghanistan and the war will never end there. Either they wiill be occupied by other states.
We're talking about the Soviet Union. Such a right had republics of the USSR, because the USSR was formed voluntarily. In subjects of Russia there is no such law. And I assure you that most of them would not come voluntarily from the Russian Federation. Why? Because they turn in a month into Afghanistan and the war will never end there. Either they wiill be occupied by other states.

Really? voluntarily? so what was Azerbaijan republic in 1918?
Not need to mention that poor afghans are also suffered by the endless civil war that Russians caused and initiated. Anyway, I think the OP's post is self explanatory, and it is specially good for some people like you who don't know what's really going on the minds of people of other former republics of USSR.
The Socialist in me was very sad to see the Soviet Union crumble ! :(

That beautiful dream, that noble cause got hijacked by lesser people who neither had the competence nor the faith to show the world a Socialist Paradigm !
The Socialist in me was very sad to see the Soviet Union crumble ! :(

That beautiful dream, that noble cause got hijacked by lesser people who neither had the competence nor the faith to show the world a Socialist Paradigm !

I once talked to a Lithuanian guy, he was saying their economic hardship increased many folds after leaving Soviet Union but they were happy to leave Soviet Union as their was too much anger against the communist rule.
Really? voluntarily? so what was Azerbaijan republic in 1918?
Not need to mention that poor afghans are also suffered by the endless civil war that Russians caused and initiated. Anyway, I think the OP's post is self explanatory, and it is specially good for some people like you who don't know what's really going on the minds of people of other former republics of USSR.
The Republic of Azerbaijan - successor to ZSFSR that broke into Georgia , Armenia and Azerbaijan .
Believe me, in the USSR there was no ethnic discrimination . Georgian Stalin was the main man of the USSR nearly 30 years. Many small nations got alphabyte in the first time in USSR . USSR even created a Jewish autonomy . It was a union of fraternal peoples.
And this propaganda that the Soviet Union harassed someone - it came up from the enemies of the USSR. First - Goebbels , then his disciples in the United States .

I once talked to a Lithuanian guy, he was saying their economic hardship increased many folds after leaving Soviet Union but they were happy to leave Soviet Union as their was too much anger against the communist rule.
And I heard another story. Lithuanians now work in Britain as servants and earn much less than local.
By the way, when they have problems - Lithuanians do not hesitate to say that they are Russian.
The Socialist in me was very sad to see the Soviet Union crumble ! :(

That beautiful dream, that noble cause got hijacked by lesser people who neither had the competence nor the faith to show the world a Socialist Paradigm !
Collapse of the USSR killed hope in the hearts of those people who have ambitions more than animals does. For those people who wanted to conquer the space and build a society of universal justice. But rejoice those who want to eat more, sleep more, f@ck more and shit on a golden toilet.
The Republic of Azerbaijan - successor to ZSFSR that broke into Georgia , Armenia and Azerbaijan .
Believe me, in the USSR there was no ethnic discrimination . Georgian Stalin was the main man of the USSR nearly 30 years. Many small nations got alphabyte in the first time in USSR . USSR even created a Jewish autonomy . It was a union of fraternal peoples.
And this propaganda that the Soviet Union harassed someone - it came up from the enemies of the USSR. First - Goebbels , then his disciples in the United States .

And I heard another story. Lithuanians now work in Britain as servants and earn much less than local.
By the way, when they have problems - Lithuanians do not hesitate to say that they are Russian.

Actually I don't need to believe you. since I am in more contact with Azerbaijanis than you, and as you knew before I am partly from Azerbaijan Republic, and I have heard enough from my acquaintances who have lived there in that time. one clear sample of your racism against Azeris was your help to Armenians to occupy Karabakh, and you still do support them, since those backstabbers are Christians or for some other non-sense reasons...
And I heard another story. Lithuanians now work in Britain as servants and earn much less than local.
By the way, when they have problems - Lithuanians do not hesitate to say that they are Russian.

I am not taking sides, people whom I talked with accepted their economic condition was better during Soviet Union days compared to economic hardship after Soviet Union ended but all of them were complaining about the communist rule.
I am not taking sides, people whom I talked with accepted their economic condition was better during Soviet Union days compared to economic hardship after Soviet Union ended but all of them were complaining about the communist rule.

Living poor with honor is much better than treated like dogs and got feed in golden plates.
That's why I have a high respect for Indians. although they are poor, but they live with honor and freedom, and have the biggest democracy of the world. That's the fascinating point of your country for me.
Former Soviet Countries See More Harm From Breakup

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Reflecting back on the breakup of the Soviet Union that happened 22 years ago next week, residents in seven out of 11 countries that were part of the union are more likely to believe its collapse harmed their countries than benefited them. Only Azerbaijanis, Kazakhstanis, and Turkmens are more likely to see benefit than harm from the breakup. Georgians are divided.


Overall, residents of these former Soviet republics are more than twice as likely to say the breakup hurt (51%) than benefited their countries (24%). For many, life has not been easy since the Soviet Union dissolved in December 1991. Residents there have lived through wars, revolutions, coups, territorial disputes, and multiple economic collapses. However, this is also the prevailing opinion in Russia, which continues to exert considerable economic and political influence over its former republics.

Younger People, Educated More Likely to See Benefit

Adults between the ages of 15 and 44 -- some of whom were not even born or were very young at the time of the breakup -- are nearly three times as likely as those 65 and older to say the collapse benefited their countries. The picture is similar in all countries except Georgia, where residents in all age groups are as likely to say it was a benefit. Older residents in all 11 countries whose safety nets, such as guaranteed pensions and free healthcare, largely disappeared when the union dissolved are more likely to say the breakup harmed their countries.


Overall, residents who are more educated are less likely to say the collapse harmed their country and more likely to say it benefited them. Kyrgyzstan is the exception. Kyrgyzstanis who are more educated are more likely to say the breakup harmed their country, which may reflect the mismatch between education and available jobs as the resource-scarce country shifted from the Soviet Union's centrally planned economy to a free market.

People Living in Fear More Likely to See Harm

Residents who say that "most people" in their country are afraid to openly express their political views are more likely to say that the collapse harmed their country than those who say that "no one" is afraid. This suggests the freedom they thought they might have after the fall of the Soviet Union has not materialized -- and in some cases, the situation may be even worse. Under the strict regime in Tajikistan, for example, 61% of those who say most people are afraid also say the breakup hurt their country, compared with 35% of those who say no one is afraid.

they deserve it for believing western propaganda and democracy
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