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Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks

Yes, Israel is frustrated, Israel definitely dont want to attack Iranian sites but will have to since nothing else seems to work.

It is probably best not to escalate things.

Everyone stands to lose out if a conflict occurs. Not just the Middle East, but the whole world too.

The Global economy is already doing quite badly to start with.
Agree with you and I'm 100 % certain, there would be no war.
The West and Iran will strike some kind of a deal.
No one can deal with a war.
It is probably best not to escalate things.

Everyone stands to lose out if a conflict occurs. Not just the Middle East, but the whole world too.

The Global economy is already doing quite badly to start with.
Yes, Israel is frustrated, Israel definitely dont want to attack Iranian sites but will have to since nothing else seems to work.

That is not going to work either.....IDF will end up with several aircraft shotdown and pilots as POW, and any targets they hit won't even set Iran back six months. Declaring war on Iran will be a grave mistake by the Israeli government.
Israel only talks. They dont take any action because they know the severe consequences they would face.
Israel does have history of supporting its geopolitical ambitions with actions.

Following are two prominent examples:

1. Operation Opera (1981) against Iraq
2. Operation Orchard (2007) against Syria

And if Israel has plans to conduct a military action against Iran, then it is preparing or have already prepared for the expected consequences in the form of possible retaliatory missile strikes from Iran.

Iran is definitely not Iraq or Afghanistan.
Statements like these are premature. Do not forget that Iraq became a major military power in the Middle East prior to war with USA. And Afghans cannot be tamed.

Afghanistan is arguably the most difficult nation to control in the Islamic bloc.

Moreover, the USA hasn't achieved much in Afghanistan, infact this so called war on terror has destroyed it's economy. Afghanistan had no nuclear weapons or any proper military structure to counter the Americans and still, the results are infront of the world.
WOT did not destroyed US economy. It did put pressure on it. Also, economic trends are influenced by many other factors.

What many people fail to realize is that it is much more easier for US to fight and defeat a proper military power then some rag tag group which can easily blend within the civilians or take refuge in uninhabited and harsh regions.

When Taliban confronted US at its strong point; it lost badly and got removed from power during major combat operations. Afterwards, Taliban remnants reformed themselves in to a guerrilla fighting force which would target soft aspects of the enemy investment; US allies in Afghanistan, and conduct PSYOP operations to win the conflict with propaganda effort. Thus far, it seems that Taliban is doing very good at propaganda front at least.

According to that, Israel would really chop it's own feet off if they attempt to attack on the well prepared Iran.
No. Israel isn't that weak as some assume it to be.
That is not going to work either.....IDF will end up with several aircraft shotdown and pilots as POW, and any targets they hit won't even set Iran back six months. Declaring war on Iran will be a grave mistake by the Israeli government.

And you know this how? you have crystal ball?
Statements like these are premature. Do not forget that Iraq became a major military power in the Middle East prior to war with USA. And Afghans cannot be tamed.

and Iran is the most difficult country to invade or run any successful bombing missions .....the statement by Emad is not premature, it is a fact as it was true in ancient history as it is now. Iran's terrain is a natural fortress and the Iranian Armed Forces operate at a different level.


Think about this as only a small example in the very complex planning phase: IDF f-16 would practically run out of fuel before they can engage the needed strategic targets, even if they departed fully loaded from Azerbaijan, SA, etc. You gonna do aerial refueling over Iran?

Iraq and Afghanistan is a cake walk compared to Iran.
Iran has put Israel in a lose-lose position. They will lose if they attack Iran since it is very unlikely that they'll be able to thwart the Iranian nuclear program. And as a result of their attack Iran will have justified cause to leave the NPT and pursue its nuclear deterrent and will have the backing of the world public opinion, not to mention open support from many major states.

On the other hand, if Israel doesn't attack, Iran will simply run the clock on the game and strengthen its nuclear infrastructure and expertise and build reactors and enrich to higher levels to the point where it becomes a de facto nuclear state.

In either case, the balance of power will be reset to the detriment of Israel...
You are too optimistic.
A US-Israel-SA attack on Iran will be so devastating that the Iranian government won't contemplate further perusing uranium enrichment for the next two centuries.
You are too optimistic.
A US-Israel-SA attack on Iran will be so devastating that the Iranian government won't contemplate further perusing uranium enrichment for the next two centuries.

lol at this statement.

I think it will be the opposite. If Iran is attacked then they will race to get nukes as a deterrence for next time.
lol at this statement.

I think it will be the opposite. If Iran is attacked then they will race to get nukes as a deterrence for next time.

or maybe , iran build some within the war .......
You are too optimistic.
A US-Israel-SA attack on Iran will be so devastating that the Iranian government won't contemplate further perusing uranium enrichment for the next two centuries.
SA is the grand daughter of Israel,same as Abdullah,so I wouldn't be surprised if SA helps Israel.
But let me make you sure of something,they may destroy some facilities,but they can't destroy our science and knowledge (One that SA lacks),so if you put your foot in the wrong place,we will just make sure send Saudis back to their real job,riding camels in the deserts.
The Israeli security establishment is increasingly worried by Netanyahu's bellicose stance towards Iran.

A longtime CIA officer who spent 21 years in the Middle East is predicting that Israel will bomb Iran in the fall, dragging the United States into another major war and endangering US military and civilian personnel (and other interests) throughout the Middle East and beyond.

Earlier this week, Robert Baer appeared on the provocative KPFK Los Angeles show Background Briefing, hosted by Ian Masters. It was there that he predicted that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is likely to ignite a war with Iran in the very near future.

Robert Baer has had a storied career, including a stint in Iraq in the 1990s where he organized opposition to Saddam Hussein. (He was recalled after being accused of trying to organize Saddam's assassination.) Upon his retirement, he received a top decoration for meritorious service.

Baer is no ordinary CIA operative. George Clooney won an Oscar for playing a character based on Baer in the film Syriana (Baer also wrote the book).

He obviously won't name many of his sources in Israel, the United States, and elsewhere, but the few he has named are all Israeli security figures who have publically warned that Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are hell-bent on war.

Most former Mossad chiefs wary of Netanyahu

Baer was especially impressed by the unprecedented warning about Netanyahu's plans by former Mossad chief Meir Dagan. Dagan left the Israeli intelligence agency in September 2010. Two months ago, he predicted that Israel would attack and said that doing so would be "the stupidest thing" he could imagine. According to Haaretz:

When asked about what would happen in the aftermath of an Israeli attack Dagan said that: "It will be followed by a war with Iran. It is the kind of thing where we know how it starts, but not how it will end."

The Iranians have the capability to fire rockets at Israel for a period of months, and Hizbollah could fire tens of thousands of grad rockets and hundreds of long-range missiles, he said.

According to Ben Caspit of the Israeli daily Maariv, Dagan's blasts at Israel's political leadership are significant not only because Mossad chiefs, in office or retired, traditionally have kept their lips sealed, but also because Dagan is very conservative on security matters.

Caspit writes that Dagan is "one of the most rightwing militant people ever born here. ... When this man says that the leadership has no vision and is irresponsible, we should stop sleeping soundly at night".

Dagan describes the current Israeli government as "dangerous and irresponsible" and views speaking out against Netanyahu as his patriotic duty.

And his abhorrence of Netanyahu is not uncommon in the Israeli security establishment. AccordingtoThink Progress, citing the Forward newspaper, 12 of the 18 living ex-chiefs of Israel's two security agencies (Mossad and Shin Bet), are "either actively opposing Netanyahu's stances or have spoken out against them". Of the remaining six, two are current ministers in Netanyahu government, leaving a grand total of four out of 18 who independently support the prime minister.

In short, while Congress dutifully gives Netanyahu 29 standing ovations, the Israelis who know the most about both Netanyahu and Israel's strategic situation think he is a dangerous disaster.

But according to Baer, we ain't seen nothing yet.

There is almost "near certainty" that Netanyahu is "planning an attack [on Iran] ... and it will probably be in September before the vote on a Palestinian state. And he's also hoping to draw the United States into the conflict", Baer explained.

The Israeli air force would attack "Natanz and other nuclear facilities to degrade their capabilities. The Iranians will strike back where they can: Basra, Baghdad", he said, and even Afghanistan. Then the United States would jump into the fight with attacks on Iranian targets. "Our special forces are already looking at Iranian targets in Iraq and across the border [in Iran] which we would strike. What we're facing here is an escalation, rather than a planned out-and-out war. It's a nightmare scenario. We don't have enough troops in the Middle East to fight a war like that." Baer added, "I think we are looking into the abyss".

US may be dragged into another war

Masters asked Baer why the US military is not mobilizing to stop this war from happening. Baer responded that the military is opposed, as is former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who used his influence to thwart an Israeli attack during the Bush and Obama administrations. But he's gone now and "there is a warning order inside the Pentagon" to prepare for war.

It should be noted that the Iranian regime is quite capable of triggering a war with the United States through some combination of colossal stupidity and sheer hatred. In fact, as Baer explained, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard would welcome a war. They are "paranoid". They are "worried about ... what's happening to their country economically, in terms of the oil embargo and other sanctions". And they are worried about a population that increasingly despises the regime.

They need an external enemy. Because we are leaving Iraq, it's Israel. But in order to make this threat believable, they would love an attack on their nuclear facilities, love to go to war in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and Iraq and hit us where they could. Their defense is asymmetrical. We can take out all of their armored units. It's of little difference to them, same with their surface-to-air missile sites. It would make little difference because they would use terrorism. They would do serious damage to our fleet in the Gulf.

Given all that, is it possible that the United States would allow Israel to attack when the president knows we would be forced to join the war on Israel's side?

"The president is up for re-election next year," Blair pointed out, and Israel is "truly out of control".

What happens when you see 100 F-16's approaching Iraq and there is a call to the White House [from Netanyahu] that says "We're going in, we're at war with Iran"? What does the President of the United States do? He has little influence over Bibi Netanyahu. ... We can't stop him. And he knows it.

It's a pretty frightening scenario, made infinitely more so by the fact that top Israelis (who have heard Netanyahu's thinking from Netanyahu himself) also see the future the same way. Those Israelis deserve a world of credit for sounding the warning bell loudly enough that we would hear it and do something about it - although it's impossible to know if the people who matter are paying attention.

Actually, only one person matters: the US president. If Israel bombed Iran tomorrow, Congress would forget all about their partisan differences and run, not walk, to the House and Senate floors to endorse the attack and call for unstinting support for Israel. That is what Congress always does, and will always do so long as the lobby (and the donors it directs) are the key players in making our Middle East policies.

And who knows what Obama would do? So far, he has not exactly distinguished himself when it comes to standing up to Netanyahu.

But an Israeli attack on Iran would be different. It would endanger countless Americans (in the region and here at home, too). It would kill off any economic recovery by causing oil prices to skyrocket. It would engulf us in another Middle East war. And it would threaten the existence of the state of Israel.

This is something the president needs to focus on instead of being forced to nickel and dime with the likes of Representative Eric Cantor and Senator Mitch McConnell. How incredible that these two, and their right-wing allies, have our government tied in knots in their incessant effort to elevate themselves by destroying the President of the United States. It is sickening.

MJ Rosenberg is a Senior Foreign Policy Fellow at Media Matters Action Network.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily represent Al Jazeera's editorial policy.

A version of this article was previously published on Foreign Policy Matters.

CIA veteran: Israel to attack Iran in fall - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
the article is true though i am sure of the some of the thing
You are too optimistic.
A US-Israel-SA attack on Iran will be so devastating that the Iranian government won't contemplate further perusing uranium enrichment for the next two centuries.
ROFL... if that happens we will wipe you of the map... all the fire that has strangled the region is coming from your grave
everyone knows they wouldnt dare do anything without Uncle Sam's backing and material support....sounds like another bark, i doubt anything will materialize

You are too optimistic.
A US-Israel-SA attack on Iran will be so devastating that the Iranian government won't contemplate further perusing uranium enrichment for the next two centuries.

so you'd have no problem if your country collaborated to attack a fellow Muslim country.....

some peoples' disgraceful attitude knows no bounds

i think the month of August attracts a lot of keyboard warriors and trolls to this forum
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