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Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces Warns of US/Western sponsored Regime Change Conspiracy against Imran Khan

bhai i was at old lahore last sunday, there was a jalsa of JI , literally 20 ppl

on tv, it looks like a storm

khan is not going anywhere
PTI are doing jalsas now as well, looks like a lot of people are turning up ? I don't know what to expect
bhai i was at old lahore last sunday, there was a jalsa of JI , literally 20 ppl

on tv, it looks like a storm

khan is not going anywhere
You know everything changes in a few months before elections. There is no way to ascertain who's going to win.
Let's wait patiently, till 2023
The West and at its helm, America has always been meddling, coercing and exploiting countries' political structure in order to gain political control. We have seen America use multiple tactics, whether it be through "economic hitmen" that go in a certain country to bribe, blackmail or coerce the politicians of the target country. Political parties of the target country are worked on relentlessly until favorable results turn out. The selected political party comes to power or solidifies it's hold on power with monetary assistance packages by the Americans. Of course these financial packages come with a noose which is fixed around the neck of the political party that was brought to power by America. This methodology is not only practiced by United States in Central and South American and Caribbean regions. It is also practiced by French in the West African region.

Where political coercion doesn't work, America imposes politically targeted economic sanctions on such a country, which cripples the country to the extent the population turns against its own government. This is where America steps in and buys out the most depraved political party, ready to obey America in exchange for a ton of money. This is followed by America pumping money via World Bank and IMF to make it appear that it is helping the target country. When in reality those loans are bounced off the target country and poured into American corporations contracted to build things or create business plans for it's puppet government in the target country. This is the reason why developing countries ought to stay clear of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as they are by definition, toxic for the target country.

If the above tactics are not sufficient to bring the target country to kneel before the West. The target country is then lined up to be bombed militarily, or worse invaded and occupied. Such tactic of course, the West does it as a collective, usually the coined term used in this context is "coalition". Prior to 9/11, the West portrayed itself as a champion of UNSC rulings and sought the approval of the UN before heading to war against the target country. Post 9/11 however, the West and in particular America, has shown utter disregard for UN approval and has gone to war, invading and consequently occupying the target country. This has been witnessed in the last 20 years, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Serbia, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

Pakistan has, throughout it's history, experienced all but one tactic used against it, by the West. Be it political party coercion and being bought off, like PPP and PML-N. Or be it military sanctions, whereby Pakistan was subjected to being deprived of the hardware it had already bought. The problem is identified and located sourced within the country and foreign powers outside the country. The internal shameless political punting has seen the country plunge to new depths in poverty and witnessed the plunder of obscene amounts of wealth by the bought off political party in-power, backed by the West.

Pakistanis must establish a cohesive working mechanism within Pakistani Society, in small groups and work up community building measures on grass root levels BUT ... these small groups must be working toward the same goal of forming a web across Pakistan that improves citizens lives in conjunction with and holding to account of, local governance to provincial leading to federal.

As for that rotting western empire, America, it needs to be kept in quarantine and extract only for trade where and when it is mutually favorable. Otherwise step back and watch them rot away.
Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces Warns of Regime Change Conspiracy against Imran Khan. Attached tweet with background of absolutely not to this day; one can connect dots easily.

It wouldn't be first time for foreign influencers to use that democratic wand for a Regime change. In-fact, current Pakistani leadership has maintained balanced approach, neutrality in armed conflicts and pursues Pakistan interest first policy.

An independent policy without being under political influence of west/US can lead to a risk having regime change by any means merely to create a divide within and weaken the independent stance. Here, I don't need to refer our appeasing leadership from the past, the fearing approach given the loss on power and luxuries they had and then working on assurance of their rule on Pakistan. This is not about to support a political party like PTI or anyone else but this is about Pakistan where one has to look at it from national prospect.

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This thread shall not be used for political commentary.

Time for presidential system. Imran Khan needs to stay for at least another 5 years. First 5 years were wasted because of inefficiencies of this corrupt, disfunctional system + the fact he did not have absolute majority to pass any laws.

InShaAllah once Imran Khan has real control, corrupt and incompetent would be running with their tails in the legs! Yes, there has been less than desired outcomes. People have suffered and not got any real relief. But Imran Khan is the only honest person in on the scene. There is no replacement. I will still support Imran Khan, it is do or die monent for Pakistan & Pakistanis. We can't go through any more corruption. Imran Khan is the only person who has removed members of his party based on court investigations. From Babar Awan to Jahangir Tareen. Had it been any other govt there eould have been no trials allowed in the first place, forget removing own people from positions of power. IK is way more honest and reliable than anyone else. People need to stop selling themselves & the country for qeemay walay naans, biryanis and commissions. We can't survive otherwise. My best wishes with Kaptan!
Time for presidential system. Imran Khan needs to stay for at least another 5 years. First 5 years were wasted because of inefficiencies of this corrupt, disfunctional system + the fact he did not have absolute majority to pass any laws.

InShaAllah once Imran Khan has real control, corrupt and incompetent would be running with their tails in the legs! Yes, there has been less than desired outcomes. People have suffered and not got any real relief. But Imran Khan is the only honest person in on the scene. There is no replacement. I will still support Imran Khan, it is do or die monent for Pakistan & Pakistanis. We can't go through any more corruption. Imran Khan is the only person who has removed members of his party based on court investigations. From Babar Awan to Jahangir Tareen. Had it been any other govt there eould have been no trials allowed in the first place, forget removing own people from positions of power. IK is way more honest and reliable than anyone else. People need to stop selling themselves & the country for qeemay walay naans, biryanis and commissions. We can't survive otherwise. My best wishes with Kaptan!
Imran Khan is absolutely not acceptable to US. Poodle UK and extension EU are singing same song.
Pakistan is an important cog in the world realignment and his stance causing issues for Anglo American world order. If IK survives this sponsored motion and Military establishment who has been successfully blackmailed by PPP G for Zardari and Nawaz league refuse to be further blackmailed and show that they here for Pakistan interests then the move shall fail.
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