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Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces Warns of US/Western sponsored Regime Change Conspiracy against Imran Khan

Allah karay, kay aesa he ho.

Americans are trying to oust Imran Khan, but they will fail like they failed in Turkey. Pakistani institutions are aware and awake.
Pakistani institutions are the problem and have been doing America's bidding since day one (at least since Liaqat Ali Khan's visit to US)

Premature end to IK's tenure has the fingerprints of the establishment

Have you seen what a strong leader in power for a decade can do to the status quo of establishment's power at the helm, look no further than Erdogan's Turkey and how his rule has neutered it's all powerful military. Pakistani establishment fears a similar outcome and won't let any civilian rule more than their customary 5 years, nay 3 and a half years.

Such chatter isn't some random commentary. He is not single source for saying so. Why is it happening right at time when OIC conference to held and officials are visiting. The same OIC which most members abstain to vote against Russia following Pakistan. It is happening right at the time when Pakistan is pursuing independent foreign policy. Given the Turkiye experience, I see that CIA/US opted the political way to topple current government and wants to install a puppet instead.
Such chatter isn't some random commentary. He is not single source for saying so. Why is it happening right at time when OIC conference to held and officials are visiting. The same OIC which most members abstain to vote against Russia following Pakistan. It is happening right at the time when Pakistan is pursuing independent foreign policy. Given the Turkiye experience, I see that CIA/US opted the political way to topple current government and wants to install a puppet instead.

The saddest part is the IK didn't made a strong effort to indict all these haramkhoors who have done un told damage to our country. He should have set up a panel of special commission who can heard their cases on the daily basis and they should have met the justice according to their crimes.
US will do anything to keep us down and under their control and if the figure is 300 million which is touted around then its a peanut for them. To remind you guys, to outset Bhutto all of a sudden Pakistan was flooded with the dollars and it was selling well under the market market and it's on the record.
It boils down to the establishment if they are working for the Pakistan as they are the primary party to all these ills and king makers or concerned about their businesses abroad more. US will never be able to do anything without establishment be part of this tamasha.
Ultimate Removal Of Government : Regime change of PTI PM Imran Khan sponsored by West/US, PPP, PMLN, Fazlu & some Pakistani Media Channels fully involved

* Bagora Nawaz Sharif with his children and finance minister Ishaq Dar ran to UK with all looted Pakistani money and conspiring with PMLN members in Pakistan.

* PPP Zardari Bemari corrupt with his son Bilawal and Asifa Bhutto long march in truck moving towards Islamabad for regime change.

* Fazlu rehaman conspiring from KPK

* In house vote in Parliament to oust Prime Minister Imran Khan and his PTI government.

* US/EU do not like an independent policy driven ruler of a Nuclear Armed powerful Pakistan, making independent Foreign policy for its country. EU/USA didnot like Imran Khan and Pakistan tilting towards China and going to Russia to meet Putin.

* Sponsor of Daesh and TTP terrorist attacks in Pakistan to destabilize Pakistan more.

* Life threats to Imran Khan and his ministers.

* Continuous Inflation, rising prices, economic problems faced by Imran Khan and PTI government and its failing to stablise the economy.

* Some Pakistan Media Channels and funded Journalists clearly working towards anti-Pakistan and Imran Khan government, create a continued attack on PTI and Imran Khan government until removal, shaping up public opinion against the government is in full onslaught.

Will PTI and Imran Khan Government in Pakistan eventually FALL??
IK openly taking EU ambassadors in a public gathering looks he also knows that they are guiding and helping Alliance of the corrupt for their end.
His fall will bring extreme political instability which goes against the wishes of military establishment. So let's see...
Chaudharies and MQM look towards we know who.
IK has also committed so many political mistakes and putting a most incompetent illeterate person in Punjab who is just a liability to deal in political matters.
If he falls that his making.....but it will be against Pakistan interests.
If Pakistan military wants stability in Pakistan then no way IK will be removed. He is the most popular leader in Pakistan. PML N, PPP, JUI JI ANP alliance can be game changing but I highly doubt PPP will take steps to anger the establishment, they are happy as long as they win in Sindh.

PTI and allies will form the next government. If only Pakistan had another major reformist party, with new vision, new leadership and ideas. Unfortunately in Pakistan money = power.
After this failed no confidence motion, the enemy will not sit quiet. America is extremely arrogant. It can to any limit to eliminate Imran Khan.

I just pray for Imran Khan health and life. There are so many CIA sponsored terrorists in the region. How Benazir was eliminated. It was not a terror operation. It was sponsored by a foreign agency because Zardari had cut a better deal.

Allah karay, kay aesa he ho.

Exactly. At the last moment, establishment always plays on the side of the foreign power. Look at Zia and Musharraf martial laws. They believe national interest is best served by being subservient to Americans. I dont want animosity but at least be honourable.
Sensational journalism.

Esteemed journalists like Moeed Pirzada also want to draw in viewership for ratings.
It is not sensationalism. He did not say that on his show where ratings shall matter.
...recall, few months ago nikka bilawal went USA rather clandestinely...
He is in his 30's and could be cunning too...was milked by G for Zardari so he is also capable to cut deals and he can speak in their language which G for Zardari incapable
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