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Foreign Ministry Remarks on Indian Prime Minister Modi Attending Activities in Disputed Area

I think these people have more common with Tibet than Hindu India..
Also India government is not treating these minorities well..

Yes,particularly those closer to the mcmahon line and upper regions.
I think these people have more common with Tibet than Hindu India..
Also India government is not treating these minorities well..
Actually they have more common with Han for their ancestors didn't migrate across the Himalaya but through Yunnan.
@LURKER @SrNair there was an imposter some years back who used to fake as an Indian Kashmiri and spread fake stories about their plight in many forums, he later turned out to be a Pakistani, this guy is a Chini version of the same thing. And here is more information about Sela and Nura.

sela and nura - Google Search
I think these people have more common with Tibet than Hindu India..
Also India government is not treating these minorities well..
What about the Islamic insurgency in Xinjaing & the Buddhist one in Tibet.
Can u explain why Tibetan refugees r seeking asylum in India
What about the Islamic insurgency in Xinjaing & the Buddhist one in Tibet.
Can u explain why Tibetan refugees r seeking asylum in India
Simple they are sent by CCP to occupy even one city in India and now we know it named Dharamsala or some others.
How many of them??
Majority of them are our family..
You should know parts of Himachal ,Ladakh,Uttarakhand are all belong to China just PLA went into Tibet too late and let them under Indian control so the best way to recover was to sent Tibetan civilian there.
You should know parts of Himachal ,Ladakh,Uttarakhand are all belong to China just PLA went into Tibet too late and let them under Indian control so the best way to recover was to sent Tibetan civilian there.

I have seen Tibetan refugees protesting in Nepal,France & other countries,is it recover France,Nepal

What about the Uiygur refugess(Muslim) in Turkey,is it to capture Turkey

It seems to me that u r sending refugees to different countries to capture,recover
I have seen Tibetan refugees protesting in Nepal,France & other countries,is it recover France,Nepal

What about the Uiygur refugess(Muslim) in Turkey,is it to capture Turkey

It seems to me that u r sending refugees to different countries to capture,recover
Believe it or not the leaders of all these refugess are all CCP agents who must have their purposes,means,and...covers.
I agree.

It is due to previous weak governments under Deng, Jiang, and Hu which have only cared about neutrality to appease the Chinese liberals.

Now China has Xi, he is slowly changing the internals of the CPC to a much more hardline leadership. It takes time to change decades of liberal nonsense. He will gradually lift this neutrality rubbish and help Asia counter hostile Indian aggression. The more India provokes China, the faster this process will happen.

China might even covertly help to topple the current Bangladeshi regime by helping pro-China Bangladeshi groups to bring Bangladesh into the anti-India group.

Make no mistake about it, India is a threat to Asia and a threat to the international community.

I hope whatever you've said is fact. China should be ready to assist the patriots of BD militarily if the situation leads to that. The way I see it, the illegitimate regime in Dhaka has already shut all the doors of a peaceful transfer of power.
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Remarks on Indian Prime Minister Modi Attending Activities in Disputed Area of Eastern Part of China-India Boundary

"What the Indian side has done runs counter to the efforts by the two sides to properly resolve and manage disputes and the overall interests of bilateral relations. We urge the Indian side to take China's solemn concerns seriously, meet the Chinese side halfway and commit itself to fairly and properly resolving the bilateral boundary question through negotiation. Pending the settlement of the boundary question, the Indian side should avoid making any move that complicates the boundary question and maintain the good momentum of bilateral ties."

China has decided Modi is an enemy. Now the gloves come off!

I think India should start protesting every time a Chinese official visits Beijing. Make up some 2000 yrs old maps showing it is part of ancient India
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I think India should start protesting every time a Chinese official visits Beijing. Make up seem 2000 yrs old maps showing it is part of ancient India
Beijing is too cold,you'd better keep away.
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