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Foreign media-ocrity

So Mumbai happened because of India occupation of Kashmir.. What is the reason then behind the weekly blasts in Pakistan? Couldnt be P0K..Right?

Are you actually so dumb or what?

It was you people who blame JuD and LeT for pelleting stone in Kashmir not us. Here, read and keep the trap shut in future:

Mumbai attacks: Kashmir is source of long-running India-Pakistan dispute - Telegraph

William Dalrymple: Mumbai atrocities highlight need for solution in Kashmir | Comment is free | The Observer

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/07/opinion/07iht-edpakistan.1.18459153.html- Mumbai, Kashmir and the Pakistan connection

And seriously, you made yourself look like an idiot by connecting Azad Kashmir and terrorist attacks inside Pakistan. :lol:
Are you actually so dumb or what?

It was you people who blame JuD and LeT for pelleting stone in Kashmir not us. Here, read and keep the trap shut in future:

Mumbai attacks: Kashmir is source of long-running India-Pakistan dispute - Telegraph

William Dalrymple: Mumbai atrocities highlight need for solution in Kashmir | Comment is free | The Observer

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/07/opinion/07iht-edpakistan.1.18459153.html- Mumbai, Kashmir and the Pakistan connection

And seriously, you made yourself look like an idiot by connecting Azad Kashmir and terrorist attacks inside Pakistan. :lol:

Looks like you are having difficulty understanding simple english and are resorting to childish personal attacks as a result of incorrect comprehension. let me lay it out for you in shorter sentences so its easy for you to understand

1. Lets say that Mumbai happened because of Kashmir
2. You are implying that it came to that level becuase Indians are not able to understand how India's actions in Kashmir allow terrorists to recruit for and execute such attacks
3. Now by that reasoning, all terrorist attacks have such logical reasons
4. So what is the reason for regular attacks in Pakistan.
5. It can not be the Kashmir thing since as per you, on this issue, Pakistan is on the right side of the terrorists who planned Mumbai since you have given azadi to your part of Kashmir
6. So the question being if terrorist attacks like Mumbai can be explained thru so called misdeeds of India in Kashmir, what misdeeds of Pakistan are the explanation for the terror attacks in Pakistan?

I suggest you try and understand the post before going on a tangential rant and persoanl attacks.
You are too much into assumptions, extrapolations and feeding BS to others. It;s useless discussing anything with you.

Here's a (free) suggestion; post some rant, assume a reply from my side (as you have been here and at the Kashmir thread) and re-post a rant in return. It will sure increase your post count! :tup:
You are too much into assumptions, extrapolations and feeding BS to others. It;s useless discussing anything with you.

Here's a (free) suggestion; post some rant, assume a reply from my side (as you have been here and at the Kashmir thread) and re-post a rant in return. It will sure increase your post count! :tup:

A useless suggestion as most of your posts in this thread and the Kashmir one. But then not surprising. :rolleyes:
if it was upto me i would ban all these foreign media from entering pakistan these guys have no idea about the country they stay there for a brief period reporting only negative stories and act like they're an authority on it (shmindle was a prime example pak government did the right thing booting him out our hospitality has it's limits)i'm sick and tired of these so called "experts" and their pakistan bashing,propoganda and doomsday articles they get their traps shut it's time they all gtfu for all i care.I would allow only pakistani media and journalists to report on it.
Journalists seem to be getting overconfident these days with a view that they can dictate global terms. However , this might be the case in the West where they play their part as per the whole strategy. This can not be said for the journalists from elsewhere which also require resolute back up from the Western powerhouses.
if it was upto me i would ban all these foreign media from entering pakistan these guys have no idea about the country they stay there for a brief period reporting only negative stories and act like they're an authority on it (shmindle was a prime example pak government did the right thing booting him out our hospitality has it's limits)i'm sick and tired of these so called "experts" and their pakistan bashing,propoganda and doomsday articles they get their traps shut it's time they all gtfu for all i care.I would allow only pakistani media and journalists to report on it.

shmindle acts like he knows more about Pakistan then Pakistanis themselves.That guy is delusional.I am glad he was deported but he should have been beaten for a day or so before deportation.That guy is an a@@ hole.
Looks like you are having difficulty understanding simple english and are resorting to childish personal attacks as a result of incorrect comprehension. let me lay it out for you in shorter sentences so its easy for you to understand

1. Lets say that Mumbai happened because of Kashmir
2. You are implying that it came to that level because Indians are not able to understand how India's actions in Kashmir allow terrorists to recruit for and execute such attacks
3. Now by that reasoning, all terrorist attacks have such logical reasons
4. So what is the reason for regular attacks in Pakistan.
5. It can not be the Kashmir thing since as per you, on this issue, Pakistan is on the right side of the terrorists who planned Mumbai since you have given azadi to your part of Kashmir
6. So the question being if terrorist attacks like Mumbai can be explained thru so called misdeeds of India in Kashmir, what misdeeds of Pakistan are the explanation for the terror attacks in Pakistan?

I suggest you try and understand the post before going on a tangential rant and personal attacks.
Actually, our esteemed think tank has already given the reason for the same ; Or perhaps, he has inadequately suggested out his reasoning for 26/11.
BTW, allow me to enlighten you, terrorist organizations mainly rely on motivation and/or subjugation to recruit their men.

Though, issues like occupation of Kashmir by your military definitely fuel and allow mass recruitment by these organizations. Anywaz, forget it, may it it's too hard for you to understand or else Mumbai shouldn't have happened.
Which means that there are motivation and/or subjugation factors well-within Pakistan (Balochistan maybe, or KP or FATA) to which people are enamored to and carry out such heinous acts.

Instead of being an OT poster, to contribute to this thread, i just have 2 words to describe the 4th Estate : Selective Journalism ; And Peepli Live was a good example of the same. So anything that can stereotype a Person or a Nation, is done currently by the Media w/reg the Pakistani Image. And the onus is on Pakistan, to beat that image.
Actually, our esteemed think tank has already given the reason for the same ; Or perhaps, he has inadequately suggested out his reasoning for 26/11.

Looks like a friend of our lacks the guts to say this all with his actual id ;)
Which means that there are motivation and/or subjugation factors well-within Pakistan (Balochistan maybe, or KP or FATA) to which people are enamored to and carry out such heinous acts.

Because they are humans.

What does tamil do when they are "motivation and/or subjugated"?

You people will give terrorists an excuse, believe me they'll never let go of the opportunity. That's an unfortunate truth. And guess what, nobody knows this better than the indians.
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Because they are humans.

What does tamil do when they are "motivation and/or subjugated"?

You people will give terrorists an excuse, believe me they'll never let go of the opportunity. That's an unfortunate truth. And guess what, nobody knows this better than the indians.

Then considering the situation in Pakistan which is also more linked to the topic of this thread, isnt it better for Pakistan to clean up its own mess instead of sermonizing India.?
Funny you talk about insecurities, since comparing yourself with your arch-enemy is hardly seen as a sign of confidence.
The point is that the coverage about Pakistan is skewed, and that is best illustrated by contrasting coverage about Pakistan with other similar nations, and what factors would imply coverage is skewed. For example, if I were to merely state that coverage of the arts and culture scene is skewed, it has no context without me pointing out how minuscule events in Iraq and Afghanistan are covered to such fanfare, but a longstanding history of the arts and culture in Pakistan is ignored.

Similarly, my pointing out that the sound-bytes of 'Pakistan ha abject poverty' are skewed (and even providing a poverty rate) has no context unless I contrast it with similar nations that get more positive coverage. What does '17% poverty rate' mean to most readers who don't bother with looking up figures after all? It means nothing unless I also point out how it contrasts favorably with other nations.

This is where Pakistani media and GoP can play a big role. Bring forward those stories of culture, society and music. Maybe its not a big deal for the average Pakistani but its is for the average white guy reading the news. If the foreign media isnt interested in showcasing them then are you going to complain about it or push your case and correct your image? Though the foreign media is to blame I dont absolve the Pak media and GoP of the blame either.
As I pointed out, those stories are brought out. Have you watched any of the Pakistani TV stations? There are dedicated business shows (a dedicated business channel as well) shows dedicated to the arts and culture scene and obviously shows dedicated to Music.

And again, the West is not watching Pakistani TV stations, they are watching the Western media primarily, and that is where things have to become more balanced in terms of coverage of events in Pakistan.
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