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Foreign envoys urge Pakistan to condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine during emergency UNGA session

Yes, we've been bootlicking for the last 70 years. So? Why not start making the right decisions from this point on?

And so what if the Army said, "yes" to IK visiting Russia? If that was the case, then it's even more proof the Army should stop making these decisions. It's not equipped to handle foreign affairs (just as it isn't equipped to run industries, companies, etc).

BTW, if the right people were in charge of Pakistan, we wouldn't have any analysts because the analysts would be running the country (as they do in the US, UK, Canada and literally every other first-world nation). Because we're all on the outside, we can either "analyze" and point out the right solutions, or cheerlead for the idiots running the country. I'd rather listen to well-thought-out alternatives than to support unqualified leaders.
Unfortunately for that Pakistan had to start working on its economy atleast 2 decades ago.
Putin knew sanctions would come anyway thats why Russia has been developing its economy further away from dollar or other currencies ,they hold one of the biggest reserves in different currencies instead of just dollar just for this day.
They have been working hard on local production and self reliance and trying to minimise the imports.
Pakistans biggest trade partner is West US & EU not china or close neighbours not even arabs.
Biggest loan provider to Pakistani state has been west so leaders had no vision or the option.
Unfortunately for that Pakistan had to start working on its economy atleast 2 decades ago.
Putin knew sanctions would come anyway thats why Russia has been developing its economy further away from dollar or other currencies ,they hold one of the biggest reserves in different currencies instead of just dollar just for this day.
They have been working hard on local production and self reliance and trying to minimise the imports.
Pakistans biggest trade partner is West US & EU not china or close neighbours not even arabs.
Biggest loan provider to Pakistani state has been west so leaders had no vision or the option.
I understand, but my issue is that our leaders always take this weird messy middle approach that makes everyone angry at us. For example, IK's visit to Russia. It was totally unnecessary. There literally was no reason to go there. None. We should either lick the boots harder, or take a hard stand and work through the consequences, but this messy middle stuff is killing us. It's confusing our population. It's angering our key trade partners. It's making our strategic partners (e.g. China) suspicious of us. It's literally not doing anything productive.

If we decide to stand up against the West, then yes, we'll get sanctioned to hell. But at the same time, we eliminate the ambiguity between where the 'establishment' stands vis-a-vis the population. They'd be on the same page (e.g., anti-West) so, at least, we might gain internal stability and cohesion out of it. That might finally give us the framework to develop properly again, especially if we remove ourselves from all foreign games.

There's a cost to the action, but at least, we get the action and some potential direction for the future.
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Scenario 1:
Unequivocal support to the west

In return Pakistan receives: Jack sh*t

Scenario 2:
Unequivocal support to Russia

In return Pakistan receives: Jack sh*t
Now send them a letter back asking them all to support Pakistan's removal from the FATF grey list and then see. If there is no response or it's a 'different matter', write a simple statement saying Pakistan doesn't interfere in a nation's internal affairs.

They fail to understand Central/South America, vast majority of Asia and Africa are indifferent to this war, heck even side with Russia.
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We can if UN collectively agrees and condemns war in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Palestine. Plus agree to put sanctions on USA.
Bunch of hypocrites are asking Pakistan to take sides.
Pakistan to ask them send troops to help Ukraine.
Western are dual headed snakes.
Just remain humble and quiet. Imran khan did well to tour Russia. Next in few years time, these foreign envoys start urging us to condemn China as well in case, if a conflict breaks out in South China sea or Taiwan. Than what. We can easily sense where the things are heading towards by the end of this decade.

Though we should send some medical aid, warm clothes as an aid for Ukrainian people. This can be done thru UN/red cross. Make sure that proper media coverage is given to the aid.
I understand, but my issue is that our leaders always take this weird messy middle approach that makes everyone angry at us. For example, IK's visit to Russia. It was totally unnecessary. There literally was no reason to go there. None. We should either lick the boots harder, or take a hard stand and work through the consequences, but this messy middle stuff is killing us. It's confusing our population. It's angering our key trade partners. It's making our strategic partners (e.g. China) suspicious of us. It's literally not doing anything productive.

If we decide to stand up against the West, then yes, we'll get sanctioned to hell. But at the same time, we eliminate the ambiguity between where the 'establishment' stands vis-a-vis the population. They'd be on the same page (e.g., anti-West) so, at least, we might gain internal stability and cohesion out of it. That might finally give us the framework to develop properly again, especially if we remove ourselves from all foreign games.

There's a cost to the action, but at least, we get the action and some potential direction for the future.
You are over reading it

Noone cares about pakistan

And that is good thing

Nxt we should do in general assembly what everyone else will do abstain

Cancelling a routine tour would have been a clear signal..if we did that it would have been better to openly condemn russia with it because that is exactly what it would have meant
Since we are quoting Twitter experts here are some for you.

And last but not least the Western academics who were on payroll of Indian regime and working overtime to rewrite history have also started speaking truth even though 20 years late.

I remember this CFR chap Richard Haas, interviewing PMIK with room full of idiots with facial expressions " we dont like Pakistan because of its guts".

This is sweet and satisfying, at the same time.
Generally during political visits military operations dont start this is an unwritten rule which is a sign of respect and for not creating further issues which putin have breached as well . Ofcourse starting a military operation that no one knows beforehand except Russia would put you in a difficult position this can be a calculated move by putin showing again some trustability issues. But not trusting the current leader of some country should not be the reason to take position against that country. You need to think long term considering the risks and returns.

General messages like pro peace and similar would be enough. Later on you can comment that you were not given knowledge and intensity of the security situation before the visit and raise criticism about IKs security was put at risk as a criticism. You can say your main partner is traditionally China and export to western partners and will stay so but you dont support measures that would effect ordinary Russian citizens. With time you can improve trade relations with Russia directly or through China with increasing intensity depending on western trade partners stance. Actually anything that would not offend Russia too much and staying in current allience with China and not offending western trade partners would be enough in my opinion.

Also what is the motive of forcing Pakistan who does not have too much trade relations with Russia It wont change anything this can be asked as well over and over again. Unless another motive is behind it against Pakistan ofcourse to take sides and left alone.
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TBH it would make more sense if EU can make India take sides
As india is one of the biggest arms exporter from Russia. IMAGINE SANCTIONS if you buy any kind of military equipment from Russia would do more good than asking Pakistan to do anything

EU does not really care what Pakistan does. If they did care about Pakistan they can cancel your exports to the EU
Scenario 1:
Unequivocal support to the west

In return Pakistan receives: Jack sh*t

Scenario 2:
Unequivocal support to Russia

In return Pakistan receives: Jack sh*t
Pakistan should take the line

War is bad. We encourage all parties to stop and start a negotiated settlement. Pakistan should offer help medical help to all
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