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Foreign envoys urge Pakistan to condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine during emergency UNGA session

Its not a lone voice :

Good for them and good for you. Pakistan will take care of her interests just like everyone else is doing.

I don't see you talking about your own country not standing up with Ukraine, after all you guys claim to be better than everyone else when it comes to human rights and whatnot.

Our policymakers (if we have any) are complete idiots. There was no reason to visit Russia (and give the world the impression that we are siding with them). It was totally unnecessary, especially when it is Russia that's traditionally been arming India.

The best course was to either leverage a pro-Ukraine stance (for Pakistani interests in Kashmir, Afghanistan, etc), or to just say, "we condemn all cross-border invasions and occupations" without specifying who.
Bilal, thing is that we were going to get flak in one way or the other. West is tried and tested doesn't care about our problems moreover Pakistan needs regional coordination and relations.
Good for them and good for you. Pakistan will take care of her interests just like everyone else is doing.

I don't see you talking about your own country not standing up with Ukraine, after all you guys claim to be better than everyone else when it comes to human rights and whatnot.

Hold on. The Choice was :

Being Neutral vs Being on the Side of Russia.

India chose to be Neutral, with a physical presence in Russia ( rigtht on the day of attack ), Pakistan has 'naively' signaled that its on the Russian side.

India did take many steps :

1. We Abstained
2. We didn't Support the Russian Move, despite being a Strategic Russian partner
3. We cancelled our Military Exercise :

Of course, like China we will not criticize Russia for obvious reasons. But we truly didn't take their side either.
Unlike Indian abstentions at the UN, recent Pakistani overtures to Russia are going to have far more severe consequences —further jeopardising your current equation with the “west”. It was a bad move all around.
Our policymakers (if we have any) are complete idiots. There was no reason to visit Russia (and give the world the impression that we are siding with them). It was totally unnecessary, especially when it is Russia that's traditionally been arming India.

The best course was to either leverage a pro-Ukraine stance (for Pakistani interests in Kashmir, Afghanistan, etc), or to just say, "we condemn all cross-border invasions and occupations" without specifying who.

As if we are going to become first world country if we have stayed at home. You analysts and your analysis. These same countries were supporting india and israel. It is time for Pakistan to take bold decisions and reap the fruits whether good or bad. It will be a decision of Allah

Dollar will still remain above 100 had Pakistan condemned it and same goes for FATF
Yeah, want some Russian gas too😃

and the Ukrainian Tanks ?

Tanks are Ukraine’s biggest money makers with Pakistan. According to UkrSpetsEksport, the Ukrainian foreign arms trade agency, Kyiv is currently working on 12 contracts valued at over $150 million.

In the same manner, Pakistan has recently enlivened Ukraine’s aircraft repairs industry, which is also hungry for work, by concluding two new contracts to repair its Ilyushin Il‑78 refueling tankers.

The Ukrainian authorities have not disclosed the contract price. The deal currently envisages repairing two Il‑78s, although the Ukrainian industry hopes to repair all four aircraft of this type operated by the Pakistani Air Force. For the Mykolaiv Aircraft Repairs Plant, this is also a chance to ease its own financial difficulties.

Islamabad has become a stable contract provider. Officials of UkrOboronProm, the Ukrainian state-run defense production giant, do not hesitate to call Pakistan “a strategic client” with which the country has a “traditionally high level of trust and mutual understanding.”

A lot to offer

For their part, Pakistani officials also send positive signals to Ukraine’s arms industry — teasing it with potential multimillion contacts involving things far more advanced (and profitable) than tank repairs.

In May, the Ukrainian defense community was encouraged by the official visit of General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the Pakistani Army’s Chief of Staff.

Given the dominant role of the military in the South Asian country, the arrival of one of Pakistan’s top officials coming to check out the Ukrainian arms market raised expectations.

And the Ukrainian officials did their very best. At military training grounds near Kharkiv, the Pakistani general was shown some of the best weapons Ukraine has to offer: from BTR‑4E armored personnel carriers to Korsar and Skif anti-tank guided missiles.
The Pakistani Condemnation :


Let them bark. Pakistan must Stand as a Real Nuclear Power.

"What a time I have come, so much excitement," Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was heard saying at the airport as he arrived in Moscow on Wednesday ahead of a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Khan's statement would prove to be ill-timed, as hours after his arrival, Russia carried out a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The West has condemned President Putin with one voice and imposed strict sanctions on Moscow. Russian forces are bombing Ukrainian cities and are closing in on the capital Kyiv. There is definitely more anger than "excitement" about the situation in the West.

However, with Khan's visit, Pakistan's leadership seems to be demonstrating its naivete vis-a-vis the gravity of global politics in the aftermath of Russia's unilateral invasion of Ukraine.

A 'wrong signal' to the West​

Khalid Hameed Farooqi, a Brussels-based Pakistani journalist and an expert on South Asian diplomatic affairs, told DW that Khan's Russia visit will "isolate Pakistan more among the international community."

"Regardless of what he says, by going to Moscow, Khan has conveyed a message to Europe and the US that he has decided to side with Russia in the Ukraine conflict," Farooqi said.
All the differences should be settled with dialogueband Pakistan would like to facilitate a dialogue between the parties in Islamabad 😜.

Pakistan would continue to buy engines and food supplies from both the countries.

There are many more investment opportunities than the unsettled, chaotic Europe. Come invest here and grow your profits 😊
Going by your logic, Pakistan has not taken a side despite the fact that Khan reached Russia before the war started. Pakistan has also clearly told West that we don't have a favorite side in this conflict.
Pakistan ‘won’t take sides’ in UN debate on Ukraine

Read More at: https://www.dawn.com/news/1677615/pakistan-wont-take-sides-in-un-debate-on-ukraine

Unfortunately, at the bottom of your heart you already know what the truth is.
It was huge Blunder.

You can explain this is Pakistani media. But West is not a fool.

Khan’s trip to Moscow focused solely on bilateral cooperation, but its timing may give the impression that Pakistan indirectly endorsed Putin’s decree on breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine and even the invasion—launched just hours after Khan touched down in Moscow.

As far as India is concerned :

We do have a Mature Foreign Policy
We have Nuclear Deals with US and we get Nuclear Subs from Russia
We Get Missiles from Israel and Oil from Iran
We get Billions from KSA and at the same time We Invest in Chahbahar
We snatched away UAE, KSA from your Kitty, and they have been made silent over Kashmir
We Trade Billions from China while Sell Brahmos to Phillipnes

Thats our foreign Policy. We are proud of it.

And so on....
Unlike Indian abstentions at the UN, recent Pakistani overtures to Russia are going to have far more severe consequences —further jeopardising your current equation with the “west”. It was a bad move all around.

The ‘overtures’ are symbolic there is no real defence or trading relationship with the Russians. We have been on opposite sides for decades. The world knows this strangely some Indian posters don’t.
Going by your logic, Pakistan has not taken a side despite the fact that Khan reached Russia before the war started. Pakistan has also clearly told West that we don't have a favorite side in this conflict.
Pakistan ‘won’t take sides’ in UN debate on Ukraine

Read More at: https://www.dawn.com/news/1677615/pakistan-wont-take-sides-in-un-debate-on-ukraine
Optics matter. While you claim no stand has been taken, Imran Khans personal visit to Russia at this time said a whole other story.

When it comes to India, our somewhat reluctant abstentions are expected.
and the Ukrainian Tanks ?

Tanks are Ukraine’s biggest money makers with Pakistan. According to UkrSpetsEksport, the Ukrainian foreign arms trade agency, Kyiv is currently working on 12 contracts valued at over $150 million.

In the same manner, Pakistan has recently enlivened Ukraine’s aircraft repairs industry, which is also hungry for work, by concluding two new contracts to repair its Ilyushin Il‑78 refueling tankers.

The Ukrainian authorities have not disclosed the contract price. The deal currently envisages repairing two Il‑78s, although the Ukrainian industry hopes to repair all four aircraft of this type operated by the Pakistani Air Force. For the Mykolaiv Aircraft Repairs Plant, this is also a chance to ease its own financial difficulties.

Islamabad has become a stable contract provider. Officials of UkrOboronProm, the Ukrainian state-run defense production giant, do not hesitate to call Pakistan “a strategic client” with which the country has a “traditionally high level of trust and mutual understanding.”

A lot to offer

For their part, Pakistani officials also send positive signals to Ukraine’s arms industry — teasing it with potential multimillion contacts involving things far more advanced (and profitable) than tank repairs.

In May, the Ukrainian defense community was encouraged by the official visit of General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the Pakistani Army’s Chief of Staff.

Given the dominant role of the military in the South Asian country, the arrival of one of Pakistan’s top officials coming to check out the Ukrainian arms market raised expectations.

And the Ukrainian officials did their very best. At military training grounds near Kharkiv, the Pakistani general was shown some of the best weapons Ukraine has to offer: from BTR‑4E armored personnel carriers to Korsar and Skif anti-tank guided missiles.
We only have 4 of them and to be honest we misuse those il-78s a lot. Whenever I went to Islamabad/Rawalpindi, I have seen il-78 flying almost everyday from the airbase. Utilized even more than C-130 I think so
We only have 4 of them and to be honest we misuse those il-78s a lot. Whenever I went to Islamabad/Rawalpindi, I have seen il-78 flying almost everyday from the airbase. Utilized even more than C-130 I think so

Well, you export a lot of Wheat too.
Unlike Indian abstentions at the UN, recent Pakistani overtures to Russia are going to have far more severe consequences —further jeopardising your current equation with the “west”. It was a bad move all around.
Chalo thand par gai.....be happy we took wrong decision....
Unfortunately, at the bottom of your heart you already know what the truth is.
It was huge Blunder.

You can explain this is Pakistani media. But West is not a fool.

Khan’s trip to Moscow focused solely on bilateral cooperation, but its timing may give the impression that Pakistan indirectly endorsed Putin’s decree on breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine and even the invasion—launched just hours after Khan touched down in Moscow.

As far as India is concerned :

We do have a Mature Foreign Policy
We have Nuclear Deals with US and we get Nuclear Subs from Russia
We Get Missiles from Israel and Oil from Iran
We get Billions from KSA and at the same time We Invest in Chahbahar
We snatched away UAE, KSA from your Kitty, and they have been made silent over Kashmir
We Trade Billions from China while Sell Brahmos to Phillipnes

Thats our foreign Policy. We are proud of it.

And so on....
LOL, nice username.. that was what the rofl smiley was for, just so we're clear.

good points otherwise, 100%
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