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Foreign debt jumped to $67 billion due to government's poor policies: Chief

Good which means the deception called democracy has failed for Pakistan much like it has for India..corruption and financial irregularities are the order of the day now!
Democracy has not failed in India at least. Most of us will like to throw out the corrupt and get slightly less corrupt ones. In all this anti corruption drama in India, you will hardly hear anybody even considering military state / theocratic state.
....well..My question is slightly off topic, but I hope some knowledgeable person will answer it.
When does Justice Chaudhary retires ? Is he also on 3 year extension like kiyani?

He will be retiring in 2013 on completion of age limit
Thats very dumb opinion in my opinion. I don't know why Indians jump on Pak military first. Musharraf was a military man, just throw a glimpse on his era, Pakistan economy was boosting & was world's 2nd fastest growing economy in the world, rapid development was being observed all over Pakistan including buildup of new city Gawadar, no electricity problems, military was becoming self reliant, Rupee was 57 against $, etc etc. Since zardari govt took power every thing messed up, cancel of development projects, massive electric problems, railway issues, national airline issues, steel mills issues, massive terrorism, increase in poverty/uneducated persons etc etc. It all happens because civilian govt in Pakistan is always corrupt & loot money for themselves. If one look at history, Pakistan's most sucessful times were of military rule, look 60's & 2000's.

@ topic CJ should not think he is out of it, he is equal to these govt & co, was he sleeping al these years? Why didn't he raise issue, what stopped him to question this govt strictly on all issues, so in my opinion he has his equal role in all these crises.

Hmmm..... did you also see how much money did the Central Bank of Pakistan print for the internal debt to the government? Check that out and you will see why the deck of cards started toppling the moment the brave General Mussharraf was gone. Even his side kick = Shortcut Aziz took not time in packing the bags and getting off the ground on the first available Hawai Tayyarra.

Indeed the success of the statecraft of the Pakistani army has not been that it has been able to control and rule Pakistan for its life but the fact that while exploiting Pakistanis for its own interest, it has also made them thank the army for the miseries. That is one hell of an effort.
Without understanding BoP (Balance of Payment) and the structure of the International Monetary System, this figure of National Debt wont make any sense for most users. I have an article I wrote explaining the whole issue but I cant post it here because I have less than 5 posts. This post is a part of those needed 5 posts.
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