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For my Indian friends: Taking Off In A MiG-29K From A Carrier At Night Is A Fiery Thrill

The numbers of Mig 29k will again increase due to the future induction of INS Vikrant if LCA cant mature then in INS Vishal also.
INS Vishal will be a CATOBAR carrier I think & Mig-29 k cannot take off with catapult as it requires ski jump. For INS Vishal IN will certainly try to acquire 5th generation fighter.
I don't think IN will order more than 45 MIG-29 Ks because this number is enough for both vikramaditya & vikrant. Both carriers can support only 16-18 fighter jets each. Another thing is that chances are normally one carrier will remain operational at a time while other will remain in dry docks for refitting period.
Mig 29K is optimized for every available waponary in naval force arsenal but it is not primarily based on open system architecture thus may have restrictions. I may be wrong but that's what I believe. LCA has open system architecture so theoretically it can be programmed to carry every aircraft weapons in naval force. Thank you.
Mig 29K is also open architecture system & we are it's first & sole customer until Russian Navy order it.
It has French & Israel original avionics & helmet mounted sight display.
INS Vishal will be a CATOBAR carrier I think & Mig-29 k cannot take off with catapult as it requires ski jump. For INS Vishal IN will certainly try to acquire 5th generation fighter.
I don't think IN will order more than 45 MIG-29 Ks because this number is enough for both vikramaditya & vikrant. Both carriers can support only 16-18 fighter jets each. Another thing is that chances are normally one carrier will remain operational at a time while other will remain in dry docks for refitting period.

We will loose at least 10-15 aircraft's in the next 5-15 years once carrier operations starts. You cannot fight statistics.

We will then either need to import more or buy Naval LCA as replacement.
LCA has yet to fire a BVR missile ... just saying.
Mate I said it has open system architecture design built in it from the scratch. So yes it has ability to fire as many missiles as we can put in it with programing. It has fired or not is altogther different scenario. Thank you.
Mig 29K is also open architecture system & we are it's first & sole customer until Russian Navy order it.
It has French & Israel original avionics & helmet mounted sight display.
Can you please provide the link? I will also try to find this information.
Mig 29K is optimized for every available waponary in naval force arsenal but it is not primarily based on open system architecture thus may have restrictions.
Watch the video of the Black Panthers Squadron pilot, he clearly states that the Navy doesn't envisage any issues with integrating indigenous weapons in the future. The MiG-29Ks of the IN for sure have open architecture.
The numbers of Mig 29k will again increase due to the future induction of INS Vikrant if LCA cant mature then in INS Vishal also.
No need- 45 is enough for the IAC-1 and Viky, the Vishal will be CATOBAR configured so the MiG-29K/KUB is not an option.
Waiting for F-35 to fly off IAC-II... :)
So fifth gen may be an option in INSVishal..

It will be very illogical to operate a 4th Gen. plane off EMAL enabled Nuke carrier.. Most probabky whole aviation wing of next line of carriers will come as a package deal with EMALs... F-35, E-2D, V-22 ... whole lot..
It will be very illogical to operate a 4th Gen. plane off EMAL enabled Nuke carrier.. Most probabky whole aviation wing of next line of carriers will come as a package deal with EMALs... F-35, E-2D, V-22 ... whole lot..
There aren't really options for a5 th gen fighter for Vishal other than the F35 unless Russia develops one with CATOBAR config.

We can rule out a naval AMCA.So chances would be either F35 or naval FGFA.
Some where I read IN may try for 5CBG s in future.Any Confirmation in that?
Does they aim for another 2ACC?
We can rule out a naval AMCA.So chances would be either F35 or naval FGFA.

Nah.. US wont allow us to fly N-FGFA off its EMALs.. Only way they will give their prized tech. i.e. EMALs if they are sure that No Russian will ever visit the Carrier. In any case, supporting air wing will come from US only, so it makes sense to buy in one big package deal.. What do you think..?
So fifth gen may be an option in INSVishal..
IMHO it is the ONLY sensible option for the Vishal. Consider the fact it will be in service by 2023-5, the IAF will have just started to receive there 5th Gen fighters, the PLAAF will be in the advance stages of developing their own and the JSF will be in service with the USN and Royal Navy (just about). The IN can't have a $2BN carrier (probably going to cost more than that- especially if it is nuclear powered) that is already outdated just by the fact it has a sub-optimal air wing (anything other than a 5th gen fighter).

But this is where the mystery lies- what does the IN get? I guess the most logical answer is the F-35C (a package deal with the EMALS tech and E-2Ds is more than likely) but then the F-35 has some serious flaws and does the IN really want to go for an American fighter (this would be a major departure from India's typical avoidance of such equipment). The N-FGFA is not an option from what I am hearing, the Russians don't seem to have any interest in designing a naval fighter capable of launching from a catapult.
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