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FM: Tehran Willing to Start Ambassadorial Ties with Egypt

we shall have strong relations with turkey and iran i dont see any reason to choose or side with some one against the other i think egypt should have relations with all powers in the middle east
like i said before no one can say right now what will be the future of Egypt relations with everyone while we have this economic crisis soon İnşallah we will recover

I always wondered , does Egypt get money from ships passing suez canal and if so how much , because everytime i look at the map its such an important place .
I always wondered , does Egypt get money from ships passing suez canal and if so how much , because everytime i look at the map its such an important place .
yes we do i dont know how much exactly but lets just say that the suez canal saved us from being a bankrupt nation in the past year with riots and no security the economy was in really bad shape it is starting to get better now
I always wondered , does Egypt get money from ships passing suez canal and if so how much , because everytime i look at the map its such an important place .

For a 70' Cat the following (in USD):

Suez canal transit dues - $3611
Port disbursement - $311
Port clearance - $128
Agent fees - $300
Insurance - $50
Immigration (arrival and departure) - $50
Customs fees - $50

Total: $4500 USD
I disagree. As you say the circumstances in the region are out of the ordinary and there is a degree of uncertainty as to what will happen. The new Egypt have been increasingly assertive in it's foreign policy as opposed to pre-revolutionary Egypt which was essentially an american puppet state. So the reality is that Egypt is looking to safeguard it's own national interest in the region for the first time. In order to do so it needs to recognize the major players in the region and interact with them to decrease the level of uncertainty and shift the circumstances as close to Egypts interests as possible. Of course Iran is one of these major players and I think Morsi signaled that he recognized this to Iran and the world when he just recently invited it to a quartet with the aim of negotiating a solution in Syria. He is basically saying that the region cannot ignore the elephant standing in the room and so it follows that Egypt should have relations with Iran in order to safeguard it's interests in the region. Interestingly USA was not invited to this group which is consistent with my point of a new assertive Egypt.

On a lesser note I should comment on your assertion that Egypt needs to take Iran's standing in the sunni states into consideration and point out that if you flip the coin you have a situation where Egypt needs to analyze Iran's standing in the Shia states of the region and what this means for Egypt.

There is no reason why Egypt and Iran should not have diplomatic ties when Saudi Arabia and Iran can maintain the ties despite hostilities and divergence on many issues. Have you seen the Pics of Ahamdinejad sitting right to King Abdullah in the recently concluded OIC extra ordinary session on Syria in the KSA?. I raised two points that who gets what in the present geopolitics of Middle East, its Iran who is more willing to resume the ties and it is evident why they are. You rightly said that after regime change Egypt is taking back its leadership position in MENA region. If you carefully study the moves and statements of Morsi he would like to take along Iran rather than get along with Iran especially on the issue of Syria ( watch his address in NAM summit recently concluded in Tehran).
As far as your point on flip side (Iran’s standing in Shiet states ), there is not much scope for maneuvering apart from Iran there are Azerbaijan ( that is more close to Turkey), Iraq and Hezbollah of Lebanon and these two are directly linked with the issue of Syria that is on high priority of Morsi.

I always wondered , does Egypt get money from ships passing suez canal and if so how much , because everytime i look at the map its such an important place .

In 2011 they have earned around 4.5 billion USD in transit fees this year they expect around 5 Billion USD. this is realy huge sum....
Didn't know that. So, is Salafi the proper term.

The extremists have taken a liking to the word "Salafi". So yes I do suppose the term Salafi is the correct term to refer to them without insulting.
For a 70' Cat the following (in USD):

Suez canal transit dues - $3611
Port disbursement - $311
Port clearance - $128
Agent fees - $300
Insurance - $50
Immigration (arrival and departure) - $50
Customs fees - $50

Total: $4500 USD

Thanks , really suez canal is a big big strategic location , and why dont egypt increase the prices by alot when its in need because they will still pay because its cheaper then going wround all of africa .

In 2011 they have earned around 4.5 billion USD in transit fees this year they expect around 5 Billion USD. this is realy huge sum....

thats actually a big sum , but they can increase the prices also for more when they are in need because companies will still use it , cheaper than going wround africa .
Thanks , really suez canal is a big big strategic location , and why dont egypt increase the prices by alot when its in need because they will still pay because its cheaper then going wround all of africa .

thats actually a big sum , but they can increase the prices also for more when they are in need because companies will still use it , cheaper than going wround africa .

yes they can and i am sure that Suez canal authority will take measures under the new government to increase the revenue.
I agree with your post,except one part,evil is Saudi Arabia,not Iran.

Saudi Arabia is an Arabic and Muslim country, it is one of the major pillars of Arab block, all countries surrounding it wether they were people or regimes would send the one who points a finger toward it to hell. It's intervention has never been but constructive and has always been gladly welcomed, the things that Iran don't have.
Saudi Arabia is an Arabic and Muslim country, it is one of the major pillars of Arab block, all countries surrounding it wether they were people or regimes would send the one who points a finger toward it to hell. It's intervention has never been but constructive and has always been gladly welcomed, the things that Iran don't have.

Do you think the majority of Bahrainis considered KSA's intervention constructive and gladly welcomed?
Saudi Arabia is an Arabic and Muslim country, it is one of the major pillars of Arab block, all countries surrounding it wether they were people or regimes would send the one who points a finger toward it to hell. It's intervention has never been but constructive and has always been gladly welcomed, the things that Iran don't have.

You are very naive my friend,you can be happy with these self made hallucinations.There is no way I can reply to such post.you win.

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