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Flyining Bullets 2nd Tejas Sqaudron formed 27th May

JF-17 flys while LCA crawls on tata trucks.

that's BECAUSE IAF has twice as many 4th generation fighters Than PAF

ie 400 veris v 200

50% of the PAF even tonight is 40 year old F7 & Mirage 3 / 5[/QUOTE]
So why is he comparing crash rate of 120 JF17s with 16 tejas I can bet with you our f7s will be replaced before your mig 21 is replaced so nothing to worry about.
Do you mind telling your friend that we have more jf17s than tejas and we are flying them for more than one decade.
SP21 testing Final operational clearance to be handed over to new 2nd Squadron tommrow
looks a beauty
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Great stuff, timing couldn't be better, place them at Ladakh and get some vital combat experience
EveryTejas that has been made flies and is better than your Chinese jf 17 with Russian engine. And it has more flying hours with zero crash unlike your jf17 which has crashed multiple times. And your Chinese fighter can't do what Tejas can do. So please alpply some burnol on that hole of yours and don't show your stupidity.

Wah wah aaap ki post parh kar Ali Hamza ka gana yaaad a giya "meri ankhion kai taray bolain....."
The Samoasa
which now is forming the second squadron has technology which you will only see in your Thunder in block 3

Im talking Helmet Mounted Display and composite airframe build .

Yes you inducted block 1 & 2 quicker BUT left some things where left out which are only coming in now.

Indian Air Force having one eye more rafales wanted all these things in first version

Even now only 40 block one will be allowed to join in first batch .

We move to AESA equipped version in MARK1A x 83 planes in 2023

This Mark1a will be generation ahead of everything in PAF bar the 50 block 3 you are inducting next 4 years

you think its this simple ..since first induction of jf17 we have fleet of pilots having hundreds of flying hours on jf17 with developed strategies against adversary who knows ins and outs of their machine.. the technology in your tejas might be more advance but does it bring any new ''capability'' ? that thunder dnt have or can not perform. expt for HMD which is definitely going to come to us in next block 3.. but who is going to fight WVR when its era of BVR...

''This Mark1a will be generation ahead of everything in PAF bar the 50 block 3 you are inducting next 4 years''

isnt your cobra dancing MKI superior to anything we have??
that's BECAUSE IAF has twice as many 4th generation fighters Than PAF

ie 400 veris v 200

50% of the PAF even tonight is 40 year old F7 & Mirage 3 / 5
So why is he comparing crash rate of 120 JF17s with 16 tejas I can bet with you our f7s will be replaced before your mig 21 is replaced so nothing to worry about.
Do you mind telling your friend that we have more jf17s than tejas and we are flying them for more than one decade.[/QUOTE]

Err Disagree

Your buying 50 planes from China THAT IT IS IT in block 3 format from now until 2024. Period
You have 120 F7 in service & around 80 vintage mirages

India is buying 36 rafale arriving now in July first 4 and 32 more by 2023
They have 20 more block 1 Tejas arriving by 2021 = 56 planes
And india has only 54 mig21 left

Mark1a arrives 2023 but will go on until 2028 I will not count this de;livery

Current IAF

270 su30 mki = 14 sqds
45 mirage2000 = 2 sqds
60 mig29 upg = 3 sqds
100 jaguar = 5 sqds
16 Tejas = 1 sqd
54 mig21 bison = 3 sqs

IAF has 28 sqds = 50% of the entie fleet is SU30MKI


all the MIG27 were phased out by 2018

So why is he comparing crash rate of 120 JF17s with 16 tejas I can bet with you our f7s will be replaced before your mig 21 is replaced so nothing to worry about.
Do you mind telling your friend that we have more jf17s than tejas and we are flying them for more than one decade.

Err Disagree

Your buying 50 planes from China THAT IT IS IT in block 3 format from now until 2024. Period
You have 120 F7 in service & around 80 vintage mirages

India is buying 36 rafale arriving now in July first 4 and 32 more by 2023
They have 20 more block 1 Tejas arriving by 2021 = 56 planes
And india has only 54 mig21 left

Mark1a arrives 2023 but will go on until 2028 I will not count this de

270 su30 mki = 14 sqds
45 mirage2000 = 2 sqds
60 mig29 upg = 3 sqds
100 jaguar = 5 sqds
16 Tejas = 1 sqd
54 mig21 bison = 3 sqs

IAF has 28 sqds = 50% of the entie fleet is SU30MKI


all the MIG27 were phased out by 2018
Since 2000 IAF (excluding INAF) has lost 30 4th generation fighter jets
9 Mig-29
10 Mirage-2000
11 Su-30

I did cross check ur numbers
While its correct that their have been 9 Mig29 crashes
But that is since 1991 not 2000
As far as Mirage 2000 is concerned
I have only been able to find account of 4 crashes since 2000
While for Su30Mki
The number is nearly accurate with 10 losses since 2000

Crashes happen when u fly the jets
As long as crash rate of Fighters is less than 1 per 10000 flight hours , its ok

Btw PAF has lost 10 F16s to crashes with the last one happening on 11 March 2020
That's at par with Indian losses of Mig29
Now considering the fact that u guys have barely 75 of them , as compared to 260+ Su30, that's a big number to loose
Check out the below link

I did cross check ur numbers
While its correct that their have been 9 Mig29 crashes
But that is since 1991 not 2000

12 Mig-29 crashed since 2000 NOT 9
As far as Mirage 2000 is concerned
I have only been able to find account of 4 crashes since 2000
8 crashed since 2000 not 4.
While for Su30Mki
The number is nearly accurate with 10 losses since 2000
Crashes happen when u fly the jets
As long as crash rate of Fighters is less than 1 per 10000 flight hours , its ok
The irony is IAF Su-30 log less then half of PAF F-16 hours per aircraft.
if you have 100K aircraft each aircraft would need to clock only 1 hour to achieve 100k hours where as if you have 1K aircraft 100 hours would be required per aircraft to achieve 100k hours.
Also Su-30 flys less then 150 hours per year and PAF F-16 flys over 300 hours per year since they clocked 270 hour/year from 1994 to 2005 when PAF was short on F-16 spare parts.

Btw PAF has lost 10 F16s to crashes with the last one happening on 11 March 2020
That's at par with Indian losses of Mig29
Now considering the fact that u guys have barely 75 of them , as compared to 260+ Su30, that's a big number to loose
Check out the below link

Since 2000 PAF has lost 2 F-16s where as IAF has lost 30, the result is clearly not in IAF favor from the past 20 years.
The Samoasa
which now is forming the second squadron has technology which you will only see in your Thunder in block 3

Im talking Helmet Mounted Display and composite airframe build .

Yes you inducted block 1 & 2 quicker BUT left some things where left out which are only coming in now.

Indian Air Force having one eye more rafales wanted all these things in first version

Even now only 40 block one will be allowed to join in first batch .

We move to AESA equipped version in MARK1A x 83 planes in 2023

This Mark1a will be generation ahead of everything in PAF bar the 50 block 3 you are inducting next 4 years
Very very late. These babies need at least 5 to 7 years to call them self a mature platform.
SP21 testing Final operational clearance to be handed over to new 2nd Squadron tommrow
looks a beauty

Can you please stop posting BS?? :hitwall::crazy:

These are both old images of SP-21 which was later renumbered to LA-2017. As such all your claims, four SP-aircraft were attending the ceremony, they were already handed over are PLAIN WRONG!

So stop spreading your agenda with fake news.
Simple maths guys..

2 Mirage chased out 8 JF17.

1*Mirage = 4*JF17

2*Tejas = 1*Mirage

1*Tejas = 2*JF17
Can you please stop posting BS?? :hitwall::crazy:

These are both old images of SP-21 which was later renumbered to LA-2017. As such all your claims, four SP-aircraft were attending the ceremony, they were already handed over are PLAIN WRONG!

So stop spreading your agenda with


My Mistake IT shou;ld read SP19 SP22 SP23 aircraft to be handed over to new squadron Flying Bullet no 18 new formed sqn today

The planes are being handed over in June

here is SP22


My Mistake IT shou;ld read SP19 SP22 SP23 aircraft to be handed over to new squadron Flying Bullet no 18 new formed sqn today

The planes are being handed over in June

here is SP22



My Mistake IT shou;ld read SP19 SP22 SP23 aircraft to be handed over to new squadron Flying Bullet no 18 new formed sqn today

The planes are being handed over in June

here is SP22


Big day for IAF, HAL as new Tejas Squadron takes off today ...

Read more at: https://english.manoramaonline.com/news/kerala/2020/05/27/tejas-squadron-indian-air-force-sulur.html
Is this squadron armed with our homemade Astra BVR?

Congratulations to IAF..... Need to rush this baby immediately at Ladakh to deter the enemy.....

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