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Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - 50 dead and 53 injured

I'm just praying this guy has no links to Pakistan. He's being identified as an Afghan but I hope he was not in Pakistan as a refugee or anything at one point in his life.
i like how people jump into there conclusions and judgement over a small group, blaming all Muslims are the same, its like saying Hindu men raped a girl now all of them the same. but all aside RIP to the people that died, really sad moment.
His actions had nothing to do with his concerns for Palestine, Libya, Kashmir


"The father of the man who reportedly shot up an Orlando, Fla. nightclub overnight claims his son, Omar Mateen, became "very angry" when he saw two men kissing in downtown Miami a few months ago and thinks it may have been part of his son's motive."
Hence my post.....you don't like the lifestyle of people in the WEST....leave !
He should be sent to prison, le him enjoy some brotherly love...
Oops the bastard died
It's not the police response, but the American people's apathy towards gun violence and bigotry that concerns me.

December 14, 2012 was the day we were supposed to come together as a nation and solve our gun violence problem. That day 20 children aged 6 to 7 and six teachers were killed in their school:


There was outrage, calls for action, scapegoating and all the usual responses, but this time it was different then before. The weakest and most innocent in our society were killed for no reason and our gun violence problem had to change... it has to.

It didn't and a few weeks later the American people forgot all about Sandy Hook and moved on with their lives.

And here we are today. Another shooting, more calls to end the epidemic of gun violence, more scapegoating and blaming religion and ethnicity, and what'll the response be? Will we finally come together as a nation and put a stop to this problem?

do you really believe that stronger gun laws in the US will stop criminals and terrorists from getting their hands on firearms ?

hasn't worked in the rest of the world, sure didn't work in Mumbai.
Since he was a Muslim afghan immigrant with American nationality so better not bring the logic of mentally ill , for obvious reasons.

I don't think he's a terrorist in the usual sense. He just hated gay people to the point that he would kill them.
It's not the police response, but the American people's apathy towards gun violence and bigotry that concerns me.

December 14, 2012 was the day we were supposed to come together as a nation and solve our gun violence problem. That day 20 children aged 6 to 7 and six teachers were killed in their school:


There was outrage, calls for action, scapegoating and all the usual responses, but this time it was different then before. The weakest and most innocent in our society were killed for no reason and our gun violence problem had to change... it has to.

It didn't and a few weeks later the American people forgot all about Sandy Hook and moved on with their lives.

And here we are today. Another shooting, more calls to end the epidemic of gun violence, more scapegoating and blaming religion and ethnicity, and what'll the response be? Will we finally come together as a nation and put a stop to this problem?


And for those talking about religion and Islam... stop. You're part of the problem too.

It wasn't Islam that killed 50 people and wounded 50 more, it was bigotry and a wicked person.
i got you post wrong apoligies. guns are a part of americain society there the nra is HUGE they will be lobbying even after this event. they dont care... money talks its harsh but sadly true. personally i dont see why anyone should have a gun. take an example from us. no handguns, assault rifels automatic/semi automatic guns only shotguns and rifels and they are restricted by law not to exceed a certain power output. sure security agancies and specailised permits ok. even then its very restricted. heck when obama came to the uk the secret service carry guns but in the uk they were not allowed to have hand guns but only allows 4 as an exception but must be hidden and used only when obsoluetly needed.

if you want my opinion this does not change anything in fact it will make it worse. more and more people will buy guns as "protection"and hate on religious minorities will sky rocket and even worse the orangutan will have some leverage in the elections and will milk the oppertunity to high hell and back.

your in the millitary do you carry a gun in public when out and about?

Not in FL, you will need to apply for a conceal permit to carry firearms in person.

Some State do not require permit, states usually with lax gun law does not require a conceal permit, states such as Kansas, Alaska or Vermont
i find such lack of laws only imaginable in third world countries not in the united states its disgusting
Too early to declare it a terrorist attack...
He does not seem like the usual suspect... ( no beard))
@A-Team You know our respective people are in some sick competition to be the most notorious in the world. I despair sometimes. As soon as I heard the news I thought please there had better be no Pakistani connection. It missed Pakistan by a hair whisker and hit next door - Afghanistan. We need secularism to cleanse this problem.

name like journalist Amir Mateen
Don't be a bloody idiot. It is found across many ethnic groups.
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@A-Team You know our respective people are in some sick competition to be the most notorious in the world. I despair sometimes. As soon as I heard it about I thought please there had better be no Pakistani connection. It missed Pakistan by a hair whisker and hit next door - Afghanistan. We need secularism to cleanse this problem.

Don't be a bloody idiot. It is found across many ethnic groups.

You try secularization and they'll revolt even more. What they need is an education.
Secularism is education. It is not that you should give up your religion but to not impose your faith on others. To accept diversity. To accept those who are differnt from us. To look at what unites us a human beings not what divides us a followers of differant beliefs.

And revolt? "They" already are in state of revolt.
His actions had nothing to do with his concerns for Palestine, Libya, Kashmir


"The father of the man who reportedly shot up an Orlando, Fla. nightclub overnight claims his son, Omar Mateen, became "very angry" when he saw two men kissing in downtown Miami a few months ago and thinks it may have been part of his son's motive."
Hence my post.....you don't like the lifestyle of people in the WEST....leave !
If it is about life style then American should also leave the Muslim world and stop imposing their strategic goals all across the globe in the name of democracy and freedom of speech.
Secularism is education. It is not that you should give up your religion but to not impose your faith on others. To accept diversity. To accept those who are differnt from us. To look at what unites us a human beings not what divides us a followers of differant beliefs.

And revolt? "They" already are in state of revolt.

To be honest you don't really need secularization to do all of that. Muslims used to accept people. We even used to let Zoroastrians do incest and let them marry their siblings.

That's why I said revolt even more.
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