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Muslims will not organize to confront their own demons...they will organize to legitimize their anti-western views by buying politicians.. All you need for them is to buy one president to say that Islamic Terrorism is the fault of America and then you can kiss your dreams of a stupid apology goodbye...they will radically change the culture of America....and then even if you criticize Islam you will be vindicated in your society and your workplace...Islamophobia will be the new Antisemitism.

It does not work like this.

Suppose you are able to buy politicians;you are also able to get a president to say that Islamic terrorism is fault of America. Then what? People in position of power in USA have been saying so for quite a long time.

Would you be able to convince US population that Islam is religion of peace? I don't think so. Instead by such proclamation, that president would lose popularity faster than a ghetto whøre loses her chlamydia -ve status.

You see, no one in power in USA ever accused Islam being cause of terrorism. Whether it was Bush ,or was it Obama, or Hillary, or mainstream US media, it was always how great Islam is, how peace loving it is, and how Jihadis have strayed from precepts from Islam and how they are in minority. This has been the constant story being played in media over and over again. On top of it, organization like CAIR has been at the forefront of pushing Islamofascist agenda in USA demanding concessions not granted to another groups (recent one that come to my mind is Muslims demanding daily closure of a meat packaging plant ,twice a day, so that do they could all pray at same time, even though owner was ready to give them breaks in batches). You see, everything that Saudi/Muslim/Petrodollar money could have brought- Politicians, Media, Lawyers - have already been brought. There is nothing to buy.

The hatred against Muslims ,that I see rising in whole of the world, is organic. People are stupid, but not that stupid as you think they are. In this age of internet (which means less dependency on mainstream media) people see repeated action of Jihad all around the world. They see Muslims butchering people in USA on regular basis. They see Muslims doing same thing to their brothers in Europe (whites do not care about terrorism in rest of the world). Thus irrespective of amount of propaganda being put out, they tend to see Islam as a violent cult.The degree of influence that person has on population is in direct proportion to his legitimacy and moral authority. President does not have a moral authority among his electorate to change their organically formed opinions. If he/she is foolish enough to try it, it would be he/she who would suffer loss of legitimacy, rather that Islam gaining legitimacy.

And trying to institutionalize Islamophobia like anti-Semetism would run into many problems. First, History is against viewing Muslims as victims. Jews really have been victims for most of history, while Muslims have been mass-murdering rapist maniacs (this is the reason why Islam is second largest religion in the world) for most of history. Any attempt to paint Muslims as victims is going to run into a wall of evidence to suggest the opposite ,and it is too late and there is enough material in public domain that mass buying of scholars is not going to change that. Second, Jihadis around the world who regularly slaughter people in west are biggest advertisement against Islamophobia, And Third and most important point: Adversary of Jews are not whites; they are Arabs.The bogey of anti-semetism does not harm white interests, thus they do not care. Primary enemy of Muslims are Whites atm. What you are asking them is to undermine their own interests and provide special victim status to Muslims!!! I think you are mistaken here. Had primary adversary of Jews been whites; rather than being provided victim status, there would have been a second holocaust.
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Thank you for your frankness. Do you also have constructive suggestions to offer?
Increased monitoring and profiling...specifically monitoring electronics and the internet...monitoring of all mosques and madrasas....
It does not work like this.

Suppose you are able to buy politicians;you are also able to get a president to say that Islamic terrorism is fault of America. Then what? People in position of power in USA have been saying so for quite a long time.

Would you be able to convince US population that Islam is religion of peace? I don't think so. Instead by such proclamation, that president would lose popularity faster than a ghetto whøre loses her chlamydia -ve status.

You see, no one in power in USA ever accused Islam being cause of terrorism. Whether it was Bush ,or was it Obama, or Hillary, or mainstream US media, it was always how great Islam is, how peace loving it is, and how Jihadis have strayed from precepts from Islam and how they are in minority. This has been the constant story being played in media over and over again. On top of it, organization like CAIR has been at the forefront of pushing Islamofascist agenda in USA demanding concessions not granted to another groups (recent one that come to my mind is Muslims demanding daily closure of a meat packaging plant ,twice a day, so that do they could all pray at same time, even though owner was ready to give them breaks in batches). You see, everything that Saudi/Muslim/Petrodollar money could have brought- Politicians, Media, Lawyers - have already been brought. There is nothing to buy.

The hatred against Muslims ,that I see rising in whole of the world, is organic. People are stupid, but not that stupid as you think they are. In this age of internet (which means less dependency on mainstream media) people see repeated action of Jihad all around the world. They see Muslims butchering people in USA on regular basis. They see Muslims doing same thing to their brothers in Europe (whites do not care about terrorism in rest of the world). Thus irrespective of amount of propaganda being put out, they tend to see Islam as a violent cult.The degree of influence that person has on population is in direct proportion to his legitimacy and moral authority. President does not have a moral authority among his electorate to change their organically formed opinions. If he/she is foolish enough to try it, it would be he/she who would suffer loss of legitimacy, rather that Islam gaining legitimacy.

And trying to institutionalize Islamophobia like anti-Semetism would run into many problems. First, History is against viewing Muslims as victims. Jews really have been victims for most of history, while Muslims have been mass-murdering rapist maniacs (this is the reason why Islam is second largest religion in the world) for most of history. Any attempt to paint Muslims as victims is going to run into a wall of evidence to suggest the opposite ,and it is too late and there is enough material in public domain that mass buying of scholars is not going to change that. Second, Jihadis around the world who regularly slaughter people in west are biggest advertisement against Islamophobia, And Third and most important point: Adversary of Jews are not whites; they are Arabs.The bogey of anti-semetism does not harm white interests, thus they do not care. Primary enemy of Muslims are Whites atm. What you are asking them is to undermine their own interests and provide special victim status to Muslims!!! I think you are mistaken here. Had primary adversary of Jews been whites; rather than being provided victim status, there would have been a second holocaust.

I disagree....People...specifically right wingers here are STUPID....or something beyond stupid...67% of Republicans think Obama is a Socialist...61% think he wants to take the guns away...57% of them think he is a Muslim....51% believe he wants to turn over the sovereignty of the US to a one world government....45% believe he was born outside the US....45% believe he is a domestic enemy....41% think he is Anti-American....41% believe he wants to use economic collapse or a terrorist attack to gain dictatorial powers...38% believe he does things that HITLER did....22% believe he wants the terrorists to win....and 24% believe he is the BIBLICAL ANTICHRIST....most of this believes are rooted on comments made by their leaders over and over again....when I talk about buying politicians....its not as simple as one guying saying Muslims are cool and everybody believing him....its a a process of repetition....people did not form 'independent opinion" about Obama's birth certificate...the leaders installed this idea in their heads....and yes if a muslim version of AIPAC buys these republicans they can turn the entire american right wing to their side or towards a completely different enemy...the churches that preached against the jews in the 50s 60s and 70s are now pro-Israel...The US never had a significant Jewish population....but Jews have been the second most hated targets of the most influential white groups in the US...be it the KKK or the Aryan Brtherhood or what not...but that shifted when Jews started investing in Ametican politics and chruches(churches are branches of right wing politics now)...yes you can buy the churches...you can buy the pastors with the big followings to change the narrative and in turn change what people believe...and Jews have made new enemies now and slowly making new friends...the arabs are becoming the friends...while Shia Iran is the new enemy...world politics is shifting...ADL went against Trumps mulim palns...America is different from Europe...American whites have other enemies...the Latinos...Most Trump supporters would still support Trump if he shut about Muslims....because the big agenda here is the wall...muslims were just a cherry on the top...but do not for one second think that wealthy wahabis cannot shift the republican towards them.
Increased monitoring and profiling...specifically monitoring electronics and the internet...monitoring of all mosques and madrasas....
Do you think that would have sufficed in Bangladesh?
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Do you think that would have sufficed in Bangladesh?
Bangladesh government does it within its capacity(it does not have the technology or the money)...but it does use available resources...there are police spies in mosques that are related to Islamic movements(even peaceful ones)...Bangladesh is poor and overpopulated...but atleast it tries...and it works...that's why you don't see bombs going of here and there(like other muslim countries)...the best radicals can do is targeted killings...because plots any bigger than that are usually caught before they are carried out. Besides muslims in america have more access to the internet and does not have as many gathering places as Bangladesh does...which means a lot of the radicalization in America happens through the internet. It can be done.
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Bangladesh government does it within its capacity(it does not have the technology or the money)...but it does use available resources...there are police spies in mosques that are related to Islamic movements(even peaceful ones)...Bangladesh is poor and overpopulated...but atleast it tries...and it works...that's why you don't see bombs going of here and there(like other muslim countries)...the best radicals can do is targeted killings...
That's bad enough. Especially since it scares the politicians into doing as little as possible to combat extremists, blame others who won't shoot, then try to take as much money as they can while in office so they can scoot away from such problems once they leave office.

Muslims will not organize to confront their own demons...they will organize to legitimize their anti-western views by buying politicians.. All you need for them is to buy one president to say that Islamic Terrorism is the fault of America and then you can kiss your dreams of a stupid apology goodbye..
Oh, now I understand a little better.

You know, the idea of justice is different in different cultures. In Pakistan and Bangladesh if you kill somebody but somebody else can be "proved" or compelled to confess to being responsible then as I understand it you're off the hook. Not in the U.S. Confession usually isn't enough for conviction, there have to be proofs, because it's recognized someone might confess to a crime for reasons other than actually having committed it.

Are there news in suicides ? Not really. It is sad that someone, for whatever reasons, feels his/her life no longer worth living, but the vast majority of suicides are done in private, even when a gun was used, and by the time local newspaper found out there was a suicide, the person has been long dead.

Are there news in self defense ? Not really. Self defense is expected.

Are there news in firearms related accidents ? Not really. If the accident is really hilarious, it may make the evening news.

Are there news in gang related incidents ? Not really. Gangs usually are big city problems and people pretty much expects that if you are in a gang, sooner or later, you will be involved in a gunfight. So much of that expectation that to catch the media's attention, a gang related incident would have to match the creativity of Hollywood complete with car chases, explosions, and gratuitous display of boobage, in order to earn a few minutes of air time.
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