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Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - 50 dead and 53 injured

Religion of peace at it again. RIP to the dead, they did not deserve this.
If you have problems about certain things in your adopted homeland.....than just leave the country.

You feel you don't belong than just go back to your ancestral place !!!
WTF is this world coming to? :(

Nothing new , the world power are doing dirty games in Iraq, Syria, palestine , Afghanistan and in retaliation the effected people take revenge on essay targets.

By the way he was an american, why the hell we start talking about origin of British and american nationals when they do some thing idiotic.
People need to learn to accept difference instead of hurting the people that are different.A truly sad day in history. So devastating and heartbreaking.Thoughts with everyone involved.
What are they going to label him as? He wasn't involved with any terrorist groups so is he mentally ill?

Since he was a Muslim afghan immigrant with American nationality so better not bring the logic of mentally ill , for obvious reasons.
kinda off topic post but i thought you can carry guns on your person?

Not in FL, you will need to apply for a conceal permit to carry firearms in person.

Some State do not require permit, states usually with lax gun law does not require a conceal permit, states such as Kansas, Alaska or Vermont
If you have problems about certain things in your adopted homeland.....than just leave the country.

You feel you don't belong than just go back to your ancestral place !!!

The people of Afghanistan, Syria ,palestian, Kashmir , Libya and many more are saying the same to american pupits and allied forces.

"Just Leave our country."

An Afghan... For now..

It sounds like a pashtoon name like journalist Amir Mateen??
its not the fact that you "suck" its thats fact that it happened so fast and there was little that could have been done.

It's not the police response, but the American people's apathy towards gun violence and bigotry that concerns me.

December 14, 2012 was the day we were supposed to come together as a nation and solve our gun violence problem. That day 20 children aged 6 to 7 and six teachers were killed in their school:


There was outrage, calls for action, scapegoating and all the usual responses, but this time it was different then before. The weakest and most innocent in our society were killed for no reason and our gun violence problem had to change... it had to.

It didn't and a few weeks later the American people forgot all about Sandy Hook and moved on with their lives.

And here we are today. Another shooting, more calls to end the epidemic of gun violence, more scapegoating and blaming religion and ethnicity, and what'll the response be? Will we finally come together as a nation and put a stop to this problem?


And for those talking about religion and Islam... stop. You're part of the problem too.

It wasn't Islam that killed 50 people and wounded 50 more, it was bigotry and a wicked person.
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People need to learn to accept difference instead of hurting the people that are different.A truly sad day in history. So devastating and heartbreaking.Thoughts with everyone involved.

I wish you felt the same pain when american arm forces killed millions of innocent in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan ,Libya, Syria etc etc.

The human race has same color of blood and it bleeds the same way with same pain.
The people of Afghanistan, Syria ,palestian, Kashmir , Libya and many more are saying the same to american pupits and allied forces.

His actions had nothing to do with his concerns for Palestine, Libya, Kashmir


"The father of the man who reportedly shot up an Orlando, Fla. nightclub overnight claims his son, Omar Mateen, became "very angry" when he saw two men kissing in downtown Miami a few months ago and thinks it may have been part of his son's motive."
Hence my post.....you don't like the lifestyle of people in the WEST....leave !
I wish you felt the same pain when american arm forces killed millions of innocent in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan ,Libya, Syria etc etc.

The human race has same color of blood and it bleeds the same way with same pain.

Muslims has killed more muslims than any on else. This is not the topic. Stop playing victim card here.
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