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Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - 50 dead and 53 injured

i got you post wrong apoligies. guns are a part of americain society there the nra is HUGE they will be lobbying even after this event. they dont care... money talks its harsh but sadly true. personally i dont see why anyone should have a gun. take an example from us. no handguns, assault rifels automatic/semi automatic guns only shotguns and rifels and they are restricted by law not to exceed a certain power output. sure security agancies and specailised permits ok. even then its very restricted. heck when obama came to the uk the secret service carry guns but in the uk they were not allowed to have hand guns but only allows 4 as an exception but must be hidden and used only when obsoluetly needed.

if you want my opinion this does not change anything in fact it will make it worse. more and more people will buy guns as "protection"and hate on religious minorities will sky rocket and even worse the orangutan will have some leverage in the elections and will milk the oppertunity to high hell and back.

your in the millitary do you carry a gun in public when out and about?
Guns aren't the issue. Look at Switzerland, they have the lowest crime & murder rate. The problem arises when you have a culturally diverse society where people with disagreeing worldviews will eventually clash with one another and will utilize any means to slaughter each other. More people in the USA die from DUI related accidents than gun crimes. I guess cars and alcohol should be banned too.
Muslims has killed more muslims than any on else. This is not the topic. Stop playing victim card here.
Stop talking nonsense. In just last 4 decades Americans and Russians have killed millions of Muslims and third world countries.

And by the way 35 million people were killed in WWII and it was not because of Muslims.
It wasnt muslims who nuked Japan , not once but twice.
These things are making Donald Trumps win sure!!
Because these things prove a reality that religiously, culturally, & racially diverse societies cannot function cohesively and will eventually tear itself apart.

Case in point in history:

Arab revolt against Ottoman Turks.

Bangladeshi revolt against West Pakistanis

Kurdish revolt against Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria.

India-Pakistan partition.

And so many more examples.
Guns aren't the issue. Look at Switzerland, they have the lowest crime & murder rate. The problem arises when you have a culturally diverse society where people with disagreeing worldviews will eventually clash with one another and will utilize any means to slaughter each other. More people in the USA die from DUI related accidents than gun crimes. I guess cars and alcohol should be banned too.
dont even go to comparing the usa with switerland.
@A-Team You know our respective people are in some sick competition to be the most notorious in the world. I despair sometimes. As soon as I heard the news I thought please there had better be no Pakistani connection. It missed Pakistan by a hair whisker and hit next door - Afghanistan. We need secularism to cleanse this problem.

Don't be a bloody idiot. It is found across many ethnic groups.

What a horrible episode and I completely agree with you, we really need a serious discourse.. This stupid clown has now made life miserable the families of those that he killed but also for other muslims and afghans as well.

This is just horrible!
I'm just praying this guy has no links to Pakistan. He's being identified as an Afghan but I hope he was not in Pakistan as a refugee or anything at one point in his life.
He is an American citizen with Afghan origin. But why any one question the origin of any terrorist.

Umer mateen is an American, this is enough to show who he is and where he belongs to.
If it is about life style then American should also leave the Muslim world and stop imposing their strategic goals all across the globe in the name of democracy and freedom of speech.

This incident had nothing to do what this imbecile felt about American involvement in Muslim countries.

As the article pointed out, one day he say two gay men kiss and the fuse in him went off.....my guess is he had a homosexual lifestyle himself at some point of time and got out of it or maybe his boyfriend left him.

Stop connecting dots which don't exist here.
And for the record I agree with what @SvenSvensonov said. This was a wicked and evil act by a monster. Nobody and I mean nobody has right to murder others because of their lifestyle. Let it be said I stand behind all the gays in the world. I am red blooded male who loves women. I don't agree with gay lifestyle but hell I will stand by them even when I profoundly disagree with them.
i got you post wrong apoligies. guns are a part of americain society there the nra is HUGE they will be lobbying even after this event. they dont care... money talks its harsh but sadly true. personally i dont see why anyone should have a gun. take an example from us. no handguns, assault rifels automatic/semi automatic guns only shotguns and rifels and they are restricted by law not to exceed a certain power output. sure security agancies and specailised permits ok. even then its very restricted. heck when obama came to the uk the secret service carry guns but in the uk they were not allowed to have hand guns but only allows 4 as an exception but must be hidden and used only when obsoluetly needed.

if you want my opinion this does not change anything in fact it will make it worse. more and more people will buy guns as "protection"and hate on religious minorities will sky rocket and even worse the orangutan will have some leverage in the elections and will milk the oppertunity to high hell and back.

your in the millitary do you carry a gun in public when out and about?

i find such lack of laws only imaginable in third world countries not in the united states its disgusting

I heard a story where someone bought a gun during his lunch-break. laws in the U.S are quite strict in many aspects, yet i don't understand why many people here keep committing crimes!. as a student currently living in Kansas State i remember my University-Email used to have all kind of warnings on campus (shooting, stabbing, rape...)
Secularism is education. It is not that you should give up your religion but to not impose your faith on others. To accept diversity. To accept those who are differnt from us. To look at what unites us a human beings not what divides us a followers of differant beliefs.

And revolt? "They" already are in state of revolt.

Intolerance and hate has reached an unbelievable level in muslim societies. You know one can get lynched for mentioning Secularism without understanding that the initial muslim societies flourished because of its Secularist nature.
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