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Flight MH17 - What You're Not Being Told

MH17 report discussed Friday at the UN Security Council
The report of the Safety Board (AAM) on the case of flight MH17 over Ukraine Friday discussed in the UN Security Council.

Russia has asked for the meeting.

In the first report with findings is that disaster plane Malaysia Airlines probably is pierced by a large number of objects that have hit the unit at high speed from outside. Whether the unit is hit by a missile, as commonly believed, was not in the report. A final report is expected next year ,.
It is not clear why diplomats say Russia has requested the meeting. Moscow has previously have criticized the investigation. According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the researchers have the research 'carried out slowly and at ease. "
" The report surprised me because the tone is slightly passive, despite the pandemonium that followed this tragedy, "Lavrov said." "There is no requirement that the experts resume their work at the scene of the disaster. There were no attempts to go there to collect the debris and see how the whole plane looked like. '
Lavrov also find that the report does not answer questions from the Russian Defense Ministry. In Russia, these include the story that a Ukrainian fighter was the Boeing nearby.
translation of MH17-rapport vrijdag in VN-Veiligheidsraad besproken | nu.nl/buitenland | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op nu.nl

See also

U.N. Security Council to discuss Dutch report on MH17 downing - Yahoo News
UN Security Council to Hold a Meeting to Investigate MH17 Crash: Russian Mission | Politics | RIA Novosti

The latter Russian RAI NOVOSTI article states
MOSCOW, September 18 (RIA Novosti) - UN Security Council will hold a meeting Friday to investigate the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine, the press service of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN announced Wednesday.
The meeting will be focused on the UN Security Council's Resolution 2166 that requires cessation of all hostilities in the area adjacent to the site of the crash.[/quote]
The investigation was conducted according to the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized agency of the United Nations. The only objective of this investigation is the prevention of similar accidents and incidents.
The Dutch Safety Board does not have the right to apportion blame or responsibility on any party.
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Australia welcomes the release on 9 September of the preliminary report from the Dutch Safety Board. The first official account of the tragedy was prepared in strict accordance with International Civil Aviation Organisation guidelines.
The report draws on data from the black boxes, satellite imagery and photos from the crash site. Its findings are based on an objective analysis of the available evidence. This is vital for a transparent and accountable investigation.
It is a welcome step forward in achieving the full, thorough and independent international investigation demanded by Resolution 2166.

In accordance with Annex 13 of the Chicago Convention, the preliminary report does not attribute blame or liability for the incident – this is the role of the multinational criminal investigation led by the Dutch Public Prosecution Service, which is currently underway. Lest there be any misunderstanding, this is the domain of the criminal investigation.
Ukraine: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 | Australia: United Nations Security Council 2013-14

We commend the Dutch Safety Board for having produced a report which is thorough, professional and based firmly on the facts. While it is a preliminary report, with a limited mandate, the conclusions drawn from the evidence available to the investigators are clear. The report rules out any operational or technical causes for this crash.
Neither this preliminary report, nor the final report, will seek to attribute culpability.
We have also heard Russian suggestions that the Dutch Safety Board Report is not fully independent or impartial and has ignored the opinion of Russian investigators. This also is untrue.
The Board is a fully independent organisation. And as we have heard this morning, it was assisted in its investigation by experts from 12 aviation agencies, including experts from Russia, and it has been advised by the International Civil Aviation Organisation to ensure that its report complied fully with international standards and recommended practices.
The Dutch Safety Board has set out particular areas in the report which require further analysis for this important investigation to make progress. This will require full and safe access to the crash site as demanded by the Council in resolution 2166. This is also needed for the separate criminal investigation which will determine culpability and ensure accountability. Firing on OSCE monitors, such as occurred last weekend near the crash site, does not create the conditions for a resumption of the investigation into how MH17 came down and who was responsible.
"The Russian Federation bears significant responsibility for the violence and instability in south-eastern Ukraine" - Speeches - GOV.UK
German citizens, relatives of four deceased passengers are suing the Ukrainian government for damages. These war criminals are feeling the phallus creeping up behind them. I wonder if the world will just give them and their nato cohorts a pass. I mean, you dont even hear about it on the news anymore.
Couldn't resist it, could you, "notgoodenough"in new guise....
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