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Flatten Gaza: Gilad Sharon

Stealing others country and it's resources and then babbling about selling them very little of their own water and food. It can't be any more simple, either Israel accepts the two states solution or it will not dream of stability. USA will not protect your back forever.

Right now a far bigger question is stability of King Hussien in Jordan who is rocked by a wave of protest. If he gives his way to Muslim Brotherhood pressure, then things are going to get pretty awful in the region.

And apparently, Jordan did not show any mercy on the same terrorist.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel is doing the same!

Hostage David Raab described the initial military actions in Black September this way:

"We were in the middle of the shelling since Ashrafiyeh was among the Jordanian Army's primary targets. Electricity was cut off, and again we had little food or water. Friday afternoon, we heard the metal tracks of a tank clanking on the pavement. We were quickly herded into one room, and the guerrillas threw open the doors to make the building appear abandoned so it wouldn't attract fire. Suddenly, the shelling stopped."
I can say the same to you. Would you share the same feelings for the Kashmiris like you have for Tamils. I think we know the answer. Anyways Palestine is a situation which can't be compared to any other insurgency or scenario. Tamils or Kashmiris or any other place. Those guys are living in biggest open air jail of the world and are killed on their own land by those people who have came from thousands of miles away based on a bogus theory of promised land. That itself is different and unique from everything else in this world.

For the last time East Pakistan or anything else can't be compared with the Palestinian situation. Got it?

Even if you are suffering with liberal fascist fever you can understand this basic fact

The problem of Kashmir is not the way Eelam or Palestine happens, we are not using our air force to bomb our own people, we consider them as much INDIAN as we consider ourselves.
Kashmir was let as an Independent state in 1947, until your army started sending in troops, I do not support Indian Government using AFSPA in any place of INDIA. so I do not support applying AFSPA neither in Kashmir nor in NE.
Loosing Kashmir after this long to Pakistan will demoralize the entire nation called INDIA, which we are not interested.
Right now we are ready for a truce that accepts LOC as IB, the ball is already in the Pakistani Court now, its them who has to decide.
The problem of Kashmir is not the way Eelam or Palestine happens, we are not using our air force to bomb our own people, we consider them as much INDIAN as we consider ourselves.
Kashmir was let as an Independent state in 1947, until your army started sending in troops, I do not support Indian Government using AFSPA in any place of INDIA. so I do not support applying AFSPA neither in Kashmir nor in NE.
Loosing Kashmir after this long to Pakistan will demoralize the entire nation called INDIA, which we are not interested.
Right now we are ready for a truce that accepts LOC as IB, the ball is already in the Pakistani Court now, its them who has to decide.

Air force or no air force. Kashmir situation is totally comparable to that of Eelam. Just because you didn't use airforce doesn't mean you have some high moral ground. You used all the possible force in the occupied valley. Sri lankans also felt that loosing Tamil land would demoralize whole Srilanka and hence used as much force as possible. Obviously there enemy was more stronger as compared to the Kashmiri militants. We would prefer status quo. Turning LOC into IB was never an option. Not possible for us.
Air force or no air force. Kashmir situation is totally comparable to that of Eelam. Just because you didn't use airforce doesn't mean you have some high moral ground. You used all the possible force in the occupied valley. Sri lankans also felt that loosing Tamil land would demoralize whole Srilanka and hence used as much force as possible. Obviously there enemy was more stronger as compared to the Kashmiri militants. We would prefer status quo. Turning LOC into IB was never an option. Not possible for us.
Then I will concour, Kashmiris will get freedom, so will Boluchis, so will Shindhis, and so will Panjabis.
if you agree for this, then I am OK,
we used to say Status Quo is ok for us, now you are just saying the same, we are OK with that too, its your consious choice.
Instead of saying one man killed is getting humanity killed, you have brought the problem that the worlds governments have brought to this time, I am happy of not having any government in the world and no borders. Only if it happens
What! robbed and steal other's land use their resources
Pfff what resources? Sand and swamps? And all countries in the world are "robed and stolen". Just go deeper in history.

and give them a little out of their own resources calling it the only country to supply food to people.
We are the only country who supplies food to those who fire at them.

Apparently You people are the ones who have killed their own Prophets, shame on you people.
If you go to religion, then accrding too Islam God sent 128,000 prophets to all nations. But no one knows who were these prophets because all nations forgot and killed them. But Jews are only ones who preserved teachings of their prophets and remained monotheists. Out of all nations. So who should be ashamed here? :)
Pfff what resources? Sand and swamps? And all countries in the world are "robed and stolen". Just go deeper in history.

We are the only country who supplies food to those who fire at them.

But no one knows who were these prophets because all nations forgot and killed them. But Jews are only ones who preserved teachings of their prophets and remained monotheists. Out of all nations. So who should be ashamed here? :)

What sand and swamps the land your Arse is sitting on is Palestine before UN divided it to create israel, doesn't take genius to figure it out. So technically pffft the resources of the land of Palestine being robbed. We are talking Palestine not all the countries.

You will have to bring evidence that people forgot and killed them but the factual evidence is Jews killed Prophets a sad Fact.
If you go to religion, then accrding too Islam God sent 128,000 prophets to all nations. But no one knows who were these prophets because all nations forgot and killed them. But Jews are only ones who preserved teachings of their prophets and remained monotheists. Out of all nations. So who should be ashamed here? :)

What do you guys think of polytheists?
What sand and swamps the land your Arse is sitting on is Palestine before UN divided it to create israel, doesn't take genius to figure it out. So technically pffft the resources of the land of Palestine being robbed. We are talking Palestine not all the countries.
Tel Aviv 1915:

Tel Aviv today:

Pics taken from about the same location.

You will have to bring evidence that people forgot and killed them but the factual evidence is Jews killed Prophets a sad Fact.
Name me prophets sent to your nation. You wont be able to name a single, because your nation forgot and killed them.

I can name plenty of prophets sent to Jews. Because we preserved their teachings. Who was killed by the way?

What do you guys think of polytheists?
I am an atheist personally. I was just talking from his point of view. :)
Tel Aviv 1915:

Tel Aviv today:

Pics taken from about the same location.

Name me prophets sent to your nation. You wont be able to name a single, because your nation forgot and killed them.

I can name plenty of prophets sent to Jews. Because we preserved their teachings. Who was killed by the way?

I am an atheist personally. I was just talking from his point of view. :)

You expect sky scrapers in 1915? You intentionally put bad pictures
I am an atheist personally. I was just talking from his point of view. :)

I'm an atheist too. :P

I was just curious, since I read somewhere that Jewish people were the founders of monotheism.

Most "native" religions around the world were originally polytheist. Nowadays of course, the majority of the world's population has become monotheist.
You are a self-confessed 'atheist'? If you really are then you should know that in your above post #100 you are essentially saying that: 'Yes, there may have been people there but it was a backward area and we came and make it into a vibrant society'.

That is not the right way to move forward! I wish I had a time machine for us to go back to the mid 18-19th centuries and show similar kinds of arguments presented to justify actions against American Indians.

I don't want to go into a debate about whether the UN had a right to import Jews from Europe to displace the indigenous people of Palestine. You would say yes. And now your countrymen say that 'UN is biased'. It is all about Might is Right. And one day tables could be turned--especially if Turkey REALLY decides to take Palestine seriously.

I have a lot of admiration of Jews. I have a lot sympathy for their plight--mostly hurt by EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS--but they need to either pull back to the 1967 borders or do an equitable land-swap for a Palestinian state. You don't do that then you are on notice.
tel aviv

Name me prophets sent to your nation. You wont be able to name a single, because your nation forgot and killed them.

I can name plenty of prophets sent to Jews. Because we preserved their teachings. Who was killed by the way?

I am an atheist personally. I was just talking from his point of view

Nice try, Picture won't change the facts. it was still of the land on Palestine.

True I cannot name all of them, For us it is sufficient what Universal Books says and mentions of all of them it main thing is The understanding of the Message. You can name those as well those jews Killed. According to archeologists old and new testaments are not fully preserved with confusions.
What sand and swamps the land your Arse is sitting on is Palestine before UN divided it to create israel, doesn't take genius to figure it out. So technically pffft the resources of the land of Palestine being robbed. We are talking Palestine not all the countries.

You will have to bring evidence that people forgot and killed them but the factual evidence is Jews killed Prophets a sad Fact.

Pfff what resources? Sand and swamps? And all countries in the world are "robed and stolen". Just go deeper in history.

We are the only country who supplies food to those who fire at them.

If you go to religion, then accrding too Islam God sent 128,000 prophets to all nations. But no one knows who were these prophets because all nations forgot and killed them. But Jews are only ones who preserved teachings of their prophets and remained monotheists. Out of all nations. So who should be ashamed here? :)

Nice try, Picture won't change the facts. it was still of the land on Palestine.

True I cannot name all of them, For us it is sufficient what Universal Books says and mentions of all of them it main thing is The understanding of the Message. You can name those as well those jews Killed. According to archeologists old and new testaments are not fully preserved with confusions.

The Israelites recorded their crimes in detail in their own history. Here are just a few examples from the Bible:

(1) After the death of Solomon the state of the Israelites was split into two: the State of Judah with its capital in Jerusalem, and the State of Israel with its capital in Samaria. This was followed by a series of wars between the two States so that the State of Judah sought the assistance of the Aramacan State of Damascus against its own kinsmen. At this, Hamani the seer went under God's direction to Asa the king and rebuked him. Instead of rectifying his behaviour, Asa was so angry that he put the seer in the stocks. (See 2 Chronicles 16: 7-10.)

(2) When Elijah denounced the Jews for their worship of Baal and invited them to retun to monotheism, Ahab, the king of Israel pursued him for the sake of his pagan wife so that he had to take refuge in the mountains of the Sinai peninsula. On this occasion, according to the Bible, he said: '. . . the people of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thy altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword., and 1, even 1 only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away' (1 Kings 19: 14).

(3) The same king Ahab imprisoned another Prophet, Micah, for no other reason than that of speaking the truth. King Ahab ordered that he should be given only bread and water. (See 1 Kings 22: 26-7)

(4) When idol-worship and moral corruption became prevalent in Judah and the Prophet Zechariah raised his voice against them, he was stoned to death in the very court of the house of the Lord. (See 2 Chronicles 24: 2l.)

(5) When the Israelite State of Samaria was wiped out by the State of Jerusalem, the Prophet Jeremiah deplored the condition of the Israelites. He warned them that it was time they set about mending their ways otherwise they would face an even more calamitous end than that of Samaria. The response to this sincere preaching was abuse and curses: he was beaten, imprisoned, put in the stocks and lowered by ropes into a cistern, where he was left to die of hunger and thirst. He was also accused of various crimes, including treason and conspiracy. (See Jeremiah 15: 10; 18: 20-3; 20: 1-18; 36-40)

(6) It is reported of another Prophet, Amos, that when he denounced the widespread errors and corruption in the State of Samaria and warned of the evil consequences that follow such misdeeds, he was condemned to exile and told to pursue his prophetic task somewhere beyond its frontiers. (See Amos 7: 10-13.)

(7) When John the Baptist protested against the acts of moral corruption that were brazenly practised in his court, Herod, the ruler of Judah, first put John into prison, then had him beheaded at the request of a dancing girl, and had his head set on a platter and presented to the girl. (See Mark 6: 17-29)

(take it with a grain of salt - the article is taken from a right-wing christian website)
(8) The same hostility to Prophets is evident from the life of Jesus. The priests and political leaders of Israel ultimately became inflamed against Jesus, who criticized them for their impiety and hypocrisy and invited them to true faith and riahteousness. It was this which piompted them to prepare a false case against him and persuade the Romans to sign a death sentence. Later, when the Roman governor, Pilate, asked them which of the two prisoners - Jesus or Barabbas, a notorious brigand - should be released on the occasion of the feast, they asked for the release of Barabbas and for the crucifixion of Jesus (Matthew 27: 20-6). This is a shameful chapter in the record of the Jewish nation, to which the Qur'an refers here in passing. It is evident that when a nation chooses its most notoriously criminal and wicked people for positions of leadership, and its righteous and holy men for gaol and the scaffold, God has no alternative but to lay His curse and damnation on that nation.

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