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Five blasts inside Mahabodhi temple in Bihar's Bodhgaya district

Lets the bigots not make your opinion for you. You let all of us down with such comments, even if it is derived from irritation.

In the context of your welcome, as the Sikhs say:

JO jhuke wo Musalma ho gaye
Jo Lade wo Balidan ho gaye
They will attack because someone is not Dharmic enough?

Just read the news, pretty much all that kind of thing occurs between Catholic/Protestant and Sunni/Shia, basically Abrahamic sects.

wow dude i never heard catholic/protestant hate each other like sunni and shia
Its not about any bigot mate.. People I have seen in this forum, who considered patriotism is much above any religion are now talking the same tone as some radical idiots.. I am disappointed because of them...

I have been called a lot of things here. Do as I do....yawn & let it go. Never give anyone the satisfaction of getting to you. You are in need of no certificates. There will always be people who disappoint you because you expect better from them. Best to remember, the only one you have any control over, is you. What else happens, well...happens!
Its not about any bigot mate.. People I have seen in this forum, who considered patriotism is much above any religion are now talking the same tone as some radical idiots.. I am disappointed because of them...

How is it that you consider yourself empowered to call the other person an idiot based on ideology. And you claim to be tolerant?
Read some history.. Most of the religion has bigots that have done many bad things against people of other religion... You are using a tragedy to spread your religious hatred to other people.. I am not sure how you are any better than those sicularists you hate..I am not talking about an entire religion, but now a days lot of people have intolerance towards other religion.. Twisting the history for their own convinence.. Spreading all kind of lies to benefit their means..

Lies are what you live in and the farce you create about being a victim always.

We're sick and tired of your whining, attacking and then when retaliation comes, falling back and pretending to be the victim in front of the media cameras.

Been seeing this trash over and over in NE, down south, in Myanmar, south Thailand and dozens of other places. Whether it is the Hindus or us, you guys just hate us don't you?

Centuries ago, we welcomed your organized religions into our land without asking you to adopt our ways and what did your missionaries and mullahs show? Hatred, lies, conversion and propaganda.

Learn from Parsis and even the Jews.

They also came into our country but did not kill, convert, degrade our way of life or spread false propaganda.

That's the reason why we freaking hate your religious authorities.

They've been attacking us in subtle ways and spreading bullshyt against our culture time and again.

We won't be quiet and we won't take it down lying.

If your kind is a threat to our culture, faith and system, we will fight back no matter how much of a victim you want to pretend.


Because its my country's future is at stake!! Do you need this country to be divided in the name of religion? Do you need this country to be soaked in blood? Dont you see the resplendence in ideology of these kind of people are those from our neighboring countries who are killing people in daily bomb blasts? Do you need our country to follow that path? Just think about it..

Funny you talk all this but NEVER criticize about how Abrahamic religions create violence among peaceful Buddhist in NE, spread bullshyt about the Hindus down south or even take fundings to support militancy inside the country.

Wonder what's the 'concern' about...

I have been called a lot of things here. Do as I do....yawn & let it go. Never give anyone the satisfaction of getting to you. You are in need of no certificates. There will always be people who disappoint you because you expect better from them. Best to remember, the only one you have any control over, is you. What else happens, well...happens!

So bombing our holiest shrine is a matter of yawning for you?
I m sorry you have missed the context completely.

Actually, it's you who misses the context completely. You go on & on, what do you think you achieve? The only thing I see is an aversion to such a type. You could technically be working for the Congress against the BJP, for the "enemies" of Hindus for all the good you do. Bigotry of your type goes nowhere.
Lies are what you live in and the farce you create about being a victim always.

We're sick and tired of your whining, attacking and then when retaliation comes, falling back and pretending to be the victim in front of the media cameras.

Been seeing this trash over and over in NE, down south, in Myanmar, south Thailand and dozens of other places. Whether it is the Hindus or us, you guys just hate us don't you?

Centuries ago, we welcomed your organized religions into our land without asking you to adopt our ways and what did your missionaries and mullahs show? Hatred, lies, conversion and propaganda.

Learn from Parsis and even the Jews.

They also came into our country but did not kill, convert, degrade our way of life or spread false propaganda.

That's the reason why we freaking hate your religious authorities.

They've been attacking us in subtle ways and spreading bullshyt against our culture time and again.

We won't be quiet and we won't take it down lying.

If your kind is a threat to our culture, faith and system, we will fight back no matter how much of a victim you want to pretend.


Funny you talk all this but NEVER criticize about how Abrahamic religions create violence among peaceful Buddhist in NE, spread bullshyt about the Hindus down south or even take fundings to support militancy inside the country.

Wonder what's the 'concern' about...

So bombing our holiest shrine is a matter of yawning for you?

I particularly like your signature.
Err...comprehension problems? Read...slowly this time.

Okay here's the thing. Seiko and me have an argument about how he says we blame his community always and spew hatred. Then he explains that he's trying to dispel the whole false image that I and a few others are 'trying' to create.

And you're telling that let it not get to him when this is about a genuine grievance.

Nothing against you but just trying to clarify.

I particularly like your signature.

It is the truth.

Actually, it's you who misses the context completely. You go on & on, what do you think you achieve? The only thing I see is an aversion to such a type. You could technically be working for the Congress against the BJP, for the "enemies" of Hindus for all the good you do. Bigotry of your type goes nowhere.

Both secularism and Hindutva are internally consistent ideologies based on apriori assumptions - a set of axioms. I used to be a secularist till its logical fallacies became increasingly clearer to me. Please do not make the mistake of arrogating an intellectual superiority as I know that it is persons with little knowledge who hide behind ad hominem attacks. Any person who is rigid in his beliefs is a bigot. So you may be one more than me. I m ready to discuss it all if you have the guts and the intellectual courage to do so.
Okay here's the thing. Seiko and me have an argument about how he says we blame his community always and spew hatred. Then he explains that he's trying to dispel the whole false image that I and a few others are 'trying' to create.

And you're telling that let it not get to him when this is about a genuine grievance.

Nothing against you but just trying to clarify.

It is the truth.


Its good you guys are coming out of the extreme Ahimsa rigidity. No offense meant, but it is said that the rise of Buddhism, and its paradigm of Ahimsa, was one of the major reasons behind Islamic takeover of India. Buddhist areas such as Afghanistan, which was always a part of India, were quickly subdued and converted. Become like Shaolin monks and beat the hell out of your opponents.
Okay here's the thing. Seiko and me have an argument about how he says we blame his community always and spew hatred. Then he explains that he's trying to dispel the whole false image that I and a few others are 'trying' to create.

And you're telling that let it not get to him when this is about a genuine grievance.

Nothing against you but just trying to clarify.

I would tell you the same if you were inclined to listen. No point in taking anything here to heart. Discuss....move on...don't carry baggage...that's my policy. You & I have exchanged harsh words on some thread or the other, do I let it affect how I approach your posting on another thread ? I don't, simply because I refuse to carry baggage. I might avoid posters but that would be simply because I'm too bored to discuss the same stuff, especially if they insist on being coolies & want to carry baggage. Was advising Seiko the same.
Both secularism and Hindutva are internally consistent ideologies based on apriori assumptions - a set of axioms. I used to be a secularist till its logical fallacies became increasingly clearer to me. Please do not make the mistake of arrogating an intellectual superiority as I know that it is persons with little knowledge who hide behind ad hominem attacks. Any person who is rigid in his beliefs is a bigot. So you may be one more than me. I m ready to discuss it all if you have the guts and the intellectual courage to do so.

No one is arrogating intellectual superiority here, certainly not me. You are the one "who knows"... You were the one who came after me, I didn't. As far as discussion goes, never shy from it but I don't see the point of doing the same thing on thread after thread, whether relevant or not. Will always remain available, not to prove "my guts" or "intellectual courage", merely for the mundane reason of me enjoying it.
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