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First photos of Iranian RQ-170

I remember you said that in testing of missiles they put explosives under the targets to fool people. Will you still say that after you see this post?
Tabas, 3rd Khordad ADs, Hormoz SRBM, Ya ali Cruise missile seen during leader visit | Page 2

I don't wonder if you keep spreading such nonsense. absolutely your problem is some thing else and this makes you misjudge about iran's technological abilities. I

به هر حال كسي را كه خودش را به خواب زده نميشه بيدار كرد.
Your information? How about posting it otherwise its made up.

This is not a good place for that ... there is no logic !

Soheil, you're known on this forum as a serial liar.

How many times have you been caught lying about missile tests, sat launches etc...?

Do you know Iran never announcing sat launch failures !?

the last failure happened in 20 March 2014 ...

rocket's theme color was red ... instead of blue !

this is your choice ... you can believe it or call me a liar ...

I am not responsible for other people's personal ideas ...

I am talking for the people who believe me ...

if you think my posts bothering you , please ignore me & make yourself free ...

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I remember you said that in testing of missiles they put explosives under the targets to fool people. Will you still say that after you see this post?
Tabas, 3rd Khordad ADs, Hormoz SRBM, Ya ali Cruise missile seen during leader visit | Page 2

I don't wonder if you keep spreading such nonsense. absolutely your problem is some thing else and this makes you misjudge about iran's technological abilities. I

به هر حال كسي را كه خودش را به خواب زده نميشه بيدار كرد.

I have another idea ... ignore him !

And of course. There is no proof of this plastic dummy flying. If we have to believe Iran. They already have 5th gen jet better than f-35.

we don't have something better than F-35 but we made a flying wing drone and we are going to fly it after ground tests ... after that we can measure each others ****s !!!
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warning : only professionals !

please answer me guys ...

what is the purpose of functional landing gears on a mock up ( as they call it ) !?

here you can find out the difference between a fanboy & a professional !

please : fair judgment !




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stealth adhesive tape:


what is your point !?

this is just a body now ...

a useless body !

we can give it back to Americans ... & they can stick it every where they want !!!

now go and beg from americans stealth drones ...

this is the only way for making your **** stand up another time ...

I know you were a military guy ...

spent sometimes in MBTs ...

your position in drone world is in danger badly ...

you can't make us weaker with funny comments !
lol what achievements exactly?
Please also let me know when you found out what are they talking about.
The funny point was that Khamenei told them to start producing their mockups in large scale.
This is not a good place for that ... there is no logic !

Do you know Iran never announcing sat launch failures !?

the last failure happened in 20 March 2014 ...

rocket's theme color was red ... instead of blue !

this is your choice ... you can believe it or call me a liar ...

I am not responsible for other people's personal ideas ...

I am talking for the people who believe me ...

if you think my posts bothering you , please ignore me & make yourself free ...


Riiiight...after all the posting and bragging on Iran's new weapons including that mockup of the stealth fighter you guys made, this is no place to post a possible unmanned bomber made by the Iranians based on your info which you tell us its real but you can't post it because its not logical.o_O
Please also let me know when you found out what are they talking about.
The funny point was that Khamenei told them to start producing their mockups in large scale.

:lol: the point where a man is believing in his own lies

people calling this thing a mock up but they refuse to bet their @$$£$ on their logic !!!

a bunch of cowards ...

bet your stuff if you believe yourself !

show some balls !!!

Mullahs cant even make/produce a single spoon, and you want me to believe they make a copy of a working RQ170 ? LOL
Iran's 'drone clone' latest in long line of fakes, experts say

The "Mini-Me drone" Iran says it reverse-engineered from an American aircraft is a crude fake, according to a new report, making it just the latest in a long line of the Islamic Republic's phony claims of weapons wizardry.

Iran's state-run Fars News Agency on Sunday trumpeted the news that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps had made a copy of the Lockheed Martin RQ-170, and had shown off the craft at an aerospace exhibition in Tehran. But defense industry sources told the U.S. Naval Institute the supposedly cloned drone is a fake, and a crude one at that.

“It seems their fiberglass work has improved a lot," the source said. "It also seems that if it were a functional copy, versus a detailed replica, it wouldn’t necessarily have the exact same landing gear, tires, etc.,” said one source familiar with the RQ-170.

“They would probably just use whatever extra F-5 parts or general aviation parts they had lying around.”

The Iranian drone was claimed to be built from the RQ-170 that had crashed inside that country on Dec. 4, 2011, during a CIA mission. Although Iran claimed to have downed the drone by hacking into its computer system, U.S. officials say it merely crashed. President Obama asked the Iranians to return the drone, but they refused.

It isn't the first time a big defense achievement by Iran has been exposed as amateurish fakery.

Iran has a history of unveiling new and powerful weaponry that is soon exposed as fake. In February 2013, the regime in Tehran announced a new stealth fighter -- the F-313. Photos showing the plane on the ground were followed by a video claiming to show the jet in flight, but the aircraft in the video was deemed by experts to be merely a small-scale model.

Ten years earlier, Tehran trotted out a warplane dubbed Shafagh, or “Twilight.” Although it was supposed to be a revolutionary, new lightweight fighter jet, it was proven last year to be a wooden mock-up when pictures surfaced on the Internet of the obviously wooden Shafagh model under construction.

Iran even reportedly built a bogus U.S. aircraft carrier so its Revolutionary Guards navy could practice attacking it with submarines in the Strait of Hormuz.

“They [Americans] know nothing," Navy Commander Rear Adm. Ali Fadavi told Fars News Agency in April. "We have been making and sinking replicas of U.S. destroyers, frigates and warships for long years, and we have sunk the replica of their vessels in 50 seconds through a series of operational measures."

But its Ghadir-class stealth mini-submarine, which is believed to be real, and built with Chinese technology, sank during the mission, with 10 sailors reportedly lost.

May 14, 2014
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