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First ever visit by a serving Saudi Arabian Land Forces chief to India

He is a serving Saudi chief of Arabian Land Forces not some foot soldier,if This was Iranian, Bakistani's, would be nuking Iran by now, but I see how forgiving Pakistanis are when it comes to brotherly Muslim country!!!
Bakistanis would be nuking Iran ?

Are you out of your mind ? Pakistan is actually hijacked, Top to bottom from “brotherly” Irani Mullahs.
Surely it must be obvious to even a arm chair strategist that the Gulf countries and India are working on joint exercises and a mutual interest in each others security.

Gulf matters to us as it is the substantial source of India's growing energy needs. India needs to ensure there are no threats to the sea lanes.

Joint exercises with some Gulf countries are already taking place. Saudi and Indian navies surely will patrol together in the future.

India each year PAYS in hard currency $117 Billion EACH YEAR for that energy.

Gulf countries are not stupid to pointlessly side with India's detractors when India contributes that kind of money to their coffers.
Love how so many Iranian hating pakistanis are in denial....

You would have to be an utter fool to not think this was an intentional middle finger to pakistan. While saudis may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, such a high level military delegation has many advisors and experts..

Also many aspects of high level diplomatic meetings are pre-arranged.

there is absolutely no way in hell this saudi didnt know exactly what he was doing
I guess Anglo influence got to them. They thought if London could rule billion plus continent and galaxy of nations from 7,000 miles they could easily do it from 3,500. Alas!

On a serious note power and punch drunk on Islam got them. The idea that Islam can bind various peoples who are geographically on other side of the pole was as preposterous as thinking that brown hair can be used to bind all brown eyed peoples. Ridicalous to the core and 1971 busted the Two Nation Theory. It also busted the One Nation Theory as well since Bangla has remained a sovereign state and not joined the remanant of the British Raj. I guess we need Angrez Sahib back to have united sub-continent or failing that some wild Turks from Altaic mountains.
its not Islams fault we are not good Muslim!

Islam united Muslims of different origins from Spain all the way to persia and then we stopped following Islam and now we are Pakistani,Bangladeshi,Arab,etc etc and are getting spanked left right and center by everyone!

so your theory that Islam cant unite is bs!
I wonder if the Military also feels some shame when it is made to look at the photo in the background of the picture; because I am shameful, both for our acts against our Bengali countrymen (ex) and the acts of the Military there which led us to the shameful day.
Your view of what happened in East Pakistan is just a bit warped.

The reality was very different than what we have been sold and many even in Pakistan buy. Yes Bengalis should have gotten more rights, but that does not mean you take up arms against your countrymen and align with an enemy state.

Also we keep saying what we did to the Bengalis. I once had a Bengali guy say to me that Quaid should have done more after partition. That is how warped their views are. A man who died 11 months after partition should have somehow done more. And 23 years after independence was long enough for their patience to run out, before they went on a rampage killing over a 100,000 (some say nearly 500,000) West Pakistanis, Biharis, and Urdu speaking people. Not to mention murder in cold blood their brother-men in arms and their families.

The killings, murder and mayhem had begun well before any army action. For nearly a month the army stayed in their barracks while Bengalis went on a genocidal rampage killing complete villages and small towns. That news and bodies were never brought to West Pakistan for fear of attacks on West Pakistan based Bengalis. Yet we are the idiots who are made to feel like we did something wrong. The lack of historical record keeping allows these false narratives and stories to perpetuate and here too I will blame West Pakistan. West Pakistanis are too simple to understand the mind and manners of the Chanakya mindset.

This apologetic view of our history is wrong.
Yes there were mistakes, both at a political and military level. But the notion that only one party carries the majority of the blame and that party is Pakistan is wrong.

India worked this division from day one, and drove Bengalis through her propaganda to despise any rapprochement between two people of the same nation. From the language riots in 1948 they never wanted any sense of alignment, and India worked slowly and patiently over the years to drive a bigger wedge. Today Bangladesh is a colony of India no matter how great the GDP is, everyone even in Bangladesh will tell you we live with that weight on us. I wish Bangladesh the best and her people, but I for one as a Pakistani will never forget or forgive them for what they did to our nation.

We'll let Allah and the hereafter judge us all.
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I wonder if the Military also feels some shame when it is made to look at the photo in the background of the picture; because I am shameful, both for our acts against our Bengali countrymen (ex) and the acts of the Military there which led us to the shameful day.


Okay, so let's get this straight here. The greatest moment in 4000 years of indian history is when over 1 million bangladeshi militia men supported by nearly 700,000 heavily armed indian troops managed to confront 45,000 lightly armed PA troops that were cut off by nearly 3000 kms from their motherland............:disagree:.............no wonder the saudis can't beat the houthis and why the indians are now too weak and powerless to take on Pakistan on their Western border despite being more than 7× bigger than us and having the full backing of the West and Russia.......:azn:.........:disagree:
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He probably had no clue what that picture was about, if he noticed it at all.
These Saudi military officers are mostly at one point get trained at Pak military academy in Pakistan. They know well. Wise leaders always set aside when comes to the national interest... let's move on ... As I predicted a few years ago, there will be a massive change in Suadi policy, when I meet a few Saudi students.
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Okay, so let's get this straight here. The greatest moment in 4000 years of indian history is when over 1 million bangladeshi militia men supported by nearly 700,000 heavily armed indian troops managed to confront 45,000 lightly armed PA troops that were cut off by nearly 3000 kms from their motherland............:disagree:.............no wonder the saudis can't beat the houthis and why the indians are now too weak and powerless to take on Pakistan on their Western border despite being more than 7× bigger than us and having the full backing of the West and Russia.......:azn:.........:disagree:

We are their insecurity, they are affected by us. Just patiently wait for Pakistan to become wealthy and then we will really make them feel insecure.
We are their insecurity, they are affected by us. Just patiently wait for Pakistan to become wealthy and then we will really make them feel insecure.

Ahh yes.
Its going to be a long wait.
Meanwhile India will stop getting wealthy to give Pakistan a chance to catch up.
And then India will feel insecure.
Your view of what happened in East Pakistan is just a bit warped.

The reality was very different than what we have been sold and many even in Pakistan buy. Yes Bengalis should have gotten more rights, but that does not mean you take up arms against your countrymen and align with an enemy state.

Also we keep saying what we did to the Bengalis. I once had a Bengali guy say to me that Quaid should have done more after partition. That is how warped their views are. A man who died 11 months after partition should have somehow done more. And 23 years after independence was long enough for their patience to run out, before they went on a rampage killing over a 100,000 (some say nearly 500,000) West Pakistanis, Biharis, and Urdu speaking people. Not to mention murder in cold blood their brother-men in arms and their families.

The killings, murder and mayhem had begun well before any army action. For nearly a month the army stayed in their barracks while Bengalis went on a genocidal rampage killing complete villages and small towns. That news and bodies were never brought to West Pakistan for fear of attacks on West Pakistan based Bengalis. Yet we are the idiots who are made to feel like we did something wrong. The lack of historical record keeping allows these false narratives and stories to perpetuate and here too I will blame West Pakistan. West Pakistanis are too simple to understand the mind and manners of the Chanakya mindset.

This apologetic view of our history is wrong.
Yes there were mistakes, both at a political and military level. But the notion that only one party carries the majority of the blame and that party is Pakistan is wrong.

India worked this division from day one, and drove Bengalis through her propaganda to despise any rapprochement between two people of the same nation. From the language riots in 1948 they never wanted any sense of alignment, and India worked slowly and patiently over the years to drive a bigger wedge. Today Bangladesh is a colony of India no matter how great the GDP is, everyone even in Bangladesh will tell you we live with that weight on us. I wish Bangladesh the best and her people, but I for one as a Pakistani will never forget or forgive them for what they did to our nation.

We'll let Allah and the hereafter judge us all.

Not to forget a lot of Hindus were in the Bengali education system and other posts that also effected that part of the country at the time.
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