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First ever visit by a serving Saudi Arabian Land Forces chief to India

Ahh yes.
Its going to be a long wait.
Meanwhile India will stop getting wealthy to give Pakistan a chance to catch up.
And then India will feel insecure.

Reduce your population by 60% and redistribute wealth accumulated by your corrupt 1% elite and caste elitism then maybe. We all know this will never happen. You can make 10x the amount of money and India will still be 3rd world poor. Watch on from your tv and celebrate your 1% elite getting everything in life whilst the majority are treated as cheap slave labor is not winning. Your fake media is not reality, optics are false.

Pakistan has a higher ceiling, its no surprise it has been fudded since its birth. Time has always been the great equalizer. A 10x increase in wealth in Pakistan will create a huge impact. Now imagine what 100x will do.
The photo op was in bad taste with the Indian CoAS but par for the course given the crass relations between the two (fantastic tea on our end also milked beyond its shelf-life). Had the Saudis known the implications, they would not have done that. So let's put that in the corner of Indian mischief against Pakistan because countless other photos of other military leaders meeting the Indian CoAS have not shown being taken in front of the painting of Pakistani surrender.

The Saudi LF commander was probably caught out of place and essentially Indians used it to milk the occasion.

Secondly, for Pakistanis, why is this even an issue? Are Saudis going to stay put and not go beyond Pakistan for their own national interests? Ours has been a static and idealistic foreign policy because we have not evolved with the changing times. All the countries are changing their stated positions in the Middle East except Pakistan. Not one change, stuck in the Cold War of the 80s (the FP that Zia regime coined continues to this day).

The real issue is the need for a more pragmatic FP. The NSA gave a good overview of the economy-first policy, but not a lot of change on the ground thus far, admittedly it takes a while for such things to get rolled out but Pakistan needs to realize that the old alliances are no longer the same.
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Had the Saudis known the implications, they would not have done that. So let's put that in the corner of Indian mischief against Pakistan

Do you think Riyadh Daily which had this photo prominent on its front page with other photos less prominent, were being equally mischievous ?

But far far too much is being made of this. That photo with others over the years can easily be googled.

Its his office
That photo has been there for years.
There are many other photos of others in same office with the same photo.
Those photos have been around for a very long time with little comment from PDF
The picture was on the front page of Riyad Daily

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Since the Indian media was giving the visit coverage like as if Saudi King has landed in Delhi so others would have just picked up on that without giving much attention to the back ground.
PAF is always getting high profile visits, I guess they should also prominently display image of blind folded Abhinandan in the AHQ.
Your view of what happened in East Pakistan is just a bit warped.

The reality was very different than what we have been sold and many even in Pakistan buy. Yes Bengalis should have gotten more rights, but that does not mean you take up arms against your countrymen and align with an enemy state.

Also we keep saying what we did to the Bengalis. I once had a Bengali guy say to me that Quaid should have done more after partition. That is how warped their views are. A man who died 11 months after partition should have somehow done more. And 23 years after independence was long enough for their patience to run out, before they went on a rampage killing over a 100,000 (some say nearly 500,000) West Pakistanis, Biharis, and Urdu speaking people. Not to mention murder in cold blood their brother-men in arms and their families.

The killings, murder and mayhem had begun well before any army action. For nearly a month the army stayed in their barracks while Bengalis went on a genocidal rampage killing complete villages and small towns. That news and bodies were never brought to West Pakistan for fear of attacks on West Pakistan based Bengalis. Yet we are the idiots who are made to feel like we did something wrong. The lack of historical record keeping allows these false narratives and stories to perpetuate and here too I will blame West Pakistan. West Pakistanis are too simple to understand the mind and manners of the Chanakya mindset.

This apologetic view of our history is wrong.
Yes there were mistakes, both at a political and military level. But the notion that only one party carries the majority of the blame and that party is Pakistan is wrong.

India worked this division from day one, and drove Bengalis through her propaganda to despise any rapprochement between two people of the same nation. From the language riots in 1948 they never wanted any sense of alignment, and India worked slowly and patiently over the years to drive a bigger wedge. Today Bangladesh is a colony of India no matter how great the GDP is, everyone even in Bangladesh will tell you we live with that weight on us. I wish Bangladesh the best and her people, but I for one as a Pakistani will never forget or forgive them for what they did to our nation.

We'll let Allah and the hereafter judge us all.
Reliable/credible sources please? I would like to read more
The picture was on the front page of Riyad Daily

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Joint Navel exercises

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Saudi is diversifying its alliances. Pretty smart move. MBS certainly has a lot of good ideas of moving away from conventional models of geopolitics. First liberalizing the industry, then easing the societal restrictions with reforms, then inviting more investments into Saudi by foreign businesses, and finally reaching out to all major regional and global powers other than USA - France, Russia, China, India, Korea, Japan, etc.

I am wondering apart from arms development, cross investments and a more structured long-term agreement on importing oil, how many other areas we can cooperate with each other. Would an FTA like the one signed with UAE yesterday, be in the offing?
PAF is always getting high profile visits, I guess they should also prominently display image of blind folded Abhinandan in the AHQ.

I think you should After all PDF prints that Photo EVERY DAY and sometimes many times over. Your newspapers print that photo regularly too.

You should definitely have a photo of a single plane downed deep within Pakistani territory after crossing an international border to bomb Pakistan terror camps.
After all the photo of a single pilot plane, designed over 70 years ago, and downed within Pakistan, represents the greatest victory Pakistan ever had in its history and should be prominently displayed.
Do you think Riyadh Daily which had this photo prominent on its front page with other photos less prominent, were being equally mischievous ?

But far far too much is being made of this. That photo with others over the years can easily be googled.

Its his office
That photo has been there for years.
There are many other photos of others in same office with the same photo.
Those photos have been around for a very long time with little comment from PDF
Most Saudis have no clue about the history of Pakistan etc. unless it is highlighted to them. Second I doubt any 3rd country wants to be involved in Pakistan-India conflict as such, had the commander, Saudi Land Forces known about it, his staff would have suggested a different background. The photo was published and all associated press, including the Saudi press, ended up using the same image. So clearly, the issue is with the host using this as an opportunity to push forth anti-Pakistan, one-upmanship narrative and as such not the fault of the guest was my point.

I think you should After all PDF prints that Photo EVERY DAY and sometimes many times over. Your newspapers print that photo regularly too.

You should definitely have a photo of a single plane downed deep within Pakistani territory after crossing an international border to bomb Pakistan terror camps.
After all the photo of a single pilot plane, designed over 70 years ago, and downed within Pakistan, represents the greatest victory Pakistan ever had in its history and should be prominently displayed.
Pakistan's greatest victory is remaining a viable state "carved" out of India for its inhabitants. India's greatest victory, as evinced by it political and military leadership's theatrics, seems to be to gloat over wresting control of an isolated East Pakistan from a country 1/3rd its size. Amazing feat of arms, that one. When it comes to others equals, India has nothing to write home about. Enough said.
Pakistan's greatest victory is remaining a viable state "carved" out of India for its inhabitants

What kind of victory is a mutually agreed and signed separation as a result of decolonisation from a exhausted UK .
According to PDF people here, there was NO INDIA before 1947 to be carved from.
To exist is victory ??
The ants and jellyfish can claim the same victory.

You talk of being carved out of India. The only nation that got "carved" out of a larger nation was Bangladesh after a war of liberation that cost millions of lives.
What kind of victory is a mutually agreed and signed separation as a result of decolonisation from a exhausted UK .
According to PDF people here, there was NO INDIA before 1947 to be carved from.
To exist is victory ??
The ants and jellyfish can claim the same victory.

You talk of being carved out of India. The only nation that got "carved" out of a larger nation was Bangladesh after a war of liberation that cost millions of lives.
If all your shit is correct then why does the RSS want Pakistan. Bangladesh no matter what is Muslim. Brothers fight so what. They are nothing like u
What kind of victory is a mutually agreed and signed separation as a result of decolonisation from a exhausted UK .
According to PDF people here, there was NO INDIA before 1947 to be carved from.
To exist is victory ??
The ants and jellyfish can claim the same victory.

You talk of being carved out of India. The only nation that got "carved" out of a larger nation was Bangladesh after a war of liberation that cost millions of lives.

To be fair we did slaughter millions of Hindus to ensure bangla remained a Muslim state as per partition
I think you should After all PDF prints that Photo EVERY DAY and sometimes many times over. Your newspapers print that photo regularly too.

You should definitely have a photo of a single plane downed deep within Pakistani territory after crossing an international border to bomb Pakistan terror camps.
After all the photo of a single pilot plane, designed over 70 years ago, and downed within Pakistan, represents the greatest victory Pakistan ever had in its history and should be prominently displayed.
Much more authentic, credible and present day scenario else why would your warlords spend tens of thousand dollars to invite some one like Christine Fair in a desperate effort to put wind in your sail, it's another thing she preferred to stick to the reality and rained on your parade.
And get your facts right, your downed pilot was on no bombing mission and although everyone from your Air chief down lied on how he ended up in Pakistani custody, the fact is after your SU-30s and Mirage-2000s bugged out, you had no other choice except to push him into the grinder, 70 year old or not.
Coming back to the subject image, hell even Americans never gloated like Indians after forcing the likes of Japan into submission....but beating a nation 7 times smaller whose soldiers were fighting a thousand miles away from home against an army and hidden enemy at the same time is indeed a feather in Indian cap....by Indian standards.

You can witter on as much as you like but as I said if you and the COAS want to frame that photo in a 12ft by 6ft frame and invite all your friend's around to take photos of Pakistan's greatest victory.

No skin of my, or nearly all Indians nose.

By the way PDF has only displayed that photo 3 or 4 times today.

You are all slacking

You must keep that daily count up

You can witter on as much as you like but as I said if you and the COAS want to frame that photo in a 12ft by 6ft frame and invite all your friend's around to take photos of Pakistan's greatest victory.

No skin of my, or nearly all Indians nose.

By the way PDF has only displayed that photo 3 or 4 times today.

You are all slacking

You must keep that daily count up
Well didn't take long for you to bring your table manners to the forum.... Nothing surprising there....
No one has asked for your opinion so keep your nose close to the dirt.
PAF or anyone else don't need to frame and display anything as your own IAF has already done the job for us by holding up that piece of Missile and crying and complaining to the Americans... How shameful for otherwise one of the largest Air Arms in the world. Tut tut tut.
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