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First ever visit by a serving Saudi Arabian Land Forces chief to India


Sep 20, 2014
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If that mickey mouse faced Saudi leader intentionally posed for the first pic, he and his country has lost all respect from me. He looks duffer by the way.
it's the prerogative of Hosting country to make arrangements for Media engagements, I think this pic is Indian mischievousness than anything to do with KSA official.

Why would a foreign official will chose a spot for a picture in front of a Insinuating Picture for one of their friendly country ..... ???

We should ignore this trivial yet cunning act of Indian state.
it's the prerogative of Hosting country to make arrangements for Media engagements, I think this pic is Indian mischievousness than anything to do with KSA official.

Why would an foreign official will chose a spot for a picture in front of a Insinuating Picture for one of their friendly country ..... ???

We should ignore this trivial yet cunning act of Indian state.
We are so ignorant that we are quick to put fingers at Saudis or Gulfies or Iranian. It is clearly Indian mischievous act to fool Pakistanis because Indians know how fool we are.

Having said that, I would hope pakistan raises the concern from Saudis in a brotherly manner and somehow make them realize and issue apologies or regret at least to slap that to Bharti clowns.
it's the prerogative of Hosting country to make arrangements for Media engagements, I think this pic is Indian mischievousness than anything to do with KSA official.

Why would a foreign official will chose a spot for a picture in front of a Insinuating Picture for one of their friendly country ..... ???

We should ignore this trivial yet cunning act of Indian state.

My father always said this enemy we have is a characterless one a low class enemy. It’s almost an insult just bordering them.

But I doubt the Mickey Mouse Chief would know what it means, but it just shows how low Indians are. But at the end of the day it was their pilot that was being bitchslapped and shown across the world.
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, Something is missing from this thread, oh yeah, all patriotic Bakistani's, So This is the Guy Pakistani Retired Chief of Army Staff works with? Great JOb boys make us proud!!!
it's the prerogative of Hosting country to make arrangements for Media engagements, I think this pic is Indian mischievousness than anything to do with KSA official.

Why would a foreign official will chose a spot for a picture in front of a Insinuating Picture for one of their friendly country ..... ???

We should ignore this trivial yet cunning act of Indian state.

Why should we ignore? Because we are beggars, we get their loans? Any self respecting country would lodge a protest, the Saudi should have known and declined to be photographed in front of that photo.
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