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Firing on PIA Jet in Peshawar, Killing 1 Woman on Board

That is pretty close, for sure. However the analogy that you draw is not quite valid in the incident that is under discussion:
1. People in the neighborhood (of Pearson) are not likely to possess ack-ack guns, RCL guns, Mortars, RPGs and even Kalashnikovs; nor are they desirous of using such weaponry.
2. Contrastingly; people in the vicinity of PAF Peshawar AFB are known to possess such weapons are are certainly likely to want to use them. That record is clear.
3. Airports have been hit in Pakistan in the past. The recent attack at JIA Karachi is still fresh in memory. A precedent exists. So how did the Security around Peshawar AFB not get boosted up? Can this situation be replicated at or around other air-fields in Pakistan? This is the really worrisome part!
4. The statement "even a hand gun can penetrate the cabin" is simply an exaggeration. It cannot; not in case of an airliner in the air; but may do so only at an airplane stationary, at point-blank range.

If this can be done during landing, it can also be done during take off...... and in this case the captain missed a bullet.... consider if they fire while take off?????
If this can be done during landing, it can also be done during take off...... and in this case the captain missed a bullet.... consider if they fire while take off?????

That is indeed, even more horrible to contemplate........that would be a bigger disaster.
But in short, Airfield and Perimeter Security issues in Pakistan need a "HARD" re-look to give any confidence.
That is indeed, even more horrible to contemplate........that would be a bigger disaster.
But in short, Airfield and Perimeter Security issues in Pakistan need a "HARD" re-look to give any confidence.

The problem is some one here was (proudly) telling me there are about 70/80 million fire arms with civilians.......
The problem is some one here was (proudly) telling me there are about 70/80 million fire arms with civilians.......

Yeah, I have seen that proudly bragged about many times here; including by our present Admin.
To attempt to show how there is such a "Martial Fervor" in the Citizens!!!! :lol:
But that is stupid to the extreme........ that "Martial Fervor" and the weaponry accumulated by the "Martial Races" is now causing immeasurable Mayhem within the Country. With little signs of abating. Tragically, we'll get to hear about more such incidents in times to come.
This Genie cannot be put back into the bottle easily.
SMG used to target PIA plane, group behind attack identified: report
Last Updated On 25 June,2014

PESHAWAR (Web Desk) – According to initial invesitgation report, a submachine gun was used in attack on Pakistan International Airline (PIA) plane near the Peshawar airport, Dunya News reported on Wednesday.

The shooting took place at 11:00pm on Tuesday night when the passenger plane was 350 metre away from the runway of Bacha Khan International Airport.

The report revealed that a flare gun was used first to determine plane’s exact position.

The PIA flight PK756, carrying 178 passengers from Saudi Arabia’s Riyadh to Peshawar, was fired upon for two minutes before landing at the Bacha Khan International airport late yesterday night. Officials said the PIA flight was hit by at least 12 bullets.

A woman passenger was killed and two flight stewards identified as Wajid and Ijaz were injured.

Wajid, who sustained bullet injuries in his leg, said the plane was at an altitude of 250 to 300 feet height when gunshot hit the plane at the back side. Luckily Captain Tariq Chaudhry safely landed the plane at the airport and averted a catastrophe.

Security forces immediately launched search operations in the suspected areas and arrested more than 250 suspects.

During investigation, It was revealed that banned Tehreek-e-Taliban’s Darra Adam Khel group was involved in the attack.

Flight operations at Peshawar airport resumed after being temporarily suspended following last night's terrorist attack on the plane, the Civil Aviation Authority said.

The assault was the second militant strike on a Pakistan airport in recent weeks. On July 8, around 10 terrorists stormed the old Karachi airport terminal building in which 29 people were killed and security forces also gunned down all the terrorists.

There has been a high security alert at all airports around the country since the military started an offensive against foreign and local terrorists in North Waziristan.
The plane was hit when it was approx 1000 feet AGL...a normal SMG like an AK does not have that kind of range. Especially when firing at an upward trajectory, then have the required KE to penetrate the bottom (cargo hold) floor and then hit a person with sufficient energy to kill or severely injure them.

I reckon a bigger weapon was used.
The plane was hit when it was approx 1000 feet AGL...a normal SMG like an AK does not have that kind of range. Especially when firing at an upward trajectory, then have the required KE to penetrate the bottom (cargo hold) floor and then hit a person with sufficient energy to kill or severely injure them.

I reckon a bigger weapon was used.

Ballistics analysis should be able to determine that easily, particularly if the slugs are found in the plane.
If serious risks to flight safety continue like this, it is only a matter of time that an Insurance Surcharge will be imposed on any foreign airlines still wanting to fly to Pakistan, making their operations financially non-viable.
The plane was hit when it was approx 1000 feet AGL...a normal SMG like an AK does not have that kind of range. Especially when firing at an upward trajectory, then have the required KE to penetrate the bottom (cargo hold) floor and then hit a person with sufficient energy to kill or severely injure them.

I reckon a bigger weapon was used.

Agreed on that point. Seems to be a MMG and AP rounds were used. Worrisome........
What worries me is how blase some of the guys here seem to have become. Like it isn't a really big deal.........

When this kind of thing happens regularly, then people do have a tendency to become blase. Thus playing into the hands of the Miscreants who want this to continue.
Remember that this "war" is first and foremost a "psychological war"
When this kind of thing happens regularly, then people do have a tendency to become blase. Thus playing into the hands of the Miscreants who want this to continue.
Remember that this "war" is first and foremost a "psychological war"

At this rate, someone will get hold of a nuke one day and they will just go...Oh, it's only a small itsy bitsy tactical nuke....no big deal.....
At this rate, someone will get hold of a nuke one day and they will just go...Oh, it's only a small itsy bitsy tactical nuke....no big deal.....

Ah well, that is something to really think about.
In any case; that is an increasing concern world-wide about the possibility of such things happening. Slightly less wrt Nukes and more wrt Chemical and Biological weapons.
My view is that Nukes are "dubious" weapons to start with. But TacNukes add an extremely dangerous dimension to that. A scenario of a "Renegade Local or Theater Commander" gaining control was haunting Nuclear Weapon States through the 60s and 70s as it is. And that was connected to Political Idealogy. Which is why they shifted their Doctrinal Thinking away from TacNukes.
Now there is even the dangerous ingredient of Religious Idealogy to deal with. One hell of a potent "Cocktail" that can be. There is already evidence of some ex-Scientist(s) of the PAEC who met with the Al-Qaeda leadership in the caves of Afghanistan. Not a comforting thought.
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