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FIR against Zee News for airing Charlie Hebdo cartoons

Yes, every country. He is very popular where ever he goes. US, Australia, Nepal or others. Just check the news.

And Indians whole heartedly supports Modi.

But do you support your PM? No.

Lol stop the hilarious claims already. With a past that your hero modi has, there is little chance that such a guy would even be allowed to participate in the elections let alone become a PM. This is what happens in "civilized" countries unlike India. Such guys are not even allowed to participate in politics after the kind of past they have or the intellect level modi has. I hope you would stop with the moronic claims about your superman and stop making a mockery out of yourself.

as for our PM. We criticize him when it is needed and support him when he is doing anything good. That is "civilized" way of doing things. :)
Did the Meccans of those times built that place of worship? They just claimed it for themselves and since muslims believed that it is their place of worship, he just reclaimed it without physically harming anyone.
Wow!! Do you really believe this BS? Meccans existed before Mohammad was born and created Islam so if he was claiming somebody else's place of worship then he was surely the one telling lie not others. The fact is Kabba was a strong centre of political influence and he attacked and captured Kabba for Islam's promotion..

Did Mohammad just go out attacking people for gold? I hope you very well know that muslims were hounded and many killed, so why is it wrong if he took up arms to protect his people since there was no other way out
Hmmm so BS continues.. So the caravan of Meccan traders were the one who hounded muslims? Are you serious? It was prophet who raided the caravan for gold and he killed many in those 8 or so raids..

Didn't many Sikh Gurus took up arms to defend their people?

Sikh gurus gave up their lives for the sake of the followers of other religion. That;s called sacrifice they didn't decided to call any place of worship as theirs and occupy it. See the difference and they took up arms because Muslims were killing innocent people and raping women and selling them as sex slaves. It's way different than what your prophet did. they never captured place of worship of any other religion or forced others to convert to their religion.

Are you not aware of the violence committed by your Gods? So why do you follow or worship them?

What violence are you talking about? And you can go ahead and condemn anything because I am not the one who do not take religion seriously. Per me all the religion including Islam are man made created to fool people and control them.. and in all this Islamists are the ones worst affected ones..

@jamahir you never responded to my post. How do you feel about killings Muslims did during Islamic golden age? If you support the ideology then you folks are no better than ISIS folks who are killing innocent people in the name of Islam..
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There are quite a good number of muslim countries which are secular at least on paper which isn't much different than what happens in India....

Source: Islam and secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So whenever you speak of muslim nations, you tend to bring in monarchies and unstable nations of middle east. Are they the only muslim countries?

India is yes a Hindu majority nation and their sensitivities are being taken care of. As I stated earlier that there are muslim secular countries but sensitivities of the majorities are kept in mind while taking major decisions very much like what happens in India, so next time you claim that India is a paradise of secularism, please rethink...

India is still paradise of secularism only after US...Every thing and all comparisons are make with relative context...And yes,even i do not want my nation to be absolute secular...Because, it is my worst fear that India is just secular only because Hindus are majority...the moment Hindus will be outnumbered...It will be turned into another Arab nations where only one religion people treated with royality and others are with dirt....
India is still paradise of secularism only after US...Every thing and all comparisons are make with relative context...And yes,even i do not want my nation to be absolute secular...Because, it is my worst fear that India is just secular only because Hindus are majority...the moment Hindus will be outnumbered...It will be turned into another Arab nations where only one religion people treated with royality and others are with dirt....

Just because you believe that everything is rosy out here doesn't mean it is a fact. I can post numerous sources which prove my point. Indian secularism is next to US secularism!!!:lol:

I think I already made it quite clear that Arab monarchies aren't the best example to support your argument. Anyways I suggest you go though the following....

To what extent is India as secular state? | Tarini Dhody - Academia.edu
Just because you believe that everything is rosy out here doesn't mean it is a fact. I can post numerous sources which prove my point. Indian secularism is next to US secularism!!!:lol:

I think I already made it quite clear that Arab monarchies aren't the best example to support your argument. Anyways I suggest you go though the following....

To what extent is India as secular state? | Tarini Dhody - Academia.edu
You did not get my point...I also do not believe that India is a truly secular state...But again, please give me an example without West and US, which Muslim nations and how many Muslim nations provide and treat Non Muslims as equals like Muslims?.....Can a Non Hindu be a chief of a nation in your Muslim nations?....
Wow!! Do you really believe this BS? Meccans existed before Mohammad was born and created Islam so if he was claiming somebody else's place of worship then he was surely the one telling lie not others. The fact is Kabba was a strong centre of political influence and he attacked and captured Kabba for Islam's promotion..
Just because you thrive on myths and propaganda(very much like your fellow Sanghis) doesn't mean that others will undermine the history. FYI Mohammad was also a Meccan. Let me inform you that the idols were broken only after the Meccan leader Abu Sufyan and majority of his followers accepted Islam. So yes the Kaaba was re-oriented with the majority of Meccans in agreement with it....

Source: Occupation of Mecca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm so BS continues.. So the caravan of Meccan traders were the one who hounded muslims? Are you serious? It was prophet who raided the caravan for gold and he killed many in those 8 or so raids..

So you continue with your BS... Anyways this is history for you....

Persecution of Muslims by the Meccans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sikh gurus gave up their lives for the sake of the followers of other religion. That;s called sacrifice they didn't decided to call any place of worship as theirs and occupy it. See the difference and they took up arms because Muslims were killing innocent people and raping women and selling them as sex slaves. It's way different than what your prophet did. they never captured place of worship of any other religion or forced others to convert to their religion.

Sikh leaders gave their lives for the protection of innocents very much like Prophet Mohammad. As stated earlier that even Prophet Mohammad was forced to take up arms to protect his people. Speaking of the rest of unsubstantiated allegations, Can you come up with some credible sources(Not Islamophobic) to support your vitriol?

What violence are you talking about? And you can go ahead and condemn anything because I am not the one who do not take religion seriously. Per me all the religion including Islam are man made created to fool people and control them.. and in all this Islamists are the ones worst affected ones..

Oh really!!! What about the war manual called Gita? What about your other religious scriptures which speak of either killing/avenging or subjugation of others? Since you don't take religion seriously, I would prefer not going in depth....

@jamahir you never responded to my post. How do you feel about killings Muslims did during Islamic golden age? If you support the ideology then you folks are no better than ISIS folks who are killing innocent people in the name of Islam..

What do you think is Islamic golden age? It is an age where muslims advanced in many fields including Science. It was medieval period where Kings were required to protect their interest else they would perish, All kings have done the same irrespective of their religious affiliation.... Didn't Mauryas, Palas, Cholas etc do the same? So why corner just muslim kings?
You did not get my point...I also do not believe that India is a truly secular state...But again, please give me an example without West and US, which Muslim nations and how many Muslim nations provide and treat Non Muslims as equals like Muslims?.....Can a Non Hindu be a chief of a nation in your Muslim nations?....

Well here is the list of muslim majority nations which are secular...

Islam and secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you name a muslim Prime minister of India? Please don't give me the names of Presidents as they are just nominal heads and we all know that....
Well here is the list of muslim majority nations which are secular...

Islam and secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you name a muslim Prime minister of India? Please don't give me the names of Presidents as they are just nominal heads and we all know that....

I agree with you...And i love to see a Muslim PM from India...The reason India does not have a Muslim PM because all the PM post since last 65 years is outsourced to Gandhi Familly or any one blessed by Gandhi Familly...But that does not discount the fact that my counstitution does not prohibit from making a Muslim PM...And trust me ..I love to see a Muslim PM from BJP...And it will happen one day....I should accept that it is drawback of my nation which even can not put a Muslim PM in last 65 years...

Dear friend..try to understand my context...I am not against Muslims....period...But i fear all the non sense happening in throughout the world by these Islamic fundamentalist..who does not keep religion below the nationalism....The same attitude i keep it for nuts like Bajrang dal and other nut elemets too....I love my Muslim citizens of India to be a proud citizen with no less right and opportunity than any one in modern India...But that does not mean....unnecessary appeasement by so called secular parties to get their votes....
I agree with you...And i love to see a Muslim PM from India...The reason India does not have a Muslim PM because all the PM post since last 65 years is outsourced to Gandhi Familly or any one blessed by Gandhi Familly...But that does not discount the fact that my counstitution does not prohibit from making a Muslim PM...And trust me ..I love to see a Muslim PM from BJP...And it will happen one day....I should accept that it is drawback of my nation which even can not put a Muslim PM in last 65 years...

I don't think BJP is gonna have muslim leader who will lead them along with India atleast in the near future... Look at their vicious comments(From converting to killing) on a daily basis and their Big Boss aka Modi doesn't seem to be much affected by this(At least his silence speaks so)

Dear friend..try to understand my context...I am not against Muslims....period...But i fear all the non sense happening in throughout the world by these Islamic fundamentalist..who does not keep religion below the nationalism....The same attitude i keep it for nuts like Bajrang dal and other nut elemets too....I love my Muslim citizens of India to be a proud citizen with no less right and opportunity than any one in modern India...But that does not mean....unnecessary appeasement by so called secular parties to get their votes....

Problem over here is News makers. There are at least 1.5 billion muslims in this world. A few among them make headlines and we form opinion based on it. But we tend to ignore the rest who get on with their daily chores as normally as others. And I don't understand why some moderate Hindus and hardliners in Hindu community keep repeating this appeasement of muslims.... Can you just cite a few things which can be termed as appeasement?
I don't think BJP is gonna have muslim leader who will lead them along with India atleast in the near future... Look at their vicious comments(From converting to killing) on a daily basis and their Big Boss aka Modi doesn't seem to be much affected by this(At least his silence speaks so)

Problem over here is News makers. There are at least 1.5 billion muslims in this world. A few among them make headlines and we form opinion based on it. But we tend to ignore the rest who get on with their daily chores as normally as others. And I don't understand why some moderate Hindus and hardliners in Hindu community keep repeating this appeasement of muslims.... Can you just cite a few things which can be termed as appeasement?

I can understand your perception...But i think, BJP is evolving and if BJP can field Mr Abdul Kalam, they why not any one else?...But again, i do not blame you for this perception...But to become a PM, BJP needs a strong Muslim leader who has pan India appeal so that BJP can go through him....

Regarding, those nuts elements, they just cater to the specific segment of BJP vote bank....Unfortunately, BJP depend on those radical Hindu elements of North India to come to power...As long as BJP is not getting any additional segment of people voiting for them, BJP will stick to them as it has no choice to ditch them...Although it is not good, but it is political compulsion...Because 30% of people consisting of different minorities do not vote for BJP...So to rule a nation, although it is a bitter pill, BJP can not ditch them...But one thing for sure, Modi will keep them withing some limit...Those element make noise...but this is not the overall policy for Modi..

Regarding your 2nd statments, i just say one thing, there may be few, but there is a vast majority of Muslims who take an execuse and support them because of different reason...I do not want to debate it...But as long as Muslims feel their religion more than nationhood, this problem will persists...Otherwise, what is the point of Indian Muslim going to Iraw to fight with someone...Does India has any issue with Syria?....This is where i have problem...So Indian Muslims responds to everything that is happening with prioritizing their response with respect to religion rather than nation....
Regarding your 2nd statments, i just say one thing, there may be few, but there is a vast majority of Muslims who take an execuse and support them because of different reason...I do not want to debate it...But as long as Muslims feel their religion more than nationhood, this problem will persists...Otherwise, what is the point of Indian Muslim going to Iraw to fight with someone...Does India has any issue with Syria?....This is where i have problem...So Indian Muslims responds to everything that is happening with prioritizing their response with respect to religion rather than nation....

Have you ever been to an Arab country? If you had gone you would know that even muslims from different countries bicker over their nations very much like Christians do with their respective nationalities. An Australian Christian might get along well with American Christian but whenever there is a debate on their nations, they form their lines very much like a Libyan and Tunisian or Pakistani and Afghani do. Islam doesn't have a concept of nationalism and believes in Universal brotherhood which I believe is good but muslims seldom follow it. And the problem is that since you don't have many Hindu countries, you don't really understand with happens in Islam or Christianity. An South African Hindu(Atleast a 3rd generation) might relate to you with your belief system but when you speak of nationalism he would do the same what people of other religions do. And let me tell you all religions speak of Universal brotherhood which isn't much different than what Islam does. Now I am gonna ask you something, Why do Hindu "nationalists" worry about what happens to Hindus in Pakistan or Bangladesh when they claim that they are nationalists? Bangladesh is a friendly country of India, yet Hindu "nationalists" train their guns towards Bangladesh... What could be the reason? It is simple mate, they are concerned about their religious brothers very much like muslims concerned about Palestine or Syria...
Have you ever been to an Arab country? If you had gone you would know that even muslims from different countries bicker over their nations very much like Christians do with their respective nationalities. An Australian Christian might get along well with American Christian but whenever there is a debate on their nations, they form their lines very much like a Libyan and Tunisian or Pakistani and Afghani do. Islam doesn't have a concept of nationalism and believes in Universal brotherhood which I believe is good but muslims seldom follow it. And the problem is that since you don't have many Hindu countries, you don't really understand with happens in Islam or Christianity. An South African Hindu(Atleast a 3rd generation) might relate to you with your belief system but when you speak of nationalism he would do the same what people of other religions do. And let me tell you all religions speak of Universal brotherhood which isn't much different than what Islam does. Now I am gonna ask you something, Why do Hindu "nationalists" worry about what happens to Hindus in Pakistan or Bangladesh when they claim that they are nationalists? Bangladesh is a friendly country of India, yet Hindu "nationalists" train their guns towards Bangladesh... What could be the reason? It is simple mate, they are concerned about their religious brothers very much like muslims concerned about Palestine or Syria...

How many times in relative context, you find Hindu nationalist hit to the street just because Hindus are in problem in BD or Pakistan...Very few....And me...being a Hindu natinalist....strongly..oppose any thing outside India...I will spend my energy being well being of Indian people irrespective of Hindu or Muslim rather than any Hindu in BD or Pakistan...
How many times in relative context, you find Hindu nationalist hit to the street just because Hindus are in problem in BD or Pakistan...Very few....And me...being a Hindu natinalist....strongly..oppose any thing outside India...I will spend my energy being well being of Indian people irrespective of Hindu or Muslim rather than any Hindu in BD or Pakistan...
Islam doesn't regonize man-made borders and countries. So we always support our Muslim brothers irrespective of their nationality.
Islam doesn't regonize man-made borders and countries. So we always support our Muslim brothers irrespective of their nationality.

Then choose a country where similar minded people stay and do not create problem for others..I respect Muslim people and their belief..as long as it does not interfere and impact other peoples lives...Who stopped people like you, to migrate to Pakistan and do whatever you want and be the guardian of the entire Muslim world....
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