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Finally!!! INDIA elected F-18 Superhornets Is this really a Final decision?

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Dec 7, 2005
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INDIA elected F-18 Superhornets Is this really a Final decision or again they are going to play:hrr: with aviation industries. This time its US's Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

"According to some indian TV sources, IAF is likely to purchase F-18 Superhornet fighters. It is to remind that the US quite keen to provide any possible kind of technology to India to break Chinese economy. The decision just came after US agreed to provide India some suphisticated nuclear technology. The French aircraft manufacturing company 'Dassault' has already cancelled the deal with India, after a long delaying decision by the indian government. The question is, will India stay steady on its decision to acquire F-18's this time or again they are going to mess up the whole thing."


Comments guyzzzzz:com:
what kind of F-18 they will buy? (C/D,E/F new/used) with TOT??. I mean if they will go for F18E/F with AESA Radar technology, it will be too costly (about 80million a peice).
We made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is nothing about messing up..............

India has made all decisions about backup technology and assistance for its F-18s suppy chain.......

The US has agreed on a Maintainance facility establishment in India for its new supply chain.

Its really going to enhance IAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not like MIGs or Mirage, that we already dealed with.

I thought that India will opt for Sweedish Grippen:what:

Perhaps, F-18s are not bad as that of MIG/Mirage.
What are you talking about? Super Hornet is technically more capaable than the Grippen, it's your gain if IAF selects F-18E/F over Jas-39!
I doubt if IAF is gonna choose super hornets, they're too much $$$$$$$. But then again it's some indian sourses saying this, and they are not very reialible. So we will have to wait till the official speaks.
I doubt the claim bcause ive been searching on google and have not found any news seconding jangs article.It can well be speculation as far as i see.

Anyways on a pure logical basis super hornets make sense for IAF only if they come with ToT on AESA and equipped with the latest guided missiles.
Else Mig 29SMT would have been a better bet.Though the decision could have been hijacked in Boeing's favor for political reasons.
The way i see they can go for F-18's as US helped them in nuclear technology and do further more in future. Purchase of F-18's can help india to have more good relations and ties with US.

F-18 E/F is not a bad fighter jet apart from its cost. It has a unique capability of striking the enemy in extremely bad weather conditions as well as at night time including some stealth features. It also has a good track record and has been used in many wars. Further-more it is capable for carrier operations too.
Further-more it is capable for carrier operations too.

F-18 is designed and optimized for catapult assisted takeoff which is the norm on Nimitz class aircraft carriers.Admiral Gorshkov, which india has procured, uses skijump for assisted aircraft take off.More over in the ACs india is building i doubt that they would have catapult assisted takeoff since it is a more complicated tech and requires larger carriers to implement. They too will probably have skijump assisted take off.So i think the F18s if procured will have limited role in IN and will mostly operate in IAF.

I agree with your all other points bro.:thumbsup:
Rafale said:
We made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is nothing about messing up..............

India has made all decisions about backup technology and assistance for its F-18s suppy chain.......

The US has agreed on a Maintainance facility establishment in India for its new supply chain.

Its really going to enhance IAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not like MIGs or Mirage, that we already dealed with.

I thought that India will opt for Sweedish Grippen:what:

Perhaps, F-18s are not bad as that of MIG/Mirage.

Didnt see nay such news in Indians media,they shud have gone ga ga over it by now,if it was finalised
Super hornet is a classical aircraft and it will surely put IAF dependent on United States, and the chances of getting AESA with transfer of technology are very low. Swedish Grippen can become a good choice looking at the budget and capability needed (however if that happens LCA will need to be scrapped)

Mirage 2000 makes a good deal but Dessault is done with it, i see IAF waiting for more than 5 years by now, unless it wants to go for down graded Typhoon or Rafale aircrafts but they too will not come with transfer of technology which IAF is looking for. There aren't many good choices, all the choices have hurdles and problems with them.
Iaf is not vying for fifth gen fighters like typhoon or rafael simply bcause they are too costly (with or without tot)

I think it has lots of good options in 4-4.5 gen planes like Mig-35,f18E/F,f16 blk 60 etc.

For me grippen would have the least chance cause it is simply not that 'Khass' and will have no sidekicks for indians like spinoffs from JSF project and greater military cooperation in case of americans,further strenthening of the relationship,ultracheap and complete tot in case of russians etc.
Also opting for grippen will be more risky cause its components are sourced from a host of european nations and even the engine is american made.
After reading this looks like India has its hands full this arms deal can upset more people than we think.
Boeing's dogfight for the 126-combat jet India contract involves half a dozen arms makers across the world. But the first scrape begins at home in the US. When Condoleezza Rice, dubbed the 'warrior princess' in peacenik quarters, offered India both F/A-18 Super Hornets and advanced F-16s, she set off a minor spat between Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

(The four other contenders for the deal are Dassault Aviation of France with the Mirage 2000-V, SAAB of Sweden with the JAS-39 Gripen, RAC of Russia with the MiG-29 MRCA and the British-German-Italian-Spanish consortium with the Eurofighter Typhoon. With New Delhi slated to issue its Request for Proposal (RFP) sometime in the next few weeks, you will find a lot of these nationals in New Delhi's swank hotels and bars.)

Boeing and Lockheed, like all American arms makers, share an unusual relationship. They are rivals in a sense, but they also collaborate on many projects, such as the one for the F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter. The F/A-18 itself is a piecemeal jet – the airframe is made by Boeing IDS and Northrup Grumman, the engine by General Electric and the radar by Hughes. Beneath the veneer of civility and cooperation, US arms companies are only too ready to shoot each other down – without taking aim.

Boeing IDS officials will tell you why the F/A-18 Super Hornet is the best choice for India. It is a twin-engine MRCA, it is an F/A (for fighter/attack), and can be made for navy and air force). It has a long upside life, with orders from US Navy going into 2016 with ever newer technologies. F-16s? It's the end of the road for that fine plane. Even the USAF does not buy them any more, and once the order from the F-16-obsessed Pakistanis is fulfilled, Lockheed will close the assembly line in Texas.

Indian military planners hear all this with karmic elan, knowing that in New Delhi's scheme of things, a RFP today might mean acquisition a decade down the line, if at all. In any case, in the words of one senior IAF official familiar with the activity around MRCA acquisition, Boeing starts at bottom of the pile, for several reasons.

First among them is the famed unreliability of the American political system, as the Pakistanis found to their horror with the supply of F-16s. Then there are legacy issues: the IAF is long used to Russian systems and although its inventory has increasingly grown wider why add American to the mix now? And whatever happened to the indigenous LCA? Most of all can we really afford $ 7 billion for jets that cost around $ 53 billion apiece?

Boeing officials smile benignly at such questions, proffering answers that sound like they are selling large tractors rather than lethal jets that could raze towns and cities some day. They speak of joint manufacturing, using India's talent pool, and above all, interoperability with US systems and forces. They speak of their investments in India, the $ 5 million a year for IISc, the $ 100 million maintenance and training hub in Nagpur. They use the word 'offset' euphemism for investment -- quite often. And of course, there is the subtle hint that they are pulling their weight in getting the US-India nuclear deal through.

In March this year, a group of Indian test pilots was visiting US as part of the increasingly frequent military exchanges between the two countries. Although a visit to Boeing IDS was not on their itinerary, Boeing executives managed to get them to spend a day at St. Louis, where they were given a flight test review of the F/A-18 E/F and a tour of the production facility, besides a briefings on the P-8A. Indian pilots were also walked through the T-45, on which they will begin training on in Pensacola, Florida starting June this year. "The transparency was amazing considering they are non-starters going into this," an airman from the group told TNN.

Remarkably, an Indian media crew from Washington, largely clueless about the business of military purchases or working of combat aircraft, was put through an identical presentation. Boeing officials cheerfully laughed through crashed F/A-18 landings on a simulator ("There goes another $ 53 million!") and suffered shirty questions on American reliability and India's need for expensive arms. "That's for the Indian government to answer," said Dave Scweppe, Director of Boeing's International Business Development. "We are in this for the long haul."
Lilo said:
further strenthening of the relationship,ultracheap and complete tot in case of russians etc.

Dont say that they are going to be ultracheap or cheaper than the soviet aircrafts. They are here to make money as well$$$. But!!! China factor can make US to sell them at reasonable price.
Indian Air Force pilots are expected to test fly Boeing's F-18 fighter aircraft to evaluate the American war machine as the company is one of the main bidders in the race to sell 126 frontline jet planes to India.

link http://www.idrw.org/index.php?categoryid=1&p2_articleid=221

Dude that means nothing! Indian pilots have flown Mig-29s, F-16s, etc.

10 years from now the IAF will FINALLY get planes. Until then the infamous red tape will keep anything from moving. Look how long it took to get a lousy 60 AJTs!

Is that ridiculous or what?
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