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Fifth column: Remember Kashmiri Pandits?

A few points need to be made -
i. We have consistently faced persecution for centuries. This is nothing new.
ii. The community did not really all leave on Jan 19, 90. It began then. My relatives left by March.
iii. We were able to escape the onslaught because of a strong community presence in Mattan(in Anantnag). We did buy property in Jammu and Delhi in the next few years - just in case. Mattan continues to be a closed community today.
iv. We have little/no faith in the Indian state and the JnK Govt either. Most of the people now(KM) either hate us or even are not aware that we existed! The Government does not care if we live or die. So yes - I don't hope for a positive outcome anytime in the near future.
v. Anybody claiming that we are not native inhabitants of Kashmir should hang themselves.
vi. The insults, threats and murders that we had to face - if I am to write them down here I will be banned. Especially if I write the threats showered exclusively on the Pandit population - only because they were (you guessed it) not Muslim.
vii. Worst - it broke the trust we had in each other, the pride we had in the safety of a diverse culture - a culture we thought existed but actually perhaps did not.


The Martand(Mattan) Sun Temple - A
testament to the continuous persecution faced by a community over centuries. We must be holding a record that way.

Stop this melo drama. Lets get in to facts.

i. Hindus illegally occopied muslims majority area of Kashmir, pandits hindus only make 5% at best of population.
ii. While you were able to go back to your ancestor home land, original Kashmiris were being killed and raped in hundred of thousands because they have no where to go but fight for freedom from hindu army.
iii. 700.000 hindu army is in IOK controlling few million kashmiris, thats more then combined Pak army.
iv. Your goverment quickly settled few hindu pandits in India so they can continue muslim genocide in Kashmir.
v. You guys are not natives, dardic kashmiri population was there before you and still make majority of population even if 5% if kashmiri pandits come back, original kashmiris would still be 95%.
vi: Kashmiris in IOK had to face a lot worse then you, at least you guys got back in to your ancestor homeland in India while muslims are still suffering in their land.
vii. Your culture was ganga river hindusism which is alien to Kashmiris even before they converted to Islam. You talk like Vedic Brahmins moved in kashmir, nope. These were hindus brahmins from north India.

And last but not the least, article 370 ki jay hoo.
No retarded bhaiaya, but that doesn't change the fact that pandits are not original kashmiris and look like typical hindu types from North India. Why there is so much difference in looks of actual kashmiris and hindu pandits? Its like saying Mirpuris are Kashmris.

It dont matter about looks, kashmir was founded and populated by hindus, first lets get rid of the arab medieval customs that have made such a beautiful place hell on earth, then we can see who the real kashmiris are
It dont matter about looks, kashmir was founded and populated by hindus, first lets get rid of the arab medieval customs that have made such a beautiful place hell on earth, then we can see who the real kashmiris are
tatz near to impossible dude
Its impossible to talk logic with these madarssah educated arab wannabe mullahs, just showing them some hard truth may knoch some senses here
u are right...but if we even try to do that...the whole islamic world will turn against us.....tatz the reason why our guv. is always so cautious while dealing with it
Stop this melo drama. Lets get in to facts.

i. Hindus illegally occopied muslims majority area of Kashmir, pandits hindus only make 5% at best of population.
ii. While you were able to go back to your ancestor home land, original Kashmiris were being killed and raped in hundred of thousands because they have no where to go but fight for freedom from hindu army.
iii. 700.000 hindu army is in IOK controlling few million kashmiris, thats more then combined Pak army.
iv. Your goverment quickly settled few hindu pandits in India so they can continue muslim genocide in Kashmir.
v. You guys are not natives, dardic kashmiri population was there before you and still make majority of population even if 5% if kashmiri pandits come back, original kashmiris would still be 95%.
vi: Kashmiris in IOK had to face a lot worse then you, at least you guys got back in to your ancestor homeland in India while muslims are still suffering in their land.
vii. Your culture was ganga river hindusism which is alien to Kashmiris even before they converted to Islam. You talk like Vedic Brahmins moved in kashmir, nope. These were hindus brahmins from north India.

And last but not the least, article 370 ki jay hoo.
You're spreading too many lies here dude.
1. The Kashmiri Pandits speak Kashmiri, which is a Dardic language itself.
2. The Nuristanis themselves resisted conversion to Islam till as late as 1890s. they were called Kaffirstanis before this time.
3. The speakers of Dardic languages in Kashmir converted to Islam from Kashmir Shaivism, not the other way round.
4. The Indian Govt has never bothered to settle outsiders in Kashmir. I don't think you've ever been to Kashmir if you make such ridiculous statements.

Refrain from trolling dude. You can do much better than that.
Stop this melo drama. Lets get in to facts.

i. Hindus illegally occopied muslims majority area of Kashmir, pandits hindus only make 5% at best of population.
ii. While you were able to go back to your ancestor home land, original Kashmiris were being killed and raped in hundred of thousands because they have no where to go but fight for freedom from hindu army.
iii. 700.000 hindu army is in IOK controlling few million kashmiris, thats more then combined Pak army.
iv. Your goverment quickly settled few hindu pandits in India so they can continue muslim genocide in Kashmir.
v. You guys are not natives, dardic kashmiri population was there before you and still make majority of population even if 5% if kashmiri pandits come back, original kashmiris would still be 95%.
vi: Kashmiris in IOK had to face a lot worse then you, at least you guys got back in to your ancestor homeland in India while muslims are still suffering in their land.
vii. Your culture was ganga river hindusism which is alien to Kashmiris even before they converted to Islam. You talk like Vedic Brahmins moved in kashmir, nope. These were hindus brahmins from north India.

And last but not the least, article 370 ki jay hoo.
Yeah right, wonder where the names - Kashmir, Srinagar, Anantnag, Varahmul(Baramulla) etc come from. Sikander Butshikan? That said you can stick to your "history" books. The world meanwhile is NOT getting fooled by this. One look at your trash(sorry can't call it writing, ain't gonna disrespect literate people here) and one can tell why the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's own soldiers are getting blown up in their own territory by people in the name of God!
bengalis,biharis and odiyas are different ethnic group but all originated from a particular group which with time changed into 3 different language.....hence 3 different culture and 3 different ethnic group
really? source?

Lets put that together:
My words:
All that aside....least indulged in worldly affairs yet are involved in rape? How does that work out?

Your words: you suddenly come and say hindus are rapist and muslims are as pure as ganges water.. what is this attitude ...I can't understand of yours...
See the differences and your word twisting and accusing abilities? Where did I use the words Hindus are rapist and Muslims are pure as ganges water (which I dont find pure I would never compare a Muslim with Ganga!) So please dont put your words in my mouth!
so what did u mean?
You're spreading too many lies here dude.
1. The Kashmiri Pandits speak Kashmiri, which is a Dardic language itself.
2. The Nuristanis themselves resisted conversion to Islam till as late as 1890s. they were called Kaffirstanis before this time.
3. The speakers of Dardic languages in Kashmir converted to Islam from Kashmir Shaivism, not the other way round.
4. The Indian Govt has never bothered to settle outsiders in Kashmir. I don't think you've ever been to Kashmir if you make such ridiculous statements.

Refrain from trolling dude. You can do much better than that.

British Asians speak English, doesnt make them white does it?
they converted to ganga hinduism thanks to foreigners pandits and hindus who ruled that place. Later on muslims come and Kashmiris converted to Islam.

What i said is goverment quicly moved out hindu pandits of kashmir so they can continue making live hell for kashmiris.

Yeah right, wonder where the names - Kashmir, Srinagar, Anantnag, Varahmul(Baramulla) etc come from. Sikander Butshikan? That said you can stick to your "history" books. The world meanwhile is NOT getting fooled by this. One look at your trash(sorry can't call it writing, ain't gonna disrespect literate people here) and one can tell why the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's own soldiers are getting blown up in their own territory by people in the name of God!

Where did these names comes from? Ganga valley hindus like you named them? Or they have ancient origens going back in times of aryans who comes from outside?


Geographical distribution of the major Indo-Aryan languages.

Indo-Aryan languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You guys should be given medal. There is no difference between south indians and sri lankan, just that they speak different group of languages. When will you guys realize genetic and languages dont go hand in hand. There is no aryan-dravidian devide in India geneticaly.

In Balochistan we also have dravidian speaking population, and guess what? They have lowest ASI genes in them at 12%, and look just like other baloch.
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Congress' Gandhi family itself is cross of many religions as Indira was married to Parsi and then Rajiv was married to Christian waitress so they can't understand the pain and plight of Hindus.India need freedom from ever greedy and unpatriotic Nehruvian dynasty. They don't deserve to rule India.Shame on their voters. :hitwall:

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