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Fifth column: Remember Kashmiri Pandits?

Where did these names comes from? Ganga valley hindus like you named them? Or they have ancient origens going back in times of aryans who comes from outside?

These names are used in Kashmir since the time of Vedic culture including the ancient name Kashmir, now stop making us bored with your jholachap history. :girl_wacko:
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These names are used in Kashmir since the time of Vedic culture including the ancient name Kashmir, now stop making us bored with your jholachap history. :girl_wacko:
Actually he is identify crisis ridden troll , ignore that genologist fanbuoy.
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Pandits are living in Kashmir since the vedic culture. You wannabe Nordics tell your sarkari school crap to afghans, hope you won't weep after getting their replies.

funny it is,afghans gloat about gangraped pakistanis,converted them and it is due to them they pakistani punjabis have white skin .So they should thank the afghans.

Soon enough ,pakistan will be conquered by afghanistan and sharia law TTP and then pakistan will be land of pure indeed.
Pandits are not kashmiri's..

It is easy to spot a kashmiri, generally we are taller and lighter skinned,,, the pandits look like typical hindu's from north india

They have no right to reside in kashmir, they were traitors who sided with india and its army, so they can go live with them now

Kashmir is being clensed & Islamified until it can merge with Pakistan
Dont Worry brothers Modi is just a few weeks away from becoming PM then you will have your revenge:devil:
kashmiri pundit is the only who is son of soil ...................

i am really happy .....never bother about Kashmir struggle...........because it was never be struggle for freedom........it was driven by jamati movement.......
Pandits are not kashmiri's..

It is easy to spot a kashmiri, generally we are taller and lighter skinned,,, the pandits look like typical hindu's from north india

They have no right to reside in kashmir, they were traitors who sided with india and its army, so they can go live with them now

Kashmir is being clensed & Islamified until it can merge with Pakistan

Don't worry all Kashmiri Pandits will return to valley to their homeland and you can't do anything. Now even unemployed Punjabi youths of Pakistan find it impossible to infiltrate in Kashmir because of the fence. ;)
The Pakistani youth of Punjab didnt kick the pandits out..

Its was the kashmiri muslims of Kashmir who kicked the traitor pandits out of our homeland..
4,00,000 Kashmiri pundits were drove out from valley due to terrorists.

Majority of them still live in refugee camps.

But perhaps Brahmins are not worth caring for.

They made 3% of Kashmiri population. These pundits are north Indians who moved in to Kashmir. Original people of Kashmir Dardic speaking are suffering in hands of hindu army for decades and they make 97% of population.

Kashmiri Pandit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The word Kashmir is derived from Sanskritकश्मीर (káśmīra).[3]

The Valley of Kashmir got its name from Kashyap Rishi

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The Pakistani youth of Punjab didnt kick the pandits out..

Its was the kashmiri muslims of Kashmir who kicked the traitor pandits out of our homeland..

Don't worry all Kashmiri Pandits the natives of Kashmir valley will return to their homeland while the outsiders unemployed Punjabi youths of Pakistan once fighting in Kashmir have turned against Pakistan. ;)
These names are used in Kashmir since the time of Vedic culture including the ancient name Kashmir, now stop making us bored with your jholachap history. :girl_wacko:
Thats why i said Ganga hindu pandits are not original Kashmiris. And we all know from where Vedic people come from :agree:

4,00,000 Kashmiri pundits were drove out from valley due to terrorists.

Majority of them still live in refugee camps.

But perhaps Brahmins are not worth caring for.

Kashmiri Pandit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The word Kashmir is derived from Sanskritकश्मीर (káśmīra).[3]

The Valley of Kashmir got its name from Kashyap Rishi



Bhaya kiun itni lambi chorte hoo? Only 150.000-200.000 pandits hindus moved out of Kashmir. They just made 5% of population according to Indian goverment. lol

Pandits are not kashmiri's..

It is easy to spot a kashmiri, generally we are taller and lighter skinned,,, the pandits look like typical hindu's from north india

They have no right to reside in kashmir, they were traitors who sided with india and its army, so they can go live with them now

Kashmir is being clensed & Islamified until it can merge with Pakistan

We can call them Kashmiris but the myth of them being original kashmiris and 25% of population should be put to rest.
I thought a pundit should live in celibacy?

Not all Brahmins need to live in Celibacy, and Not all Pundits are 'priests'

Thanks for the explanation though in many books and accounts it is written based on your birth....you are born into a varna and it is not interchangeable at least not in this life but maybe in later life if you do good you go up a stepping ladder...

All that aside....least indulged in worldly affairs yet are involved in rape? How does that work out?

Islam forbids the killing of innocents, doesn't stop Muslims from indulging in that. You will have idiots, criminals twisting religion to suit their own needs.

No matter the religion.

Is it even a religion then?

Your point being?


No. Hinduism is not even a word coined by Indians themselves. It is more like a philosophy bound by a collection of regional beliefs.

It is as flexible and heterodox as it can get.

exodus and oppression of any humans is saddening, I hope the GOI can come up with an extensive policy for not just handeling the plight of Muslims but also any other party affected, humanity should reign above all......

A sensible post :tup:

Glad they threw the pandits so that we can take revenge by sending them into unmarked grave :)

all kashmiris who have this kind of attitude should be killed straight away.....fk human rights.

And Fk you too buddy.
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I dont know where I read that...I think I read some article while reading this thread..

As for hinduism ...my question was related to that article...

And then you associate Brahmins with Mass rape.

Either way it is akin to libel.
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