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Fifth column: Remember Kashmiri Pandits?

no religion teaches to rape its people
:hitwall: I never said that!...........

some people calim to be monks but they are not.........these include people from all religion........
that is true...
as far as i am concerned.......i have never seen a hindu monk who has ever raped a girl or so
Unfortunately google will tell you otherwise...Like I said I was reading an article I guess I typed pundit thinking Kashmiri pundits are monk pundits....didnt know they were a trieb or something...sorry about that
yep they are not related to the dardic speaking population.......bcoz they are of different ehtnicity and kashmiri pandits are of different ehtnicity.....but that doesnt prove kashmiri pandits are descendants of north indians............from thousands of years......they were residing there..........

regarding one become hindu........there were no muslims in south asia.......at some point of time.....muslim invaders attacked,conquered and stayed here..........so my comment was valid on you arent a original pakistani bcoz you are descendants of some afghan or turkish or persian ruler......and so is ur ethnicity...........

regarding ethinicity and religion..........with time new ethnic groups develop..........for example......bengalis,biharis and odiyas are different ethnic group but all originated from a particular group which with time changed into 3 different language.....hence 3 different culture and 3 different ethnic group

Please, thousands of years is BS. History say otherwise, they moved from North India in to Kashmir. Thats what kashmiri pandits themselves say and not me. At least you agree that pandits are not same as kashmiri muslims dardic speaking population.

And im not saying they should not be allowed back in Kashmir. But don't twist facts, they were 5% in 1981 of population instead of 25%. Hell all over Indian regions Brahmins only make 3-5% of population.
:hitwall: I never said that!...........

that is true...
Unfortunately google will tell you otherwise...Like I said I was reading an article I guess I typed pundit thinking Kashmiri pundits are monk pundits....didnt know they were a trieb or something...sorry about that

where did i say u said that......i was just telling that to you bcoz you were linking hinduism with rapes.....

kashmiri pundits arent monks......i m not saying brahmins dont rape.......i m saying about true hindu monks.....

even in google.....you wont find any true hindu monk doing rapes.........nityanand,asaram werent monks
these are your words...

still at denial...
Lets put that together:
My words:
All that aside....least indulged in worldly affairs yet are involved in rape? How does that work out?

Your words: you suddenly come and say hindus are rapist and muslims are as pure as ganges water.. what is this attitude ...I can't understand of yours...
See the differences and your word twisting and accusing abilities? Where did I use the words Hindus are rapist and Muslims are pure as ganges water (which I dont find pure I would never compare a Muslim with Ganga!) So please dont put your words in my mouth!

read your older posts you will get it..pundits are lest indulge in worldly life yet do mass rape.. your words..
Yes I read mine and I put yours to compare...

I never get angry on such matter.. just telling you live in a world of denial..I can paste hundreds of link which shows atrocities of muslim on innocent life of other religion....If you want so..:tup:
We can see whose in denial mode

As for @chak de INDIA @thesolar65
who are incapable of following what was going on and throwing accusations learn to read or mind your own business!

Real sad how you push someone down just so you can shine....Its disgusting how you gang up without knowing what is going on! :sick: :sick:

All 3 of you dont ever quote me! Thank you!
where did i say u said that......i was just telling that to you bcoz you were linking hinduism with rapes.....
Not hinduism...but the pundits...I told you the article said that people living in celibacy commit these crimes and so on...that is how I mistook pundit to Kashmiri pandit I didnt know that Kashmiri pandits were not monk (pundit) as what was said in the article...Why am I going in circles?!
kashmiri pundits arent monks......i m not saying brahmins dont rape.......i m saying about true hindu monks.....
I just found out the bold part after asking questions here...
even in google.....you wont find any true hindu monk doing rapes.........nityanand,asaram werent monks
Ok you know best wo is monk or not...In English papers they just write them as people who lived in celibacy or sometimes just call them pundits or monk...
least indulged in worldly affairs yet are involved in rape
what does that mean...
you are accusing..

We can see whose in denial mode
ha ha ha..
Real sad how you push someone down just so you can shine....Its disgusting how you gang up without knowing what is going on!
All 3 of you dont ever quote me! Thank you!
ha ha ha...
don't get angry .. every side has good and bad..so, nothing to get angry on..
I asked you if you care to join my veg. club.
what say ya..:tup::lol::lol:
and there is no gang..
Please, thousands of years is BS. History say otherwise, they moved from North India in to Kashmir. Thats what kashmiri pandits themselves say and not me. At least you agree that pandits are not same as kashmiri muslims dardic speaking population.

And im not saying they should not be allowed back in Kashmir. But don't twist facts, they were 5% in 1981 of population instead of 25%. Hell all over Indian regions Brahmins only make 3-5% of population.

where did i twist the facts.....you are claiming kashmiri pandits arent of kashmiri origin....they are some north indians who migrated to kashmir some 600-700 years ago.......

u dint even provide a source to back your claim.....i searched in google but didnt find one.....
acc. to wiki....some 500 years ago......akbar gave the title pundits to kashmiri.....true or false.....kashmiri pandits were present during akbar period...........as far as i can go......i search every article........i found that at any point of time.....some hindus were there in kashmir......so i said 1000 years......if u say they arent then who are those hindus and where are they now......

now.......i got to go.......we are having a baseless discussion here..........i will reply back to you if you provide a link which says that kashmiri pandits were from north india......you must have read that somewhere........

gud bye
A few points need to be made -
i. We have consistently faced persecution for centuries. This is nothing new.
ii. The community did not really all leave on Jan 19, 90. It began then. My relatives left by March.
iii. We were able to escape the onslaught because of a strong community presence in Mattan(in Anantnag). We did buy property in Jammu and Delhi in the next few years - just in case. Mattan continues to be a closed community today.
iv. We have little/no faith in the Indian state and the JnK Govt either. Most of the people now(KM) either hate us or even are not aware that we existed! The Government does not care if we live or die. So yes - I don't hope for a positive outcome anytime in the near future.
v. Anybody claiming that we are not native inhabitants of Kashmir should hang themselves.
vi. The insults, threats and murders that we had to face - if I am to write them down here I will be banned. Especially if I write the threats showered exclusively on the Pandit population - only because they were (you guessed it) not Muslim.
vii. Worst - it broke the trust we had in each other, the pride we had in the safety of a diverse culture - a culture we thought existed but actually perhaps did not.


The Martand(Mattan) Sun Temple - A
testament to the continuous persecution faced by a community over centuries. We must be holding a record that way.
Not hinduism...but the pundits...I told you the article said that people living in celibacy commit these crimes and so on...that is how I mistook pundit to Kashmiri pandit I didnt know that Kashmiri pandits were not monk (pundit) as what was said in the article...Why am I going in circles?!
see your mistake and you take down on me..:D:D:cry::cry:

I just found out the bold part after asking questions here...
I told you about kashmiri pundits they can marry..
and every saint is not much saint.. you see asaram bapu case in India..:tup:
By chasing away the Hindu minority, the separatists have virtually sealed any hopes for any independance/azadi. No one sympathizes with these fkers, a bunch of fundamentalist thugs who still live in the 7th century. Pandits will be back, they have faced this persecution many times in history and have emerged stronger, even Aurangzeb with all his might could'nt finish them, to ye Geelani kis khet ki mooli hai :coffee:.
Not hinduism...but the pundits...I told you the article said that people living in celibacy commit these crimes and so on...that is how I mistook pundit to Kashmiri pandit I didnt know that Kashmiri pandits were not monk (pundit) as what was said in the article...Why am I going in circles?!
I just found out the bold part after asking questions here...
Ok you know best wo is monk or not...In English papers they just write them as people who lived in celibacy or sometimes just call them pundits or monk...

for the third part.........can you give me a link about hindu monks.....
who is a monk.........here in India......one who becomes sanyasi leaves everything behind and joins some religious group to help people.....i call them monk.......

there are different types of monks........one group consists of follower of lord shiva........they become sadhus and go to himalayas for meditation.....you will see them once in every 12 years in kumbh mela.........they are monks......

i m saying you wont find a hindu monk raping bcoz...........they became monk to do so......as far as hinduism is concerned.......one doesnt need to become a monk.........any brahmin who offers prayers in temple is free to marry........so why should he become a monk at first place.......
if he is a monk....its due to his own choice......

there is a lot u need to know about hinduism
for the third part.........can you give me a link about hindu monks.....
who is a monk.........here in India......one who becomes sanyasi leaves everything behind and joins some religious group to help people.....i call them monk.......
Ok now that is clear...I never knew what a sanyasi was...I made it clear when I asked what is that to 1 of the 3 accusing me of whatever their mind can make up!
there are different types of monks........one group consists of follower of lord shiva........they become sadhus and go to himalayas for meditation.....you will see them once in every 12 years in kumbh mela.........they are monks......
Ok I didnt know it was that complex ...
i m saying you wont find a hindu monk raping bcoz...........they became monk to do so......as far as hinduism is concerned.......one doesnt need to become a monk.........any brahmin who offers prayers in temple is free to marry........so why should he become a monk at first place.......
if he is a monk....its due to his own choice......

there is a lot u need to know about hinduism
True...Hence the questioning...But I guess I learned my lesson of never asking because some people just seem to cook up their own ideas and throw accusations ...

Ok now that is clear...I never knew what a sanyasi was...I made it clear when I asked what is that to 1 of the 3 accusing me of whatever their mind can make up!
Ok I didnt know it was that complex ...
True...Hence the questioning...But I guess I learned my lesson of never asking because some people just seem to cook up their own ideas and throw accusations ...


tag me.....i will explain it you with cool brain
gud bye
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