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Fifth column: Remember Kashmiri Pandits?

You see that is your problem what you told me or not is not word written in stone...so please grow up!

o you deny any crime was done in Kashmir from India's side?

Why should I waste time talking to someone who is not even bothered in real life....

Unlike all Indians who are clones of themselves (this is me reciprocating your words that every Indian is indeed from India and a Hindu)...Pakistanis are mixed from Turkish, Iranian, Arab to some which are not mixed and are really Indians from way back...

But sadly even in India your theory fails!

Emigration of Iranian Elites to India during the 16-18th centuries - this was before the separation

http://www.ucl.ac.uk/mace-lab/publications/articles/2010/Belle_AAS10_Syed.pdf -
UCL study make whatever you want of it!

Oh yea when the Moghuls captured portions of India...I wonder how their genes didnt get mixed, oh yes its called denial....

When Mohd Ghor from Afghanistan came and captured certain places...I dont know how his people managed to not leave any offspring behind ..oh yes this is called denial...

When Christian missionaries arrived and even other European powers came in and got Goa...yea they didnt leave behind anything...denial still?

What about the Parsees? Enough denial? Have you started burning in your denial yet? :flame:

Damn man! There is only soo much one can deny about! And 1 thing about us is we dont deny all these happened! Neither does your history...You people get some kicks from trying to make everyone your clone..but wake up!

I dont know where I read that...I think I read some article while reading this thread.....

As for hinduism ...my question was related to that article...

what was written in that article?????
what was written in that article?????
I am not sure if it was comparing different religions or different people or what...It was talking about how living in celibacy and how monks, pundits, priest, pastors, bishops, imams and religious leaders had been exposed...that is why I asked about Kashmiri pandits...thought it was the pundits mentioned in the article... :ashamed: I kind of equated Kashmiri pandits to those pundits...
are you nuts..
what do you mean by original ..
by your definition nobody is original. humanity originated from africa ..Go to africa to claim your land..Kashmir is not your place..

By original mean they were there before pandits moved in to Kashmir.
@Dem!god bro. .. . stop wasting your time on worthless things :angry:

You know i cant change your mentality and you cant change mine( specially when it comes to religion ).:crazy:
it's not about religion buddy.. @Talon says hindus rape in name of religion and don't care abt it.
they certainly forget what Islam did for conversion and torture of Innocent hindu girls. moreover they deny the fact they are converted hindus.
First of all i was talking about ethnicities and people and not religion. I hope you know the difference because anyone can become hindu but one can't change his genetics. Kashmiri pandits are not related to Dardic speaking population of Kashmir in Pakistan and IOK. One look at them is enough to confirm this.

yep they are not related to the dardic speaking population.......bcoz they are of different ehtnicity and kashmiri pandits are of different ehtnicity.....but that doesnt prove kashmiri pandits are descendants of north indians............from thousands of years......they were residing there..........

regarding one become hindu........there were no muslims in south asia.......at some point of time.....muslim invaders attacked,conquered and stayed here..........so my comment was valid on you arent a original pakistani bcoz you are descendants of some afghan or turkish or persian ruler......and so is ur ethnicity...........

regarding ethinicity and religion..........with time new ethnic groups develop..........for example......bengalis,biharis and odiyas are different ethnic group but all originated from a particular group which with time changed into 3 different language.....hence 3 different culture and 3 different ethnic group
what I did not read.. I read your every post including Op's...
you suddenly come and say hindus are rapist and muslims are as pure as ganges water.. what is this attitude ...I can't understand of yours...
Show me 1 place I wrote that...

I know it's none of my business .. but one thing I know Pakistanis are same as Indian..
When this denial is dissolved esp when you go and see more people and observe the differences maybe then we can talk at intellectual level!
and I told you not to get angry..
we are not at war girl..cool down..:tup:
Not at all angry...but def disgusted at your ability to twist words :tup:

it's not about religion buddy.. @Talon says hindus rape in name of religion and don't care abt it.
Stop spreading lies! Show me where I said this!

they certainly forget what Islam did for conversion and torture of Innocent hindu girls. moreover they deny the fact they are converted hindus.
Now look whose getting angry...Instead of proving the opposite drag some other religion down that too on hearsay not even on the basis of evidence....lovely..go on :tup:
Go cry a river
arm kashmiri hindus by training them at RSS camps and send them to kashmir......lets teach kashmiri muslims in their own language.
I am not sure if it was comparing different religions or different people or what...It was talking about how living in celibacy and how monks, pundits, priest, pastors, bishops, imams and religious leaders had been exposed...that is why I asked about Kashmiri pandits...thought it was the pundits mentioned in the article... :ashamed: I kind of equated Kashmiri pandits to those pundits...

no religion teaches to rape its people................some people calim to be monks but they are not.........these include people from all religion........

as far as i am concerned.......i have never seen a hindu monk who has ever raped a girl or so
it's not about religion buddy.. @Talon says hindus rape in name of religion and don't care abt it.
they certainly forget what Islam did for conversion and torture of Innocent hindu girls. moreover they deny the fact they are converted hindus.

Thats her opinion and let her stick to it, it shouldn't concern us. believe me for the first time i'm losing my cool. Religion is something very personal and shouldn't be discussed like this specially when the opposite party isn't interested in your opinion or isn't considering it seriously ( well thats my opinion ).

By original mean they were there before pandits moved in to Kashmir.
no body moved to kashmir they are original population of kashmir..

Show me 1 place I wrote that...
All that aside....least indulged in worldly affairs yet are involved in rape? How does that work out?
these are your words...

When this denial is dissolved esp when you go and see more people and observe the differences maybe then we can talk at intellectual level!
still at denial...

Not at all angry...but def disgusted at your ability to twist words

Stop spreading lies! Show me where I said this!
read your older posts you will get it..pundits are lest indulge in worldly life yet do mass rape.. your words..

Now look whose getting angry...Instead of proving the opposite drag some other religion down that too on hearsay not even on the basis of evidence....lovely..go on
Go cry a river
I never get angry on such matter.. just telling you live in a world of denial..I can paste hundreds of link which shows atrocities of muslim on innocent life of other religion....If you want so..:tup:
They made 3% of Kashmiri population. These pundits are north Indians who moved in to Kashmir. Original people of Kashmir Dardic speaking are suffering in hands of hindu army for decades and they make 97% of population.

Even allah can't cure this inferiority complex driven retardedness.
Thats her opinion and let her stick to it, it shouldn't concern us. believe me for the first time i'm losing my cool. Religion is something very personal and shouldn't be discussed like this specially when the opposite party isn't interested in your opinion or isn't considering it seriously ( well thats my opinion ).
That's what I was thinking. @Dem!god and @45'22' were explaining so coolly and other side was getting angry unnecessarily
never mind buddy... I was just trying to show them the other side of the coin..everywhere people are good and bad ...and it's upto them what they choose to be.:tup:
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