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Few Images of Port Qasim Power Plant Under CPEC

Two Chimneys for Two units in this power plant
Those tall-slim(Light) chimneys usually indicates 200-300 MW per Unit
But these 2 short-fatty(Heavy) chimneys indicates Power generation capacity around
500MW per unit so ,500*2 = 1000 MW ? @BHarwana am i right ?
anyways ,Power plant Looks so neat & clean , Congrats Brothers:tup:

It is a 1320 MW Power plant. Each having 660 MW.
It is a 1320 MW Power plant. Each having 660 MW.
Well that's a bonus then !
It turned out to be more powerful than i thought !
anyways , Thanks for Correction, Brother.
Cheers :tup:
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Well that's a bonus then !
It turned out to be more powerful than i thought !
anyways , Thanks for Correction, Brother.
Cheers :tup:

List of Coal Energy Projects

Port Qasim Coal Power Project |..... Capacity 1,320 MW Completed

Sahiwal Coal Power Project |......... Capacity 1,320 MW Completed

HUBCO Coal Power Project |......... Capacity 1,320 MW Under Construction

Gwadar Coal Project |.................. Capacity 300 MW Approved

Evidence shows otherwise... Most liberals are appeaser of India.
We shouldn't have any one, liberal or otherwise, willing to appease Indians. Don't forget 1947-48 killings and even 1971 East Pakistan massacre. Indians just kill Muslims - liberal or non-liberal - and blame other Muslims for that. Deep hatred against Muslims is in their blood. One of the Muslim leaders (and a long time sitting member of Indian parliament), probably named as Jaffer or something, was dragged, patrolled upon, and burned alive during Gujarat anti-Muslim killing spree under the terrorist CM Modi. No Muslim can expect any good from Hindu Mushrikeen. They'll not forgive give you even if you give up your religion to appease them. You'll end up being worst that the shudras.
Incoming Hindustanis/liberals who are triggered by CPEC and us naming a port after Qasim.
Why do wannabe's like you have to bring india into everything.
It's like you are trying so hard to get their attention.
Why , even if we have problems but as long as ours problems are less or equal then India, we are fine. Why?
Stop bringing India into everything .
I'm a liberal and a patriotic Pakistani

rok sako tou rok lo :partay:
In 2018, people are enjoying to make coal power plant..

Really surprising, one side china is dumping and other side installing.

Most of world is already moving to morden power plant projects.

Now people will that this is troll but I feel that this is reality
In 2018, people are enjoying to make coal power plant..

Really surprising, one side china is dumping and other side installing.

Most of world is already moving to morden power plant projects.

Now people will that this is troll but I feel that this is reality

Every industrialized nation has used coal at the initial stages to develop their industry and then migrated to cleaner fuels in the later stages: the most recent example being China.

Two points:
Point 1: Coal is not the ultimate solution - it is a good transition energy source being cheap
Point 2: Coal technology of today (clean coal) has much better efficiency and lower carbon emissions.
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