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Female Madrassas Breed Radicalism In Pakistan

my wife studied in al-huda and i dont think its religious its totaly brainwash factory.
my life is destroyed ....... i my self am religious person but when ......... every time you think that you are right then there is no point of discussion .
when she sticks to a thing then i had to quit but she dont.......
but the life is totaly shettered for me. i have two doughters and now its very difficult for me to leave to live .......

For real, bro? That sucks.. I hope your life gets better after this.

i am feeling like that one day these people will come up with another thing that oo man why to sacrifice a animal for ALLAH on EID we are killing these innocent creature :confused:

This is already happening here, my non-Muslim friends keep bugging me about it, and to be honest, sometimes i feel bad for the animals too.. But that's coz i'm just too nice of a guy :P

Nopes one should definite practise religon but not to the extent that it starts bugging the person next to you. There should be personal space for everyone. At the same time one shouldnt be dictating his religious terms on other.

I agree with you, Divya, on this part :agree:

for me its not burqa or anything like that.

its the increasing trend of women to ignore their life and family and do this so called preaching.

as i mentioned earlier in this thread i have few al-huda graduates in my family. They used to be very bright students. Now they are just average. Their mother is not concerned about it. What you think Islam wants from its followers especially about education and social life??? Tell me where it say quit everything and do this

You have a point, my friend. In life, balance is important. When someone goes too much into religion and ignores everything else in their life, there will be some negative effect on the person's life and vice-versa. For me, as a student, the ultimate priority should be on education to secure a better life for the future of yourself and your country :tup:

:woot: aww really now a hindu will tell me about religious islamic girls

Desioptimist has got a point. It all depends on the individual, but even to me, an overly-religious girl of any religion would make me un-comfortable. It's all about compatibility at the end of the day. And i don't know about you, but i was brought up the liberal way, so for me an over-religious girl is a no-no.

i dont know why admin made you mod here ,, you are always show your hatred towards pakistan by naming your location as dar ul terror etc etc now you have problem with religious things too :undecided:

This is T-Faz personal opinion on his preference of girls, and nothing wrong with that. We're all allowed to decide what we like ;)
For real, bro? That sucks.. I hope your life gets better after this.

This is already happening here, my non-Muslim friends keep bugging me about it, and to be honest, sometimes i feel bad for the animals too.. But that's coz i'm just too nice of a guy :P

I agree with you, Divya, on this part :agree:

You have a point, my friend. In life, balance is important. When someone goes too much into religion and ignores everything else in their life, there will be some negative effect on the person's life and vice-versa. For me, as a student, the ultimate priority should be on education to secure a better life for the future of yourself and your country :tup:

Desioptimist has got a point. It all depends on the individual, but even to me, an overly-religious girl of any religion would make me un-comfortable. It's all about compatibility at the end of the day. And i don't know about you, but i was brought up the liberal way, so for me an over-religious girl is a no-no.

This is T-Faz personal opinion on his preference of girls, and nothing wrong with that. We're all allowed to decide what we like ;)

Actually TFaz have really got sum problem with pakistan and now sum islamic things
Actually TFaz have really got sum problem with pakistan and now sum islamic things

In my time here, T-Faz has been one of the most open-minded, moderate member in the forum. He's not anti-Islamic or anything, probably just a liberal cool dude like me :smokin:
just like alot of Saffroni maniacs loose Godse on run in India burning Muslims, Christians live

lol seems like a lot of people have worked really hard to demonize the colour saffron in Pakistan..... I think many people like you dont actually know what does the colour saffron in Indian flag signify.

It signifies selflessness and salvation.You will find many monks to dress in saffron coloured dress,in Hindu way of life or Buddhism.
i am feeling like that one day these people will come up with another thing that oo man why to sacrifice a animal for ALLAH on EID we are killing these innocent creature :confused:

Animal sacrifice is common among Hindus too. And I too dont understand why God needs some sacrifice for him. Why he need everyone to flatter him.... isn't it a trait of those who like to be flattered?
Thе Freudian theory аbουt thе unconscious mind talks about how the hidden starving beast inside each οf υѕ саn bе activated bу repetition. religious nuts are masters of exploiting this innate human weakness. they just drill thе unconscious mind and its quite easy to take it from there as something that was previously absurd, suddenly makes sense. the "alhuda" lady rambles on and voila, u have a room full of ladies turned into mindless drones. Psych 101:coffee:
.... religious nuts are masters of exploiting this innate human weakness. they just drill thе unconscious mind and its quite easy to take it from there as something that was previously absurd, suddenly makes sense. t...
Islamic scholastic tradition instead makes ample use of logic in order to convince. Islam doesn't fit in the modern western definition of religion as an absurdity. You'd know if only you read into it a little more into how religious thought works among the scholars of The Way.
Islamic scholastic tradition instead makes ample use of logic in order to convince. Islam doesn't fit in the modern western definition of religion as an absurdity. You'd know if only you read into it a little more into how religious thought works among the scholars of The Way.

i disagree with ur statement. islam uses the same rhetoric that every other religion uses in the world (satan, hell, heaven , evil etc) which is understandable as it shares its roots with other Abrahamic faiths. most people pray out of fear of eternal hellfire (i may be wrong in my assumption). While I respect the Judeo-Christian ethic, as well as the eastern philosophies and, of course, the teachings of Mohammed, I find that organized religion has corrupted those beliefs to justify countless atrocities throughout history. (plagiarized but sums up my feelings for organized religion).
Does not surprise me at all - We all know how many students were brainwashed at Lal Masjid.
i disagree with ur statement. islam uses the same rhetoric that every other religion uses in the world (satan, hell, heaven , evil etc) which is understandable as it shares its roots with other Abrahamic faiths. most people pray out of fear of eternal hellfire (i may be wrong in my assumption). While I respect the Judeo-Christian ethic, as well as the eastern philosophies and, of course, the teachings of Mohammed, I find that organized religion has corrupted those beliefs to justify countless atrocities throughout history. (plagiarized but sums up my feelings for organized religion).
Can't talk to someone with such a shallow understanding.
NOW I've lost all hope for this country. May Allah guide these retards(personally i'd say burn in hell, but Allah is the most merciful)
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