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Female Madrassas Breed Radicalism In Pakistan

Well I can being a student of Aligarh Muslim University for 4 years and living in hostel with 80% percent muslim girls.

I have very well seen how religion disturbs brains of some people who just fail to the see reality around.... :sick::sick:

so we should stop practicing religion ??
i am feeling like that one day these people will come up with another thing that oo man why to sacrifice a animal for ALLAH on EID we are killing these innocent creature :confused:
so we should stop practicing religion ??
Nopes one should definite practise religon but not to the extent that it starts bugging the person next to you. There should be personal space for everyone. At the same time one shouldnt be dictating his religious terms on other.

I have had quite some character ladies who loved the above mentioned things. :sick: But alas they hated me at the end of the day for bashing hindus and muslims equally. :lol:
Farhat HAshmi and Nighat Hashmi both are running madrassas girls from our family also go for Nighat Hashmiz dars Quran etc .. but i havent feel anything wrong in it i dont know why these people are criticizing on her , after reading the comments here i am feeling like practicing islam is becoming a crime now wearing hijab or burka is like black tent for sum people .

for me its not burqa or anything like that.

its the increasing trend of women to ignore their life and family and do this so called preaching.

as i mentioned earlier in this thread i have few al-huda graduates in my family. They used to be very bright students. Now they are just average. Their mother is not concerned about it. What you think Islam wants from its followers especially about education and social life??? Tell me where it say quit everything and do this
GOP can use the same to its advantage , we have the facility etc , simply take over apoint educated educationists who simply review the text and littrature and edit it accordingly , also in the same technical or other skills can be taught. Issue is no one intends or they are too scared to touch it

That will lead to 'stop' of aid that comes from middle east countries for these madressas.
for me its not burqa or anything like that.

its the increasing trend of women to ignore their life and family and do this so called preaching.

as i mentioned earlier in this thread i have few al-huda graduates in my family. They used to be very bright students. Now they are just average. Their mother is not concerned about it. What you think Islam wants from its followers especially about education and social life??? Tell me where it say quit everything and do this

i was also a bright student before shifting to lahore and now i am a average student so i should blame lahore for it or my self ??
AMU is not a madarssa.it is rur under the the ugc rules abd regulations.religious teaching does not disturb brains but sure soothes it.instead watching all those ramayan and mahabharat serials every sunday morning sure disturbs brain which results in babari masjid type incidents.

And regarding ur signature sure kasab is safe in india except for the indians themselves.

I aint blaming it on the AMU education system but there are ample brainwashed kids just like Al Huda graduates in india too.
Oh great... just what you guys needed now.. a female wing of radicals.
Farhat HAshmi and Nighat Hashmi both are running madrassas girls from our family also go for Nighat Hashmiz dars Quran etc .. but i havent feel anything wrong in it i dont know why these people are criticizing on her , after reading the comments here i am feeling like practicing islam is becoming a crime now wearing hijab or burka is like black tent for sum people .

No one stops you from practicing islam, Once someone came to Rasool (S.A.W.) and asked what is our 'deen'? Rasool (S.A.W.) replied beautifully in one sentence "Ebadat e Khaliq and Khidmat e Makhlooq", this is what the Islam is all about. Whatever being taught in majority of madressas is nothing but lead you towards extremism.
i was also a bright student before shifting to lahore and now i am a average student so i should blame lahore for it or my self ??

there must be some reason behind it. but for those girl it was their routine and mentality. they dont care about anything. just al-huda
i was also a bright student before shifting to lahore and now i am a average student so i should blame lahore for it or my self ??

definitely yourself for involving in the 'activities in lahore' other than your studies.
definitely yourself for involving in the 'activities in lahore' other than your studies.

Than Why people here criticizing the religion ??? why not to criticize the persons who are spreading extremism??? some one is calling burka as blck tent etc etc ... wtf is this yar ???
Than Why people here criticizing the religion ??? why not to criticize the persons who are spreading extremism??? some one is calling burka as blck tent etc etc ... wtf is this yar ???

Better to ignore, at a maximum report the post. Dont get frustrated, these kind of people are in inferiority complex so keep blaming everything on Islam. Our mullahs are jokers they are too be blamed substantially, as they provide playground to all the outsiders.
Than Why people here criticizing the religion ??? why not to criticize the persons who are spreading extremism??? some one is calling burka as blck tent etc etc ... wtf is this yar ???

liberal extremist who want women the way they like not the way women like
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