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Female circumcision

I asked you, (according to you) female circumcision is Islamic if so then are you rejecting allah's words? you answered which was totally irrelevant to the question.
i am in favour of separation of religion from state affairs. This act to be islamic or unislamic, nobody must have the right to tell/force somebody else to do things against their wishes.

You would have known the answer by now if you had slightest of intelligence in you.
I am personally against it however Islam is neither against or in favor of it so Islam has nothing to do with it.
It is according to Hadith and that guy in the video also explained, you are still against it, but ask me to be in favour of it.
If you are ever going to have a son "judging by your intelligence i dough it" if he does not gets circumcised he is going to get it himself because he will realize thats best for him.

Lol. Look at your own intelligence levels before trying to judge others because you don't even know what you're talking about.

Never poke your nose in a matter which is beyond your comprehension level.

Next time you tell me to jump off a cliff, I'll do that too. ;)
Soo lame..btw it is also rampant in Egypt an many North African countries.
Talking to you is like talking to a wall.
i am in favour of separation of religion from state affairs. This act to be islamic or unislamic, nobody must have the right to tell/force somebody else to do things against their wishes.
Let me remind you that we are not even discussing about the state!
It is according to Hadith and that guy in the video also explained, you are still against it, but ask me to be in favour of it.
I can also post a video of a guy who claims Islam is a religion violence because a verse from quran say "kill all kaffirs where ever you see them"? Yes it will be a religion of violence to those who are ignorant and lack the comprehension skills to know that their is a context behind it. Why are you trying to prove us you are low intelligent man who cant comprehend anything on his own and relies on others to decide on his opinion.
I have already told you that those hadis you have posted are taken out of context. Prophet Mohammed PBUH had 4 daughters and none of them were circumcised and even his relatives were not either! The Hadis is not in favor or against it and if one chooses to do so Islam has nothing to do with you. I hope i am not wasting my time on a thick skull.
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