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Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

This whole business is getting really silly. Now a complaint from those who oppose Modi about him ditching "Hindutva"? Really? What was wrong with what he said? Earlier people were worrying about Modi sidelining the RSS...and these were people who don't like the RSS...:lol:

There is almost zero ability to carry on a reasonable discussion here. Anything and everything Modi says has to be rubbished, regardless of the merit & his supporters do the same with anything said by the Congress leaders. A complete mad house, this.

Now that's a perfect assessment. :agree:
On this statement there was no need to oppose him. Personal hygiene should come first anyway, especially since India has such a poor record in this regard. :ashamed:
This statement from modi and the comments that follow highlight a few things very clearly:

Hindus are relatively tolerant. Had modi said that india needs more toilets than masjids or churches, then all the sackulars would have gone hoarse and pain would have moved from throat to behind already. This even when it is well known that muslims are the poorest of religions in the country and their living conditions are the worst. Don't get all internethindu on me on this. Sachar comitte report Iis on the web. So I take pride in the fact that modi can talk about temples in the same sentence as toilets and in a hindu majority country no one will give fatwa on him

It proves nothing and especially about the tolerance of any particular religion....i am sure you would agree that intolerance in the ingredient to riots...so please keep in mind all the riots in this country have been represented by one particular community and that is "HINDU"...Now does my point proves hindus are the most intolerant people...heck no...I am a Sikh and very well understand what riots are but then i also know rioters have nothing to do with religion.

and people will actually elect him as the prime minister. That is a given.
I wish that happens...but so far we have seen the MODI phenomenon in middle class which unfortunately don't vote...it is the poor class that holds the card...Remember 2004 elections?? BJP lost which surprised all of us...

Second is that it is clear that congress is **** scared and its proponents and supporters have got their turds stuck halfway down the passage. Else how else could a person who claims to be sensible and aware of india of today not understand a simple fact that what modi is saying is actually right. Each year several thousands of crores have been spent by congress and still after over 60 yrs of independence they have not had the gall for stopping this steal and finally deliver. Indians are no less human and they deserve basic decency. Modi said nothing wrong. The guys who support congress should not in their zeal forget what is needed in this country.

It is not about being scraed on anything....If tomorrow you put Tytler in front of me as a PM candidate i will be furious and won't care about the merit of his tasks...i will simply want him to rot in hell....Modi carries a baggage with him and all you see are the reactions of that...

This also highlights that even when the media has left no stone unturned in making modi seem non sackular and put rsss chaddi images on the front pages, modi has taken them on where the congressi media is at its weakest. Sackularism versus development. Modi has clearly opened the debate of development versus religion. What else could have been a more open challenge. Let us see what the congressi sackulars csay about this to the hindus. They have made their life out of scaring muslims.
Look i wish the discussions remain focused on development...bcoz i want the political class to learn a lesson this time....don't neglect development...or else we will throw you out...

Finally, if anyone thinks that this is a mistake then knowing how modi keeps his mouth shut and the digi dogis and the likes are braying about, one should not make the mistake of thinking that modi shot off his mouth. This is to a plan. Modi also knows that hindus are his largest constituency and this talk of temples and toilets in the same breath could give congress another opportunity of a religious farce, however he still does it. So then it looks like that the open secret that he is going to be the next prime minister of the country is now open enough for him to finally turn a page in this country and bring development above religion.
Lets not be naive...Modis is definitely the most popular Prime Ministerial Candidate however BJP is too far from reaching the 200 number leave aside 272...There is lot of work cut out for MODI and his team...so let's wish them good luck!!
Incredible that all the Smear campaign champions are turning a good initiative into a bad one.... As far as the OP is concerned, I did fail to see any comparison between temple and toilet. It seems that Modi said first "Toilet then temple" which ToI fumbled in the translations and listed backwards....

Whereas jayram ramesh straight compared place of worship with toilet....

From the title of the thread it is evident of this being a smear campaign thread, but at the end the op's comment either show deliberate twisting of facts or jut plain comprehension fallacy....

essence of both statements are same, he said " "I think toilets are more important than temples. No matter how many temples we go, we are not going to get salvation. We need to give priority to the toilets and cleanliness."

either we should appreciate both of them for what they said or we should criticise both of them..I support both them for their statements.
essence of both statements are same, he said " "I think toilets are more important than temples. No matter how many temples we go, we are not going to get salvation. We need to give priority to the toilets and cleanliness."

either we should appreciate both of them for what they said or we should criticise both of them..I support both them for their statements.

I don't think anyone was objecting to the content as such...i believe no-body would deny the fact that India needs lot of toilets as a big percentage of our population defecates in open which is a health hazard of great magnitude...However one has to be careful in chosing the words used to pass on the message...bcoz words can hurt the sentiments...

Sometime back Modi used a phrase where he said "it hurts me even when a puppy dies"....now the message is simple - obviously it hurts when anybody dies however the words he used to deliver that message were derogatory....I hope now you can see the difference in both the statements...
I don't think anyone was objecting to the content as such...i believe no-body would deny the fact that India needs lot of toilets as a big percentage of our population defecates in open which is a health hazard of great magnitude...However one has to be careful in chosing the words used to pass on the message...bcoz words can hurt the sentiments...

Sometime back Modi used a phrase where he said "it hurts me even when a puppy dies"....now the message is simple - obviously it hurts when anybody dies however the words he used to deliver that message were derogatory....I hope now you can see the difference in both the statements...

Why couldn't India build more toilets in more temples. That would solve the contentions between toilets or temples. The tourist would know where to go use the bathroom.
Leaked chat of Congress meeting after Rahul Gandhi’s outburst against Ordinance

Below is the transcript of what happened in the meeting:

Sonia Gandhi: Thank you all for joining. I am so happy today; my son seems to have grown up. So much, that even the Prime Minister looks dwarf before him. What should we do now?

Rajiv Shukla: We will do whatever Rahul ji will say.

Prime Minister (over phone from New York): Hello, Hello, Hello…

Rajiv Shukla: We will do whatever Rahul ji will say.

Digvijay Singh: Let’s bring in an ordinance that says that the previous ordinance was complete nonsense. I just love this word “nonsense”; it is so close to my mind and heart. Thank you Rahul ji.

Rajiv Shukla: We will do whatever Rahul ji will say.

Kapil Sibal: Let’s blame the ordinance on BJP. They too tried to do something similar. We can say we are just following the policies set by the NDA government, as we had argued in the 2G case. This will also lead to zero loss of credibility.

Prime Minister: Hello, Hello, Hello… are you able to hear me?

P Chidambaram: We can’t hear you sir. Are you speaking on mute?

Manish Tewari: Let me know if we have to speak against ordinance now. I will change my stand during news debates and talk shows. I just love doing so. Remember Anna movement?

Salmaan Khurshid: Yes, there is no problem in changing your stand. We have done so many times in our foreign policy for Pakistan.

Digvijay Singh: But I never change my stand against the RSS. Ha Ha Ha.

Prime Minister: Hello, Hello, Hello… are you able to hear me?

P Chidambaram: We can’t hear you sir. Are you speaking on mute? (does high-five with Rajiv Shuka)

Rajiv Shukla: We will do whatever Rahul ji will say.

Sonia Gandhi: Shukla ji, what are you doing with your phone while you keep repeating the same thing?

Rajiv Shukla: Madam, I am changing my caller tune to this famous song of Mukesh, “Jo tumko ho pasand wohi baat karenge.”

Digvijay Singh: Wah! you are too good Shukla ji. Keep it up!

Sonia Gandhi: Okay, let’s withdraw the ordinance.

Prime Minister: Hello, Hello, Hello… has the decision been taken? But I had told media that it will be taken after I return to India.

P Chidambaram: We can’t hear you sir. Are you speaking on mute?

Rajiv Shukla: We will do whatever Rahul ji will say!
What Narendra Modi said, "Pehle Shauchalya fir devalaya, which means First toilet, then Temple. No comparison made whatsoever.

What Jairam Ramesh said, "This yatra is meant for making toilets which I feel are purer than temples. The saddest thing in our country is that temples are the dirtiest of places. When we go there we have to cover our noses,"

Don't let your bias cloud your judgement.

And Ram Mandir is still his top priority.. He gave a generic statement.. Pakistani and Mini-Pakistani want to distort it..:P
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