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Feel threatened by neighbors, Malaysia buy more submarines!

So now vietnam is not the only superpower in the region has the most powerful navy forces and submarines as its self-claim?

Hello vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia are waiting for you!
vietnam vs malaysia??? NAH :no:
its malaysia vs indonesia, lol :D
according to some malaysian, indonesia is their biggest and visible threat, lol :lol:
Greetings PakChina,

Let me inform you of the ground realities in Singapore, keeping in mind my nationality and not my racial background.

Chinese Singaporeans (born in Singapore) do not like to associate themselves with China. Heck, I have even seen many of them making fun of mainland Chinese from various forums ( Yahoo Singapore news). Reason for this hatred is due to immigration of many Chinese into Singapore, spoiling the culture in Singapore. Other ethnic groups include Filipinos. So to associate Chinese Singaporeans with loving their mother land, I can gurantee you that most of them don't, and expressed more patriotism towards Singapore.

I am unable to express POV on Malaysian Chinese, as I have never associated with them.

Let me inform you that Singapore and Malaysian relations are different from Pakistan and India, or Israel and Arabs relations. History has shown, that Singapore and Malaysia have excellent diplomatic ties. From ASEAN to the Five Power Defence Agreement, let me assure you that Malaysia will not initiate a conflict with Singapore and vice versa.

Singaporean's wide arsenal of weapons is meant to defend itself against Indonesian aggression (experienced during the Konfrontasi), or maybe against other external powers getting involved. But even then Singapore still maintains good relation with Indonesia.

Ameer ( Just my 2 cents)

You write this with good intention so I will too, I need to caution you not too tar all Chinese Singaporeans with the same brush (your intention was probably not the case). Not all Singaporeans are alienated against the Mainland Chinese although I must admit there are a fair number of them do do as you mentioned above. I think for these people their mindset is limited to their everyday encounters with the migrant workers who are different in culture them-self compared with the people coming from the bigger cities hence are quick to paint the same brush on all the mainland Chinese.

I appreciate our link to China though as you pointed out Singapore is where my loyalties remains, I believe many like myself in the working world and tertiary institutions are coming to interact more and more with our mainland counterparts who share similar ideals and goals. I believe this will change the attitude of the Singaporeans over time as more and more mainland educated Chinese interact with us with similar mindsets.
But Malaysia is pretty good in terms of relationship around itself. :undecided:

Indonesia is in good terms with Malaysians, and they all are in ASEAN which is a very much live and successful regional alliance.

Malaysian militarization would only mean one thing: A stronger ASEAN.
We shot down thousand US's fighters, US dare not use stealth craft F-117( that Singapore air force can not have even now) to help Thailand during Viet-Thai conflict, so Singapore air force is just small problem , our SAM not only can handle Singapore air force but alos China air forces well .

No one in region can compare with US's forces in 70s , even China also can not have any nuclear Carrier like US in 70s, so pls don't compare VN's army to any one in ASEAN , we're far stronger than them , and we have nuclear capable ballistic missile when another ASEAN nations can not have too.

Talking against singapore and malaysia, what problem does vitenam have with those countries?
I mean why each every nation in that region is against each other in a arms race?
enlighten me
I don't get it! Why would two Muslim neighboring countries get armed against each other?
Since I live in a turbulent region that didn't witnessed a single peaceful day since I was born. I know well the bless of living peacefully. Europe countries realized that using violence and force against each other wouldn't work after hundreds of years of war then they embraced each other and became a one unity. Middle East countries are repeating Europe experience and it seems that they will never learn but by repeating 1st and 2nd world wars experience. And i am afraid that South East Asian countries are going to repeat our painful experience.
Talking against singapore and malaysia, what problem does vitenam have with those countries?
I mean why each every nation in that region is against each other in a arms race?
enlighten me
No we don't have any problem with singapore and malaysia, we also normalize our relationship with Thailand after our conflict end in 1988 too. Indonesia - Malaysia and Thailand- Cambodia may have some conflicts , but not so bad.

btw: I think all ASEAN nations soon realise that we should work together to buld up a stronger association for the benefit of ASEAN people. we also have a plan to build up a Stronger Sub-Mekong region now, with our East West economic corridor plan , I hope it will improve traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation among ASEAN nations
Vietnam plays an import role in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) cooperation in terms of its geographical position and economic potential as it is a gateway looking to the East Sea for the whole Mekong region and near international sea routes connecting the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
The basic targets of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region Economic Cooperation Programme are in accordance with Vietnam’s socio-economic development orientations and policies (including poverty reduction, regional development and international integration). Therefore, Vietnam is actively participating in co-operation programmes and making full advantages and potential to develop economy and integrate deeply into the region and creating favourable conditions for regions and localities to develop, helping to foster friendly relationships with regional countries.
Vietnam plays an import role in the GMS cooperation in terms of its geographical position and economic potential as it is a gateway looking to the East Sea for the whole Mekong region and near international sea routes connecting the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
Vietnam attended the third GMS with the aim of strengthening co-operation with regional countries and promoting sustainable development and improving socio-economic infrastructure in localities along GMS corridors such as the East-West Economic Corridor and the North-South Economic Corridor
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung to attend GMS Summit | Th
You write this with good intention so I will too, I need to caution you not too tar all Chinese Singaporeans with the same brush (your intention was probably not the case). Not all Singaporeans are alienated against the Mainland Chinese although I must admit there are a fair number of them do do as you mentioned above. I think for these people their mindset is limited to their everyday encounters with the migrant workers who are different in culture them-self compared with the people coming from the bigger cities hence are quick to paint the same brush on all the mainland Chinese.

I appreciate our link to China though as you pointed out Singapore is where my loyalties remains, I believe many like myself in the working world and tertiary institutions are coming to interact more and more with our mainland counterparts who share similar ideals and goals. I believe this will change the attitude of the Singaporeans over time as more and more mainland educated Chinese interact with us with similar mindsets.

Greetings Anoynomous user,

That is why I mentioned, most and not all Chinese Singaporeans associate themselves with the mainland China.

For me, its not about interacting with Chinese from the mainland. Interacting can be easily achieved. But we are trying to adapt to their culture, instead of them adapting to our culture, and this really frustrates not only me, but many Singaporeans including the Chinese.


hah, a new NiceGuy account?

Wow, vietnamese are really number one in world on "keyboard warfare", what a shameless, they keep blaming that on others here!

BTw, God bless PDF, keep your strictly rules on responsible members here and cover your kind hands for saving those clone ids viet trolls!

denying again! what a tongue!

Why your viets are too coward to admit the truth? :disagree:

Vietnamese fishermen shot in South China Sea

Malaysia arrests 16 Vietnamese fishermen

Philippines detains 122 Vietnamese fishermen

Indonesia arrested 101 illegal Vietnamese fishermen

Stop coming here on PDF and spreading your lame propaganda to cheat people, nobody give a damn trust in what your viets telling here! People here are not low educated!

East Sea (SCS) is tradition fishing area of Vietnamese Fishermen, they did it from long time in the past. Today with UNCLOS, they don't know about where is correct limit line for 200 miles. It's human mistake and we solved this problem friendly as neighbors countries do.
Greetings Anoynomous user,

That is why I mentioned, most and not all Chinese Singaporeans associate themselves with the mainland China.

For me, its not about interacting with Chinese from the mainland. Interacting can be easily achieved. But we are trying to adapt to their culture, instead of them adapting to our culture, and this really frustrates not only me, but many Singaporeans including the Chinese.


I don't get it. How are Singaporeans being "forced" to adapt to "Chinese" culture? Singapore is an ISLAND. No one can get on it if the government doesn't allow it. Don't want Chinese, kick them out... but be prepared for any negative consequences as a result.
I don't get it. How are Singaporeans being "forced" to adapt to "Chinese" culture? Singapore is an ISLAND. No one can get on it if the government doesn't allow it. Don't want Chinese, kick them out... but be prepared for any negative consequences as a result.

Greetings below_freezing,

We don't want immigrants as a whole, not only Chinese. This matter will be too complicated for you to understand unless you are a local here. The local government is getting more unpopular each day with its policies on immigrants. Well may I ask what kind of consequence will we acquire by kicking them out?

Stooping down on Singapore's size won't help my friend. Its not only an island, but a nation populated with almost 5 million individuals with the 2nd higherst population density in the world. 40% of this population is already dominated by immigrants, and the % is increasing each year.

I won't mention the type of culture here, as it will most probably incite a flame war, and I plan to make this discussion as civil as I can.
It's 2012.

and then what ? Singapore still don't have any kind of weapon of mass destruction
I Google that. And your post shows the first result :lol:

CBU-55 is a fuel air bomb
And you forgot to read this sentence :lol:
=Zabaniya said:
Described as a "the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal,"[1] the device was one of the more powerful conventional weapons designed for warfare.
The contents exploded in a fireball over a 4-acre (16,000 m2) area.
CBU-55 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CBU-55 can burn up a small city like Singapore in few minutes, dude
Greetings below_freezing,

We don't want immigrants as a whole, not only Chinese. This matter will be too complicated for you to understand unless you are a local here. The local government is getting more unpopular each day with its policies on immigrants. Well may I ask what kind of consequence will we acquire by kicking them out?

Stooping down on Singapore's size won't help my friend. Its not only an island, but a nation populated with almost 5 million individuals with the 2nd higherst population density in the world. 40% of this population is already dominated by immigrants, and the % is increasing each year.

I won't mention the type of culture here, as it will most probably incite a flame war, and I plan to make this discussion as civil as I can.

Thanks, appreciate the consideration of your replies on this sensitive topic which I say is quite accurate, getting late so I will reply back when I can

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------

When was it manufactured?

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