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Fear pervades China's Uighurs

Sorry, not Uncle Sam on this one. The brave Uighur freedom fighters (mujaheddin) are funded by the Gulf States and India. Not the USA.

United States funds every single anti-China groups across the world via the NED/CIA. From the "Friends" of cult FLG, the Student for "Free" Tibet, the East Turkurstan Ribiya etc etc. They even gave millions to Palau to settle anti China terrorists in a paradise.

All from your taxes.

I am sure China knows whats going on.
I hope people criticizing Israel for torture against Palestinians will open their eyes against this too ..

Actually there hasn't been a case made out agisnst the Chinese for forcibly moving or creating an environment to move the indigenous population, which is the case with Israel.

A simple read of any decent history book should clear out the confusion.
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where are all those keyword knights calling for destruction of Israel on basis of mistreating Muslims.:sarcastic::sarcastic:
Doesn't the Muslim chauvinism and Muslim helping other Muslims apply to the Uighur's :blink::blink:
Why don't all these keyboard knights bash china for this:what::what:
Or ore they hiding in some Chinese cave:sarcastic::sarcastic:

I wonder how much you know about the Israeli-Palestanian issue, other than "I am in Indian and I must support Israel." You don't have any idea about what it takes to get a building permit in West Bank when you are a Palestanian. The Israeli Govt. can accuse you anytime of being a terrorist and demolish your home. Rachel Corrie, an American, was crushed and killed by an Israeli buldozer while the world stood by and said nothing.

One of the Israeli "Gaza" blockade buster ship was named after her.

Are the Han Chinese removing the Uighurs ? Is it an autonomous issue ?

The Chinese are not removing the population, not creating any issue about the origins of the indigenous population.

Please correct me if I am wrong !
Actually there haven't been a case made out agisnst the Chinese for forcibly moving or creating an environment to move the indigenous population, which is the case with Israel.

A simple read of any decent history book should clear out the confusion.

Ohh really??? I dont see this kind of logic when you guys up in ante against how other countries treat their minorities and stuffs like that..now there is no Muslim suppression and discrimination against Muslims i suppose?such a hypocrites :disagree:
I wonder how much you know about the Israeli-Palestanian issue, other than "I am in Indian and I must support Israel." You don't have any idea about what it takes to get a building permit in West Bank when you are a Palestanian. The Israeli Govt. can accuse you anytime of being a terrorist and demolish your home. Rachel Corrie, an American, was crushed and killed by an Israeli buldozer while the world stood by and said nothing.

One of the Israeli "Gaza" blockade buster ship was named after her.

Are the Han Chinese removing the Uighurs ? Is it an autonomous issue ?

The Chinese are not removing the population, not creating any issue about the origins of the indigenous population.

Please correct me if I am wrong !

That is correct.

Several different ethnic groups have HISTORICALLY lived on the land, the oldest being DIRECT descendants of Chinese. The Uyghurs are a late comer, actually they formed by cultural, language and relgious factors. Before them there were the Hans, Mongols, Huis, Khazaks, etc.
Speaking of the devil, Bharat has committed Racial Genocide on over 350,000 Chinese people living in India. IT'S TIME TO OWN UP TO YOUR PAST CRIMES!!!
Speaking of the devil, Bharat has committed Racial Genocide on over 350,000 Chinese people living in India. IT'S TIME TO OWN UP TO YOUR PAST CRIMES!!!

ohh pluuseee atleast once in your like stick to the topic ..
Ohh really??? I dont see this kind of logic when you guys up in ante against how other countries treat their minorities and stuffs like that..now there is no Muslim suppression and discrimination against Muslims i suppose?such a hypocrites :disagree:

In West Bank there is one Car tag for Arabs and one for settlers. The IDs clearly identifies whether you are Jewish settler or not. There are roads only to be traveled by Cars with certain Jewish Tags.

In West Bank you could be an Arab visiting a friend in next town, only to wait for hours in scorching Sun at a checkpoint while the Jewish settlers zoom by. An ambulance may have to wait to get a clearance from Israeli Army before it is allowed to travel carrying a Palestinian patient waiting to receive Emergency Treatment.

Let me ask you, at what point you say enough is enough in light of what Rabindranath Tagore said ?
I sincerely hope you guys can come to Urumqi.:welcome:
You may talk to the local Uighurs and experience the daily life here.
Then you decide what is the truth.
Chinese is not the new comers in Xinjiang。

this place had been incorporated in the empire since the time of Roma Republic or 2000 years ago. Li Bai, the most famous Chinese poet lived 1400 years ago, burned at what today's Tokmak, Kyrghizstan.

About 100 years after the born of this great poet, Chinese fought a war against the Arabian Empire and finalize the border. The peace after that war re-open the route for trade and cultural exchange between the West and China.
If we can raise in the issue of Kashmiri Muslims, Palestinian Muslims, Indian Muslims, Bosnian Muslims then why should we keep quiet about Uighur Muslims ? China is a close friend of Pakistan but that does not give it a license to kill Muslims. We cannot support persecution of Muslims in Uighuristan that borders Pakistan. We must advice China as a friend to act with restraint we should offer our assistance for peaceful resolution of the problem.

Pakistan cannot afford to impair its Ever Long Lasting Friendship with China as it is Taller than the Himalayas, Deeper than the Pacific Ocean and Larger than the Universe.

President Hu Jintao described the friendship between Pakistan and China as “sweeter than honey”

In addition China is helping Pakistan in Defence, Nuclear and many other Fields especially in Pakistan's problems with India.

I believe during his latest visit to China, General Kiyani assured the Chinese Government of not supporting the Uighur Cause. Earlier General Musharraf while visiting China as Pakistani President guaranteed China that Pakistan would not allow any Uighur Terrorists to operate from Pakistani Territory.
I wonder how much you know about the Israeli-Palestanian issue, other than "I am in Indian and I must support Israel." You don't have any idea about what it takes to get a building permit in West Bank when you are a Palestanian. The Israeli Govt. can accuse you anytime of being a terrorist and demolish your home. Rachel Corrie, an American, was crushed and killed by an Israeli buldozer while the world stood by and said nothing.

One of the Israeli "Gaza" blockade buster ship was named after her.

Are the Han Chinese removing the Uighurs ? Is it an autonomous issue ?

The Chinese are not removing the population, not creating any issue about the origins of the indigenous population.

Please correct me if I am wrong !
YES YOU ARE WRONG:hitwall::hitwall:
Read what i have posted on the Israel-Palestine conflict and then reach conclutions:hitwall::hitwall:
If we can raise in the issue of Kashmiri Muslims, Palestinian Muslims, Indian Muslims, Bosnian Muslims then why should we keep quiet about Uighur Muslims ? China is a close friend of Pakistan but that does not give it a license to kill Muslims. We cannot support persecution of Muslims in Uighuristan that borders Pakistan. We must advice China as a friend to act with restraint we should offer our assistance for peaceful resolution of the problem.

Your logic is too bullshxx

Muslim states always keep slient on Indonesian killing ethnic Chinese, Malaysian government prejudice against ethnic Chinese and Indian.
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