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FC soldier decapitated infront of his son by TTP

This top scum doesn't give a damn to the life of common soldiers and junior officers. To them, they all are canon fodder
Yes I agree.

jawaans in Qatar are being paid 2 lac rupees (£840) for 1 month work in Qatar.

Wonder how much the generals are creaming into their accounts ??
Isn't it a intelligence failure on part of ISI ? I thought that Pakistanis claimed them to be the best intel agency in the world. No doubt it has fair share of achievements under it's belt but such incidents make it rather hard to believe that Pakistani intel agencies are focusing where they should be, maybe ISI needs restructuring , like being turned into an independent centrally administered intelligence agency like RAW
Isn't it an intelligence failure on part of ISI ? I thought that Pakistanis claimed them to be the best intel agency in the world. No doubt it has fair share of achievements under it's belt but such incidents rather make it hard to believe that Pakistani intel agencies are focusing where they should be
They are busy making **** videos for generals.
damn, I thought OP zarb-e-azb wiped these crazies out.. or at least put the fear of god into them...

may the departed RIP

There has been upstick in attacks since Taliban came to power in Afghanistan. I told people to stop cheerleading for that to happen since TTP and Taliban are the same.

We dont need good or bad militant. A militant is a militant and needs to be eliminated. If our intelligence agencies keep on playing these games we will be stuck in the same loop.
Allah ho Akbar! zalim kuttay ttp! faujion ki paidawar faujion keh qabzay keh mamlat ko aagay burhatay howay!!

khanzeer generals kuttay!
Agree and disagree, terrorism in Pakistan is just fundamentally more stronger, society is structured in way which creates room for it, and the geography & politics (Afghanistan), and gun culture is perfect to support it.

Turkey doesn't have a fundamentally extremist society due to the secular leaning so it's easier to counter the narrative and the culture is very different.
What's the most imp factor for insurgency is suport
Coverup for terrorists has started

Abay us becharai FC k bandai ko dafna to do phir cover kar laina

MQM to TTP all survive because they had local support

When support for MQM died in Karachi so its existence in Karachi also died

If TTP is surviving in tribal areas then it is because locals have sympathy with them. It is impossible that locals hate TTP but somehow are is successfully imposing them on the locals
Yeah sure
Locals are taking Americans dollars to keep afghan jihad
Locals ask govt to support afghan Taliban.

There has been upstick in attacks since Taliban came to power in Afghanistan. I told people to stop cheerleading for that to happen since TTP and Taliban are the same.

We dont need good or bad militant. A militant is a militant and needs to be eliminated. If our intelligence agencies keep on playing these games we will be stuck in the same loop.
Problem is Pakistan army not using it stick for Taliban.

Before Taliban you had 10 groups so it was complicated
MQM to TTP all survive because they had local support

When support for MQM died in Karachi so its existence in Karachi also died

If TTP is surviving in tribal areas then it is because locals have sympathy with them. It is impossible that locals hate TTP but somehow are is successfully imposing them on the locals

Way to fix this is to start raiding their houses. Jab inka apna ghar safe nhi ho ga. Than money the are taking is worthless to them. This will stop other to join. Worked everywhere.
Isn't it a intelligence failure on part of ISI ? I thought that Pakistanis claimed them to be the best intel agency in the world.

Who told you that Pakistan Army or ISI is there to serve Pakistan? Their fundamental objective is to protect their institution and the interests of their top brass, which they are doing very effectively, since 1947.
the firepower Pak possesses is more in conventional domain - to counter or thwart a regular army.
the TTP is a completely different beast - something in my opinion - the Pak army hasnt really focussed as much as it should have (COIN)
what are the demands of TTP ultimately?
to have less army in the FATA region
de-merger of FATA and having autonomy
and having implementation of sharia

I think Pak citizenry will agree on the sharia and implementation of islamic law - after all, Pak is based on the islam. that could be a start of de-toxing Pak from other cultures and start of implementation of islamic law - this includes banking, finance etc
Pak Army has more then a decade of experience in fighting a COIN War. The main reason of failure is too much leniency on our part, almost always going to negotiations.

And why should the demands of blood thirsty savages who decapitate people, curb women rights and all kinda disgusting things should be met? We can't just roll over to non state Indian sponsored thugs like that.

Gotta change the collective mindset of people, imo reducing terrorism in the long term falls to federal and provincial governments more than the army
Whole western border is manned by either Military or Paramilitary who both are staffed by Army officers, it's due to higher military staff's incompetence that TTP rises again and again, and according to some, deliberately raised by establishment.

Plus, it's the complete failure of ISI that they fail to pre empt the movement of Taliban from outside to Pakistan.

There has been upstick in attacks since Taliban came to power in Afghanistan. I told people to stop cheerleading for that to happen since TTP and Taliban are the same.

We dont need good or bad militant. A militant is a militant and needs to be eliminated. If our intelligence agencies keep on playing these games we will be stuck in the same loop.
Exactly, All Talibans either Afghan or Pak, are cut from the same cloth, blood thirsty savages.

They only understand the language of force, that's the reason they think millions of times before pulling this same shit with the Iranians.
Who told you that Pakistan Army or ISI is there to serve Pakistan? Their fundamental objective is to protect their institution and the interests of their top brass, which they are doing very effectively, since 1947.
the fundamental problem of the ISI is that it's an institution of the Pakistan army and not the elected Pakistani government. In India , malpractices in institutions like the army is rare. They are kept under check through the constant vigilance of Central government agencies like RAW. The army in india finds it a lot harder to engage in malpractices than their Pakistani counterparts which is a big reason why indian people have so much respect for the army.
It's much stronger in turkey
Bullshit it's stronger in Turkey.

It's a real war in Pakistan. Do you forget the late 2000s chaos in Waziristan? The constant problems with Pakistani Taliban? Lal Masjid?

I'll actually agree with @Areesh here at least partially. They must have at least some support in those areas.
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Exactly, All Talibans either Afghan or Pak, are cut from the same cloth, blood thirsty savages.

They only understand the language of force, that's the reason they think millions of times before pulling this same shit with the Iranians.

You said it perfectly. My blood boils every time I hear about our jawans lose their life. I think it's time, a serious military response needs to be given to turds in Afturdistan! Someone compared this will Israel. I agree, this situation at this point needs to be played like that. Whether Afturdistan or India or anyone, they need to be made clear that we will avenge for every soldier. Our jawans aren't just pieces of meat that anyone can kill them. There's a nuke power behind every one of them. This can't be played with "diplomacy" when the other side is too busy cutting our boys throats!
You said it perfectly. My blood boils every time I hear about our jawans lose their life. I think it's time, a serious military response needs to be given to turds in Afturdistan! Someone compared this will Israel. I agree, this situation at this point needs to be played like that. Whether Afturdistan or India or anyone, they need to be made clear that we will avenge for every soldier. Our jawans aren't just pieces of meat that anyone can kill them. There's a nuke power behind every one of them. This can't be played with "diplomacy" when the other side is too busy cutting our boys throats!
Yes, we should make a norm of pounding them hard for even small disturbances and they will think hundreds of times before pulling something big, we have the capability to do so too.

These bastards open fire from across border, kill our soldiers at Border openings, beheadings, they deserve only the harshest responses.
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