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FC soldier decapitated infront of his son by TTP

Coverup for terrorists has started

Abay us becharai FC k bandai ko dafna to do phir cover kar laina

MQM to TTP all survive because they had local support

When support for MQM died in Karachi so its existence in Karachi also died

If TTP is surviving in tribal areas then it is because locals have sympathy with them. It is impossible that locals hate TTP but somehow are is successfully imposing them on the locals

Exactly, without local support no terrorist organization can exist. See what happened to Punjab based terrorists or even so called punjabi taliban. MQM is also good exemple. But KP and especially ex-FATA people continue to support these terrorists. PTI fanboys blame army on this forum while their leaders give bhatta to TTP terrorists. Not ready to fight them off like ANP did.
TTP is necessary evil for military oepratus to tell the people see we are needed.

Otherwise look at turkey and other countries who they dealth with terrorism and what we did with it
LOC is enough for that purpose. Wrong on all accounts.
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