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FC recovers, Indian made Purified Terephthalic Acid in Panjgoor Balochistan operation.


Try Bing, maybe you will find something that contains the keyword PTA and isn't 15 years old.

Here is the link - Bing

:lol: Article from 1999? Did you even bother to read? Pakistan made a positive list in 1999, a list of goods which India is allowed to export to Pakistan. You can find that list on any Pakistani government trade and industry website, and you ll find Terepthalic Acid on it.

Now if you don't mind please share with us the explosive properties of Terephthalic acid and its salt and how its used in "grenades"! What a joke.


Try Yahoo too

Once you use Bing. :)

Stop tryna act "cool" mate, your two bit propaganda got busted. Don't blame me, should have done your homework.
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Common man why are you blaming land of Angels ? :rofl::rofl::angel:
on topic there are many other proves FC and security forces showed in past of indian Involvement and so fighters claim that idians are funding them ... what's new in that ?
Acids are used as an agent to create different chemical reactions. Can be used to create an explosive device or help create one.

That matters is that it was found in the possession of the terrorists.

The key here is who had the possession of this material, rather than what the material is.
You can use a car to drive your kids to school or use it to blow up a school. It matters who's using this particular agent.

It is called acid, in name. Is an organic solid, non-explosive. Can be used to create thick smoke by burning like most organic compounds. If those terrorist were not going to make a smoke bomb out of it, that may be they were going to make cloths!

I don't get what was the use of a chemical that is produced in 1000 of tonnes in Pakistan itself and is available in commercially that Indian agencies had to provide it.
Acids are used as an agent to create different chemical reactions. Can be used to create an explosive device or help create one.

That matters is that it was found in the possession of the terrorists.

Yeah thats pretty specific!

The key here is who had the possession of this material, rather than what the material is.
You can use a car to drive your kids to school or use it to blow up a school. It matters who's using this particular agent.

PTA is a very commonly produced chemical, several million tonnes of it is produced every year around the world. Pakistan itself produces a lot of it and it is widely used in the cotton and fabric industry. Now the question that needs to be asked is, why on earth would the terrorists need to get a bag of PTA salts (with no known explosive properties mind you), from a Japanese company(yep MCC is Mitsubishi Chemical Company) which manufactures it in India. :woot: Specially when there are hundreds of other chemicals and materials with proven deadly explosive properties, very readily available anywhere in Pakistan. And if they were so persistent on doing a research and somehow magically using PTA to make explosives, they could have just got some from any of the thousands of cotton and fabric factories that are run in Pakistan.

Makes me wonder if the terrorists were tryna make an explosive device or tryna win a Nobel in chemistry!
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everything was propaganda, forced confession etc etc till it was from the horse's mouth itself that surjeet singh was indeed indian agent

So was Sarabajit an 'innocent goat hurdler' who was buried with full military honors.

India and its every inhabitant is our enemy, that is how we ought to deal with them. Only iron cuts iron.
So was Sarabajit an 'innocent goat hurdler' who was buried with full military honors.

India and its every inhabitant is our enemy, that is how we ought to deal with them. Only iron cuts iron.

u mean diamond?
Yeah thats pretty specific!

PTA is a very commonly produced chemical, Pakistan itself produces a lot of it and is used widely in the cotton and fabric industry. Now the question that needs to be asked is, why on earth would the terrorists need to get a bag of PTA salts (with no known explosive properties mind you), from a Japanese company(yep MCC is Mitsubishi Chemical Company) which manufactures it in India. :woot: Specially when there are hundreds of chemicals and materials with proven deadly explosive properties very readily available anywhere in Pakistan. And if they were so persistent on doing a research and somehow magically using PTA to make explosives, they could have just got some from any of the thousands of cotton and fabric factories that are run in Pakistan.

Makes me wonder if the terrorists were tryna make an explosive device or tryna win a Nobel in chemistry!

Pakistan produces PTA or not is not the question

The question is.

How INDIAN produced chemicals ended up in the hands of insurgents in a Pakistani province that borders Afghanistan.
Beating the bush and outdated google/bing/yahoo searches won't get you anywhere.
everything was propaganda, forced confession etc etc till it was from the horse's mouth itself that surjeet singh was indeed indian agent

They even don't believe him.....
u mean diamond?

Whatever we can afford to. This enemy needs to be hit and hit where it hurts the most. Indians are wired to be Pakistan haters, there no fix to that. Nor we should try to fix it. Indian generals are admitting carrying out clandestine ops in Pakistan, American Defense Sec has exposed their war on our people. This war will only end when the battle is taken inside their 'dhotis'.
Pakistan produces PTA or not is not the question

The question is.

How INDIAN produced chemicals ended up in the hands of insurgents in a Pakistani province that borders Afghanistan.
Beating the bush and outdated google/bing/yahoo searches won't get you anywhere.

There is only one logical answer to this, that it didn't. Just planted there by the FC as usual, use the Indian bogey. Its all fair game, I don't have any issue with it, but as long as we have the freedom of speech on this forum, I ll take the liberty to counter it.

And please, none of the information I posted here is outdated. Am not trying to convince you either, just putting the relevant information out there for the people to make their own informed judgement.
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Its not funny eh. When educated people fall for this kinda propaganda, can you imagine the impact this sorta news would have on naive gullible illiterate minds.

You are an Indian, therefore you will never admit guilt. Regardless of how much proofs are provided, how much evidence is given, you won't change your thinking as hating my people is embedded in you by default.

You have proved nothing with your wild google searches and desprate 15 year old articles. You are the enemy of my people and what you need to know is that we will hit you back, expect us and don't be surprised when that happens.

There is only one logical answer to this, that it didn't. Just planted there by the Rangers as usual, use the Indian bogey. Its all fair game, I don't have any issue with it, but as long as we have the freedom of speech on this forum, I ll take the liberty to counter it.

First of all there are NO Rangers there. That explains how educated you are on that subject. Of Course an Indian will say that it was planted, why ain't we surprised at that answer, it had to be that way because that is the only logic and Indian can come up with because he doesn't want to admit guilt of waging war on my people and trying to destroy our way of life.

They even don't believe him.....

Surjeet singh was a 'traitor' for he spoke the truth. The sooner Pakistanis admit and make peace with the fact that India is our mortal and eternal enemy, we will never be able to get to grips with their flip flops.
There is only one logical answer to this, that it didn't. Just planted there by the Rangers as usual, use the Indian bogey. Its all fair game, I don't have any issue with it, but as long as we have the freedom of speech on this forum, I ll take the liberty to counter it.

And please, none of the information I posted here is outdated. Am not trying to convince you either, just putting the relevant information out there for the people to make their own informed judgement.

surjeet singh was bogey man too?
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