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FC recovers, Indian made Purified Terephthalic Acid in Panjgoor Balochistan operation.


BLF is highly trained in aspects of insurgency warfare, courtesy to some of our 'friends'.

Why Urea and Nitrogen based fertilizers are used to grow wheat and sugarcane but can also be used to make a pressure cooker IED?
Because nitrogen based organic compounds are generally very good explosives. No comparison. PTA would make a bad explosive even compared to common items like flour.

There are many ways to either blow up a pipe, using a V-shaped charge. You don't need massive explosive force to punch into a pipeline, the gas does the rest.

There are liquids that can be used for blowing up planes to carry out terrorist acts. They are using 'chemical agents' that can be mixed into creating enough explosive force to punch a hole in a pipeline or to create havoc in a plane.

A Look at the Threat of Terrorists Using Liquid Explosives to Saturate Clothes for Stealthier Attacks | Security Management

I didn't ask about grains and all, its an unrelated post.

Point is when they have much more effective, easier ways to blow things up why would they want to use made in India PTA. Few quick points,

- PTA cannot be used as an explosive, technically everything is explosible (including the food grain dusts), doesn't mean they can be used as explosives. You can get it to explode in lab conditions, but that doesn't mean you can replicate that just where ever you want.

-PTA is produced and very easily available in Pakistan, makes no sense for them to specifically use Japanese PTA made at its Indian plant.

- Indian made PTA is legally exported to Pakistan and is on the positive bilateral trade list.

-There are other much more potent chemicals and explosives available in Pakistan which the terrorists group very commonly use. No known use of PTA to make bombs or cause explosions anywhere in the world, except for controlled explosion in labs.

I rest my case.
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Point is when they have much more effective, easier ways to blow things up why would they want to use made in India PTA.

- PTA cannot be used as an explosive, technically everything is explosible (including the food grain dusts), doesn't mean they can used as explosives. You can get it to explode in lab conditions, but that doesn't mean you can replicate that just where ever you want.

-PTA is produced and very commonly available in Pakistan, makes no sense for them to specifically use Japanese PTA made it at its Indian plant.

- India made PTA is legally exported to Pakistan and is on the positive bilateral trade list.

-There are other much more potent chemicals and explosives available in Pakistan which the terrorists group very commonly use. No known use of PTA to make bombs or cause explosions anywhere in the world, except for controlled explosions in labs.

I rest my case.

Point is when they have much more effective, easier ways to blow things up why would they want to use made in India PTA. Few quick points,

- PTA cannot be used as an explosive, technically everything is explosible (including the food grain dusts), doesn't mean they can be used as explosives. You can get it to explode in lab conditions, but that doesn't mean you can replicate that just where ever you want.

-PTA is produced and very easily available in Pakistan, makes no sense for them to specifically use Japanese PTA made at its Indian plant.

- Indian made PTA is legally exported to Pakistan and is on the positive bilateral trade list.

-There are other much more potent chemicals and explosives available in Pakistan which the terrorists group very commonly use. No known use of PTA to make bombs or cause explosions anywhere in the world, except for controlled explosion in labs.

I rest my case.

You are just repeating what you have been saying earlier. You rest with your story of Pakistanis 'planting' the material to blame the innocent Indians.

Case rested in peace!

Because nitrogen based organic compounds are generally very good explosives. No comparison. PTA would make a bad explosive even compared to common items like flour.

I have explained before how small devices are enough to punch through gas pipelines, using low explosive reactions and a v shaped charged.

Pakistan has been cracking down on Urea and Nitrogen fertilizer supplies into sensitive areas for years now. It is likely that the insurgents are using low explosives to attack pipelines. Which they regularly blow up, distrupting gas supplies to millions of people.

What's next? FC recovers India made iodized NaCl? Oh come on, at least make an effort so that it looks believable. :lol:

If you have nothing to contribute, why not just zip it?
You are just repeating what you have been saying earlier. You rest with your story of Pakistanis 'planting' the material to blame the innocent Indians.

Case rested in peace!

Yeah I thought i would sum it up for everyone.

And that highlighted part was in reply to your question that "what were the the Baloch militants doing with a bag of Indian made PTA?" Anyways as they say in Punjabi, mitti pao :enjoy:
Yeah I thought i would sum it up for everyone.

And that highlighted part was in reply to your question that "what were the the Baloch militants doing with a bag of Indian made PTA?" Anyways as they say in Punjabi, mitti pao :enjoy:

For you, not for us.
I have explained before how small devices are enough to punch through gas pipelines, using low explosive reactions and a v shaped charged.

Pakistan has been cracking down on Urea and Nitrogen fertilizer supplies into sensitive areas for years now. It is likely that the insurgents are using low explosives to attack pipelines. Which they regularly blow up, distrupting gas supplies to millions of people.
You missed the point. As an explosive PTA ranks below flour. means a laboratory explosive under controlled condition. not useful outside. not even as low explosive.
This thread is a serious failed troll propaganda by overtly hyperactive mod. PTA used for bombs, gimme a break!!!

PTA is legally exported by India and can land in pakistanis hand from anywhere. This is nothing sensitive. You can easily get far more explosives in pakistan than PTA and thats too Indian. :lol:
You missed the point. As an explosive PTA ranks below flour. means a laboratory explosive under controlled condition. not useful outside. not even as low explosive.

Not when these are used as agents to create a reaction to accelerate explosiveness of another substance. Liquid explosives i mentioned earlier are taken from every day innocent looking items.
Not when these are used as agents to create a reaction to accelerate explosiveness of another substance. Liquid explosives i mentioned earlier are taken from every day innocent looking items.

Than I will ask again, why not flour, sugar etc. They have easier availability. Are easier to set on fire, have better enthalpy. What benefits does PTA offers over them?
Guess the Pakistanis are onto us now :(

they now know that we intend to smoke them to death.
Than I will ask again, why not flour, sugar etc. They have easier availability. Are easier to set on fire, have better enthalpy. What benefits does PTA offers over them?

The reason we are not discussing flour and so on is because that isn't the substance that has been found.

Guess the Pakistanis are onto us now :(

they now know that we intend to smoke them to death.

Some in bollywood want to drown us with their pee :D
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