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FATA Situation

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There are still conflicting reports of the death of that bastard however today i was watching express news channel and they were quoting that he is indeed dead. Lets just hope and pray that they are correct in their reporting.


This apparently is my 1st post and it was quite intresting reading all the views, especially on FATA situation. I feel there is one point missing in the link and that is the connection with not just neighboring countries but beyond that. How Pakistan is closely linked to whats going on in the Arab World, with Jerusalem as the centre? Where do we sit in the global game? Haven't we become subservient slaves to the aims of the few crippled minds? Crippled cus they only serve the dark side and we in turn them. And now they are talking about making a new Pakistan cus the old one has already been rotten (said by no other but a Retd. General on GEO). Ironically we were witnessing maps of Pakistan circulated on net where Baluchistan and NWFP are no longer there leaving Sindh and Punjab representing Pakistan. Is it a coincidence that Zardari and Nawaz Sharif have gotten together in the name of impreachment? While half of the country is burning, brothers dying, sisters molested...

And all the while our Nation's Men, were busy playing Fiddle to the Diddle. If we dont wake up now, we will only have ourselves to blame for.

Good Luck and Peace Brothers!:pakistan:
Any suggestion for waking up ???

Any soultion ???

This is where most run short. Easy said then done. Everybody is aware that we need to wake up but how, all seems to step shot to answer it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

PARACHINAR: Twenty-three more persons were killed including 16 extremists and 28 others injured as clashes between the rival Bangash and Turi tribesmen continued in various parts of the Kurram Agency for the 11th straight day.

Sources said that fighting continued in rival tribes for the eleventh straight day while clashes were intensified after arrival of more extremists in the troubled areas. The militants have set Araoli Saidanoon village ablaze.

Three villages were set on fire within last 24-hour while missiles, rocket and artillery were being used in ongoing fighting.

Leader of Turi tribe, Ali Akbar Turi has demanded to the government not to act as a silent spectator and launch a immediate operation against the militants.

He said government should take strict action against the elements who have violated the agreement by coming from other areas to fight in Kurram Agency.

Akbar Turi further said that security forces were fighting in other areas while in Kurram Agency they have left the people alone to fight militants.

According to sources, 23 persons were killed and 28 others injured in various parts of the agency in fighting.
This is where most run short. Easy said then done. Everybody is aware that we need to wake up but how, all seems to step shot to answer it.

I think if you want to do anything, you have to start from a stable and safe condition. Let the operation complete.
If it is successful(Insha Allah), then there is a need to concentrate on developing infrastructure(roads, water and electricity) and means of earning a living. A lot of these people may not have any skills. Why not start training institutes to train them in a particular craft and then once the factory is completed give him a job there. support them with a stipend in the mean while.
Next should be health. Establish basic health units, employing doctors on rotation from Peshawar and perhaps Islammabad. If enough facilities are provided , it should be possible to do that.
Education should come next . I would suggest starting from Nursery and concentrating on basic education. Adult literacy programmes should be on incentive basis,( for eg if you have basic adult literacy certificate--yr 6 level) you get a higher level of pay.
obviously a lot of this needs concerted and continuous effort. It would need honesty to a certain level.
If half the aid promised can be utilized in Tribal areas and Baluchistan, we will have no problems in the next decade and have a developed and structured society.
My 2 Paisas worth lest I be called short on ideas.:agree::lol::D
PS: does anybody know how much of a drug problem we have in the tribal areas.
That was long overdue!

FC kill 15 Taliban in Kurram Agency

August 21, 2008
ISLAMABAD/KURRAM AGENCY: The Frontier Corps (FC) has killed about 15 Taliban in Kurram Agency in an operation. The FC was directed to launch the operation after all efforts for ceasefire between warring factions in the agency failed, said a press release issued by the Interior Ministry here on Wednesday. The statement said a jirga from Hangu was dispatched to Kurram Agency to establish ceasefire between the warring factions. However, both sides violated the ceasefire and the FC was directed to establish the writ of the government.

Adviser on Interior Rehman Malik is closely monitoring the situation in Kurram. The press release said that on Tuesday night, between 300 to 400 Taliban militants attacked an FC post at Matak. The troops repelled the attack, inflicting heavy casualties on the militants. Meanwhile, the jirga has sought more time to bring peace in Kurram Agency. Online reported that the toll in Wednesday’s fighting was 21 killed and 35 injured as clashes between the rival Bangash and Toori tribesmen continued in various parts of the agency for the 14th consecutive day. staff report/online
Khyber tribesmen kill four Taliban

August 21, 2008
BARA: Four local Taliban were killed and another was injured in a clash between tribesmen and militants in Khyber Agency’s Bara tehsil on Wednesday. The clash, in which heavy weapons were used, erupted when the tribesmen tried to stop a car carrying Taliban militants in the Malik Dinkhel area. The militants opened fire at the tribesmen, who retaliated with rocket fire and killed four Taliban and injured one. qazi rauf
Some interesting tidbits of information about how effective the military campaign has been in Bajaur, gleaned by a journalist visiting some of the areas there.

This correspondent on Sunday visited Bajaur Agency’s troubled spots including Seway, where the militants headquarters was located and a so-called Islamic court had been established, Chopatra, the hometown of militants’ commander Maulana Faqir Mohammad, Badan village, the hometown of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Maulvi Omar, and several other places, which were once the strongholds of the Taliban fighters and where their armed men were once publicly checking vehicles at roadside checkpoints.

But amazingly, the entire region is now presenting a deserted look and there are no militants on the roadside checkpoints and their famous camps. Majority of them have reportedly gone underground and shifted to their hideouts in upper parts of Mamond and Salarzai subdivisions.

In their Seway Markaz, around two dozen militants armed with AK-47 assault rifles and G-III automatic guns which they claimed to have snatched from the paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) personnel near Loisam a week ago, were seen guarding the building and checking vehicles.

However, when two military gunship choppers appeared in the air from Bajaur’s headquarters Khar, the armed militants present around Seway Markaz became scared and started escaping into the dense maize crops.

Militants also suggested to this correspondent to flee and hide in the maize crop fields and under the shadow of dense trees. This practice of hide and seek took place several times and the militants said they had no solution for choppers and warplanes.

The militants admitted that they had suffered heavy losses due to choppers and warplanes and now the thundering voice of gunship choppers created panic in the hearts of many of their colleagues.
Four die in Bajaur as militants desert their strongholds
^^^seek and destroy. we should keep it up!
I just saw on ARY oneworld news that 2 afghan soldiers were arrested in khurram agency, one of them was called Musa Khan. This shows evidence of medling from across the fontier in pakistan's internal matters.
I just saw on ARY oneworld news that 2 afghan soldiers were arrested in khurram agency, one of them was called Musa Khan. This shows evidence of medling from across the fontier in pakistan's internal matters.

Yes that is. In Kurram Agency as soon as the situation worsend in Pakistan in FATA, Afghanistan's Karzai Government in collaboration with India is arming one group their with weapons and money.

Intrestingly when Pakistani people from Kurram travel through Afghanistan the Karzai govt with help of Indian support kidnappes the passangers and blam it on Taliban. They then send the army and recover them and also claim that they had killed 50 100 Taliban to recover the Pakistanis.

In this way they show that they are more concerned about them as compare to Pakistan and hence create hatred against their own country.

About 3 months back when i talked to the Political Agent of Kurram Agency he said that Afghanistan and elements withing Afghanistan were providing weapons to the two sides which had flared up the violence.
About 3 months back when i talked to the Political Agent of Kurram Agency he said that Afghanistan and elements withing Afghanistan were providing weapons to the two sides which had flared up the violence.

Of course its 'not in NATO's mandate', along with strong action against the drug and weapons trade, to act against GoA assets destabilizing Pakistan. :rolleyes:

Quite a 'selective' mandate that, it just happens to do absolutely nothing to address Pakistani concerns emanating from Afghanistan.
During the occupation of Afghanistan the opium production capacity has increased. And remember Karzai and his corrupt goverment officials are the only ones who benefit from this because his brother is the biggest drug lord in Afghanistan. And with all that dirt money karzai has, the situation in FATA is bound to get worse.

EDITORIAL (August 22 2008): In the past also, the Kurrum Agency never had more than tenuous sectarian harmony, but of late the entire region has been turned into a virtual battlefield by the warring Sunni and Shia tribes. The sectarian-based warfare is raging across the entire region, resulting in large-scale killings on both sides.

With Tall-Parachinar road rendered a 'no-go' area for over six months now, the local people are facing acute shortages of food, medicines and other daily needs, triggering exodus of non-combatant population to Kohat and its adjoining area. As if this tragic turn of events was not bad enough, the Taliban have joined the fray with its specialisation of suicide bombing.

Early this week, they not only struck at the family members of a slain local Shia leader gathered at the gate of the Dera Ismail Khan main hospital killing some 32, including half a dozen policemen and injuring many more, but had the audacity to own the crime. Within hours of committing the ghastly crime a spokesman of the Tehrik-I Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed full responsibility for it.

Meanwhile, blood-letting has continued in the troubled Kurrum Agency area; according to latest reports 37 persons were killed in fresh clashes between the Bangash and Tori tribesmen on Wednesday - the day the tribesmen were supposed to have surrendered to the 72-hour ultimatum given by PM's Advisor on Interior, Rehman Malik.

Confusion as how to handle the Kurrum Agency sectarian problem prevails, as was evident from the discussion on the floor of the National Assembly when the issue of the murderous incident at the D I Khan hospital came up on Wednesday.

While the treasury member from the neighbouring district of Bakkhar, Rashid Akbar Khan, accused the government of being negligent and opposition member Sheikh Waqas Akram alleged that the agencies know of the elements involved in the killings, the Advisor hinted at involvement of the proverbial foreign hand. However, he promised stern action against the miscreants now that his 72-hour ultimatum has lapsed.

The Shia-Sunni sectarian strife is not something new in South Asia, but the governments of the day have managed the problem by employing a combination of law-enforcement and persuasive role of community leadership. One would recall President Zia-ul-Haq's prompt arrival in Peshawar to attend the funeral rites of Allama Arif Hussaini which helped defuse the sectarian tension, albeit temporarily, that had begun building up in the wake of Shia leader's murder.

But now that the sectarian strife in Kurrum Agency has persisted with deadly aftermath, that level of engagement by the federal government is not in evidence. What we have seen is low-level interventions by local officials and comings and goings of peace jirgas, which have so far failed to secure durable peace between the warring tribes. To think that his 72-hour ultimatum would restore peace in Kurrum Agency, the Interior Advisor Rehman Malik must be in some kind of trance.

The open involvement of the TTP in the Shia-Sunni sectarian conflict is too dangerous a development to be tackled by force alone. It can spread throughout the country and involve large segments of population. Undoubtedly, if allowed to fester it would tempt foreign involvement also.

It is therefore imperative that the sectarian strife now bleeding the Kurrum Agency be handled with care and commitment; not by use of force alone. Most importantly, the government should involve the country's top religious leaders representing both the Sunni and Shia schools of thought and political parties having religious agendas in creating bridges of understanding and coexistence between the warring tribes.

The sectarian tension in Kurrum Agency draws sustenance, unlike the foreigners-infested Talibanisation, from a very large number of local people. May be the foreigners too are getting involved now but essentially this is a local phenomenon, and should be handled accordingly.

That hate-mongers on both sides of the sectarian divide have begun calling the shots is an unfortunate situation but before it gets out of hand, the peaceful sections of the two groups should be encouraged to come forward and take charge. May be the option of sending in Frontier Corps will succeed but it would be only a temporary solution of the problem. This should be the last resort, only after the options of dialogue and peace parleys have been fully exhausted.

Islamabad - Pakistani security forces said on Friday they had killed 16 pro-Taliban militants in Pakistan's restive North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) that borders Afghanistan, officials said.

The fighting erupted when the government forces stopped a suspected vehicle carrying militants at Sour bridge checkpoint in Hangu district, some 90 kilometers south of NWFP capital Peshawar.

"One individual got down from the vehicle and started moving towards the checkpost," the army claimed in statement.

He was cautioned to stop and on refusal was fired upon and then exploded. It is believed he was rigged with explosives.

The remaining people sitting in the vehicle, meanwhile, opened fire on the troops. During the exchange of fire, the vehicle also exploded.

"It is believed that the explosion took place as another suicide bomber was sitting inside the vehicle," the statement said. One militant has been apprehended.

Initial investigations revealed that both the suicide bombers were of foreign origin. (dpa)
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