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Fascinating Chinese document surfaces, with insights into how PLA reads Indian strategic mind

Indians can not even compare themselves with Bangladeshis or Nigerians. Indians losing all their jobs to sub saharan africans is the funniest thing of all. India will definitely break up and end up in civil war soon. Blame game for Indias failure will spread like wildfire. Meanwhile China is only country to have V shaped recovery from Covid while India is in the dark ages lol
India will be a Brahmin class super power.

The tradition of building up your opponent before taking it down always works.

India's growth must be propagated till 2025.
the title of this thread should be

PLA: india is a third class chootia!
In essence thats actually what the assessment on India summarizes to.
The Indian trolll just wrote a fake title over this thread claiming things the video never actually said or even suggested
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