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Fascinating Chinese document surfaces, with insights into how PLA reads Indian strategic mind

Big deal, in 2003 your economy was exactly the same level as India's is today. EVen then you were a member of this forum. Even then you were boasting about being equal to America. ANway now your growth has slumped and companies are freeing your country. So you will never match America anyway.

India not only has slumped growth, it has negative growth. In 2003, $3 trillion is worth more than it is now, and it is only comparable if India grows at the same rate as China did for the next 18 years. It won't.

The very fact that you have to mention America is proof that China is a competitor. Nobody mentions India except to compare with Cote D'Ivoire and Nigeria in hunger.
the title of this thread should be

PLA: india is a third class chootia!
Sure a billion poor people are better than a wealthy country where everyone is many times better. Which is why Singapore is the backwater of the world isn't it?
Singapore may well be a backwater, if run by majority Indians.

Lee Kuan Yew on Race
I have said this on many a previous occasion: that had the mix in Singapore been different, had it been 75% Indians, 15% Malays and the rest Chinese, it would not have worked.
Because they believe in the politics of contention, of opposition.

Debate on President’s Address, March 1st, 1985
Singapore may well be a backwater, if run by majority Indians.

Lee Kuan Yew on Race
I have said this on many a previous occasion: that had the mix in Singapore been different, had it been 75% Indians, 15% Malays and the rest Chinese, it would not have worked.
Because they believe in the politics of contention, of opposition.

Debate on President’s Address, March 1st, 1985

with 100% chinese, china was a dumphole for most of 20th century. So no....race is no factor
Indians in 1990s: India Superpower by 2020
Indians in 2000s: India Superpower by 2020
Indians in 2020: India Superpower by 2030
India not only has slumped growth, it has negative growth. In 2003, $3 trillion is worth more than it is now, and it is only comparable if India grows at the same rate as China did for the next 18 years. It won't.

The very fact that you have to mention America is proof that China is a competitor. Nobody mentions India except to compare with Cote D'Ivoire and Nigeria in hunger.

your entire economy is destroyed. If you can still blabber about being great economy while being in the gutters then you accuse others of doing it. You fudge numbers to hide it, but the world knows how to add.
😂This clearly shows how Iron Biraadar sees Pakistan vis India and the region. Quite different from fanboys who think of the parity between India-Pak militarily.
with 100% chinese, china was a dumphole for most of 20th century. So no....race is no factor
No empire last forever.
Hundred years of humilation last century is but a BLIP in the ups and down during the thousands of years history of China.
But people who were perpetually COLONIZED and ENSLAVED by foreigners would not understand this.

October 27, 2020

China’s Inexorable Rise to Superpower Is History Repeating Itself

The country looks like a latecomer to Americans and other Westerners—but from its own perspective, this is a restoration.
Lol!!! India was supposed to be a supa dupa poopa in 2020....

2020 was the year India was supposed to become a superpower. Instead, it got left behind

To make matters worse, the government has failed to acknowledge the enormity of the crisis.

“Seldom does one, in these troubled times, see such a lucid marshaling of facts and figures to bolster the thesis that India is mere two decades away from super-power status,” wrote The Times of India.

The book supercharged Kalam’s popularity, already riding high after the 1998 nuclear tests. He was even elected president. Even today, homilies delivered by Kalam – or sometimes falsely attributed to him – float around as motivational Whatsapp forwards.

By a mile
The only problem in this is that Kalam was completely off the mark. India is not a superpower in 2020. Far from it, in fact. When it comes to the quality of life it provides to its citizens, India still languishes somewhere at the bottom. And, as if to really underline just how inaccurate this prediction was, the year 2020 itself has been a disaster for India.

So, here are the ten reasons why India will not become a superpower:

Extremism, both 1. Leftwing and 2. Rightwing

The political elite, which has transformed India’s political parties into family organizations. Because of this, 3. Public institutions such as universities, the police and the judiciary have deteriorated and 4. Democratic openness is victim to corruption.

5. The increasing gap between rich and poor. Witness Mukesh Ambani's 27-floor house for his five-member family in Mumbai

6. Disastrous damage to the environment. Lack of regulation or corporate responsibility means water supplies are at risk, people are breathing poisonous air. Irretrievable damage to health and resources continues and no one is accountable.

7. The apathy of the media. The media has essentially been co-opted by the government and corporations. Many journalists even re-trained as financial analysts in the 1990s.

8. No long-term policy. The political chaos that accompanies a pluralist system makes it difficult to form stable long-term policy.

Territorial instability in 9. The northeast and 10. The northwest of the country. Three of India’s 28 states are struggling for independence.

In the words of Ramachandra Guha: "There are too many fault lines in our society to be a superpower. As a historian I say: ‘We are not prepared’, as an Indian citizen I say: ‘We should not even attempt to’.”

If it’s any consolation, Guha argues that India shouldn’t even want to be a superpower. Instead of throwing its weight around like other superpowers it should try to put its pluralistic values into action at the international level.
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No empire last forever.
Hundred years of humilation last century is but a BLIP in the ups and down during the thousands of years history of China.
But people who were perpetually COLONIZED and ENSLAVED by foreigners would not understand this.

October 27, 2020

China’s Inexorable Rise to Superpower Is History Repeating Itself

The country looks like a latecomer to Americans and other Westerners—but from its own perspective, this is a restoration.

We don't care about your theorizing or your sob stories about humiliation and whatnot. Pass those down as grandmom tales.

What we want to know is:
a) What is your use in helping us achieve our objectives
b) What reources, manpower are you capabale of putting in that will help us achieve our objectives

You settle your scores with history your problem. What we need to know is how people are going to help us in our objectives. If you are capable of playing a role, then we can look at working out a deal. Else we will deal with people who are immensely more succesful that you are (America & Europe)
India is definitely going to be a super power within the next 20-40 years, but a first class power like the Soviets and USA, I very much doubt that. I even doubt China will make it that big, both nations (India & China) are in troubling neighborhoods, whereas USA has a sea to its east and west, and friendly neighbor to the north (which is pretty much an extension of it) and a subservient neighbor down south...
Strange, how easily this First World class powa received two beatings from two nuclear powers in two years in February 2019 and June 2020 respectively.
your entire economy is destroyed. If you can still blabber about being great economy while being in the gutters then you accuse others of doing it. You fudge numbers to hide it, but the world knows how to add.

Lmao ok I guess copium is legal in India.
India is actually going down. Power is how much influence you can put on other nations. India used to be a regional power but their losing influence to China. Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and many other countries in SEA are doing business and allying with China. Now they don't project much influence on the region.
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